All posts filed under: Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Healing

Did you know that each individual crystal has meanings and different properties? Or that there are plants which are the basic components of many of our medicines? Alternative types of Spiritual healing are becoming more and more popular nowadays. If you did not know where to start to get to know these ancient or newly discovered methods, you are just on the right site now. Open your mind and read our articles in the theme of spiritual healing to gain gain insight where to start healing yourself and who to contact with your further questions!

Do you want to see clearly? Are you ready to face the truth? Go to and get all the answers you need! Be it a psychic reading, tarot card reading, dream interpretation through dream meaning, a love horoscope or a consultation with a psychic in the theme of spiritual healing, you won’t be disappointed and left clueless!

If you believe in the magical power of the tarot card, ask for a tarot card reading; get a psychic reading using a dream dictionary if you dreamt about something you can’t really interpret. Sign up to the best hub of psychic experts,!

Psychic tip of Leelahel: How to reach your goals in 2017?

Leelahel My name is Leelahel and I am going to give you some advice on how to reach your goals and how to make 2017 the best year ever! 2017 is well over the first half of its month already. Are you still trying to figure out a plan for 2017? Resolutions have a tendency to bite the dust after the first couple of weeks, but you can always count on Oranum to be present and give you some sense of direction. Remember: We have clarity! You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic for FREE now! A small ritual to make your day How about a small ritual to help reach your goals and add some zest to what already may be a regular practice? Let’s get started with your morning cup of coffee or tea. Swirl your hand clockwise three times over the cup and say, “I am the tool, you are the fire. Fill this cup with all I desire.” After setting your desired intention for the day, drink up! No …

The Seven Chakra: A Map to Consciousness

Seven chakras – a template for happiness The meditation that the psychic community is associated with is a meditation that comes from the Hindu tradition. Empaths focus on the opening of the seven chakras, while psychics focus on maintaining their balance. In this life, our chakra system serves as a template for happiness and spiritual transformation. Only after opening the seven chakras through meditation can an empath become a psychic. Another way to look at the seven chakras is to see it as a roadmap to connect to consciousness (in Buddhist terms). Looking for an answer? Look up a psychic today and get the support you need! A short description of the Chakras: 1. Root Chakra It is is located at the base of the spine. This red chakra governs the material world, it is the force that binds energy into form, and creates the density that we experience as the physical world. Its element is the Earth and it represents our survival instinct for life. When aroused and open we no longer fear anything …

Best Places to Meditate

Where to meditate? Let us provide three tips for you! Meditation will help you to get over hard times and uplift your energy level anyways but if you have the option and practice it in an amazing environment, like the ones listed below, the positive effects are doubled for sure.  Nasir-al-Mulk Mosque    This beautiful shrine situated in Shiraz, Iran, was ready to be used in 1888 during the reign of the Qaja dynasty (1785-1925) and was constructed under the order of Mirza Hansan Ali Nasir al Molk in 1876. The mosque is still in use today and protected by the Nasir al Mulk’s Endowment Foundation. Obtain all the useful and hidden information from your psyche with the help of a Genuine Psychic! The particularity of this building is the used colored glass in its façade as well as the colorful array of painted geometric tiles on its walls. There are also traditional elements such as iwan arches and a central fountain used for ablutions. Iwan arches are rectangular halls or spaces usually vaulted walled …

Nature Offers Nurture

Grounding In today’s modern world, many of us do not find the time to interact with the grounding and stabilizing energy of nature. From the belief that Earthing (or grounding) can help improve your health by reconnecting with the earth’s energy, up to and including Nature worship, our connection with Nature is undeniable.With our technology laden lives we forget that we *still* have more in common with nature than we do the metal and plastic devices we allow such control over our us. “It’s the beauty that thrills me with wonder, It’s the stillness that fills me with peace.”                                                             -Spell of the Yukon, Robert W. Service If you are in need of an honest reading with a psychic, visit Start chatting now for FREE! Effects of urbanization The world’s population has been becoming increasingly urban. The United Nations reports that since 2009 there are more of us living in urban centers than in rural areas for the first time in human history. An amazing 54% of the world’s population now lives in the city, essentially …

Stressed or angry? – 4 easy calming techniques

Our lifestyle has changed so much in the past 100 years With the constant improvement of technology, nowadays we have the chance to live a much easier life than our parents did. However, our life is only “easier” in the sense that we don’t have to do as much physical work as the earlier generations did and we enjoy far greater comfort. On the other hand, we cannot hide the fact that our society is more stressed, faces negativities such as depression, anxiety and anger. The root of these uncomfortable feelings lies within nowadays’ modern lifestyle as well. If you believe the truth can come closer and faster to you than you’d ever thought, contact a psychic for FREE! While our grandparents possesed an inherent wisdom how to handle these unpleasant feelings we must learn calming techniques to be able to overcome bad periods or to control them. Naturally we also have to mention that the amount of stress we need to deal with in general has been increasing too but you can always enter …

Meditation – a practical guide for Everyone

A practical guide for Everyone Meditation should indeed be a practice for everyone. It is an exercise that essentially balances the mental and emotional state of mind. This can lead to physical and psychological well-being, or both when the two are intrinsically linked. Obtain hidden information from your psyche with the help of a psychic! Medication vs. Meditation   A neuroscientist, Willoughby Britton, gave a TED Talk on a recent development called contemplative science (ex: the scientific and empirical studies on meditation) which combines the evidence in science, medicine, and meditation together to prove the link between attention, mental habit, and happiness. She basically says that meditation is better than medication because meditation actually changes and reprograms your brain when medication cannot. Medication, such as antipsychotic drugs, have been shown to not treat psychological conditions at all, but only hinder the condition. So, if someone is bipolar and they take medication for it, they won’t stop being bi-polar. They have to remain on medication for the rest of their lives. Well, this is what the doctors …

Boost your Energy Level with Chakra Colors

Colors of your chakras in focus In this article we would like to closely focus on the chakra colors, as that will provide you with a useful guide and valuable knowledge on how to harmonize the areas that need to be balanced. The seven major chakras are each linked to a particular color. The chakra colors are significant to the way each chakra is understood. They are akin to the colors of the rainbow; starting from red and ending with violet. Each of the chakra colors reveal the positive characteristics of the particular chakra when it is balanced, and the negative effects and characteristics when it is not balanced. This article will reveal the different chakra colors that are associated with each energy centers and the effects of each as they affect us physically, emotionally and spiritually. A psychic can give you the authentic reading you’ve always longed for. Look one up at Oranum today! Chakra colors – Base (Root): Root Chakra This chakra is represented by the color red. It is located at the …

Art of Scrying – an enthralling experience

What is Scrying? Scrying is documented as far back as 3000 BC. It is heavily referenced in mythology & folklore and is said to be the art of gazing into a shiny object, usually a crystal ball or mirror to psychically perceive messages, pictures & symbols that can be translated as guidance either for the reader or for someone else. Other methods of scrying include looking into the flames of a fire or candle, using the reflection of water, pouring coloured substances into water or even staring at the steam coming from a pot or a kettle. If you are in need of an honest reading with a Gifted and Talented online Psychic, visit Start chatting now for FREE! How does it work? The psychic or seer stares at their object of choice with their physical eyes & they will have visions that trigger clairvoyance, either physically within the object or more commonly within their third eye. Are you looking for some tips on how to open your 3rd eye? I am here to …

Find your Partner! Candle Ritual Series,II

So Many Choices – Candle Ritual! We have already provided a brief introduction about candle magic in one our previous blog posts in this topic. Nevertheless as the topic itself is amazingly abundant we wished to grab the opportunity and create a series devoted to the undiscovered world of candles. First of all it is necessary to get familiar with the variations of candle shapes so later on you will know exactly which one supports certain goals the best. If you are in need of an honest reading with a Gifted and Talented online Psychic, visit Start chatting now for FREE! Different types of candles The very first thing we should understand about candles when beginning to work with them, is the different kinds there are! There are many to choose from, but here you will learn the ones most commonly used with Candle Magic. From as simple as my own creation of a button candle to as complex as a specificalyy shaped candle. But there are so many more than what I have …

Meet TOP Psychic Zellie

Hello my dear Friend, My name is Zellie. I am a born psychic, highly sensitive, TV psychic. I am also Reiki-master and practitioner.  My guidance and advice is based on realistic life experience and knowledge. That combined with my psychic ability gives you a solid foundation to go on, or to make life changing decisions more easy and made me top psychic of Oranum. A clairvoyant is not ‘all-voyant’, there is a distinguish difference. If you provide me some basic information, I can the ability to give you that extra insight on your situation and alter the outcome. Join me in my chatroom for an online video chat to learn more about this. I can give you support and have your back while you stay the master designer of your own life, and coach you through your personal life situation. As a top psychic, I can give you that little bit more understanding of your loved ones, your business relations, etc. so your communication gets better, and you will have a smoother and easier way …