All posts tagged: Astrology


Love expands freedom

Freedom – stop the storm Love expands freedom. Authentic love helps the other to evolve, to overcome their limits, to enrich their experience, and to know themselves in depth. True love does not limit, does not put barriers, and does not create prisons. Unconditional love is a great power! Love is the fragrance of your being. If you feel that you have failed in love, please, do not blame love itself. Be as lucid as you can and see what your responsibility is. Perhaps you had some expectations or certain claims, requests you never expressed. It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! In some relationships, the arguing always start from the same partner. The other is the one who manages to stop the storm. It is possible for both of them to have problems expressing their feelings, but together they are able to make sure each other is okay. Sometimes it’s good to let go of yourself and accept certain things from your partner, just to make the …

Sun Mercury conjunction

What’s on the sky today?

Sun Mercury conjunction On the 13th of December Sun Mercury conjunction happens on the 21°of Sagittarius. Mercury is the planet governing our intellect, minds, our way of learning and communication. The Sun is associated with the self and its expression, our conscious ego, vitality and our creative force. The meetings between the two planets stimulate mental activity, they are favorable for discussions and debates, getting a more comprehensive insight, meeting new people, travelling. Looking for an answer? Look up a psychic today and get the support you need! However  if you want to make the most of this transit you need to take in consideration the following facts: Mercury is in detriment in Sagittarius and also is in its retrograde phase. The exact conjunctions between Sun and Mercury mean that Sun „combusts” Mercury. Thus your capacity for reason may be diminished by the powerful rays of the Sun. This is a very important point because in the sign of the Archer, the logical, analytical Mercury is  overwhelmed by ideals, ideologies and beliefs. While this position …

Top Spiritual advisor

Top Psychic of the week: LoveDrNikki

Top Spiritual Advisor – Celtic heritage LoveDrNikki, is a Master Tarot Reader and Top Spiritual Advisor.  As a clairvoyant (she sees), clairsentient (she knows), clairaudient (she hears), medium, empath and intuitive her gifts derive from her mother’s Celtic heritage and her father’s Native American bloodline. Born with her gifts connected and unlocked, LoveDrNikki knew she was different by the age of three.  By the time she was five she was playing card guess parlor games for family and friends. At 13, she began her professional reading career as a psychic.  LoveDrNikki’s gifts were enhanced by the two near death experiences she had in her teens. You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic now! LoveDrNikki holds Doctoral degrees in Divinity and Theology (emphasis in divinatory practices) from the University of Esoterica.  She has trained in a wide variety of divinatory practices including, but not limited to, tarot, crystals, runes, stones, oracle cards, western and eastern astrology, dream analysis, palmistry, and spiritual connections.  Her words say it best: “As one of Oranum’s featured psychics, it …

One card readings

One Card Readings – more Confusion than Clarity?

One card readings I’m quite often asked by my visitors to draw a message card for them. Being very much aware that one card readings create more confusion than clarity, I’m reluctant to do so. Certainly Tarot readers pick so-called significator cards during a reading. However this first draw is quickly clarified afterwards by spreads containing more cards. The practice of drawing a daily card for ourselves is also popular and not only among the professional Tarot readers. Obtain hidden information from your psyche with the help of a psychic! I’ve been doing it from the beginning of the Nineties, when I started my Tarot studies. It helps me a lot to get tuned on the energies of a new day. I would feel extremely uncomfortable if I had to start my day without it. But – what a difference – my daily card is clarified afterwards by a seven-card spread. This shows me the adjustment I need to make on an emotional, intellectual level, the actions I need to take so that I can …

jinxing ritual

Be prepared to the next Psychic Ritual

Jinxing ritual – Gabstar I would like to showcase the jinxing ritual ritual on the December 6th and then on December 20th. I will speak of, and show how to perform an uncrossing/un-jinxing ritual. Here I will show the candles that are used for this type of work, and what should be inscribed on the candle for the ritual. In private chat, I will show the client what type of oils, herbs, crystals and prayers to use with this type of ritual. Also, the next type of candle they should burn. Get over your issues by participating in an effective Psychic ritual An uncrossing/un-jinxing ritual is simply where we use herbs, oils, crystals and candles along with prayers to remove the blockages placed in all areas of your life. This type of ritual will reverse and remove all black magic spells, along with simple energy blockages/psychic debris, or gunk placed in someone’s aura and or chakras. jinxing ritual – immediate improvement Once an uncrossing is done, a Client usually sees forward movement in all areas of …

featured psychic online

Meet the Featured Psychics of the week

Featured psychic online – Zeus1976 I am Zeus, the Spirit’s whisperer… Aged 40 and been a Psychic since the early age of 14… North African of origin, a Berber descendant, living in the UK. Speak 4 languages and have traveled extensively to understand my gift and find my path. I am not your typical featured psychic online you may say, very straight forward readings and direct answers is what I praise myself on! I connect directly to my clients and find the true root of their problems, empowering them to find the right solutions / actions in order to restore balance and bliss in their lives. My abilities are unique and quite humbling so, please, be prepared to be taken to another dimension when in a private reading with me! I can guarantee all the results of my work no matter how tough the situation is; very high accuracy and time frames are always spot on! I do also many ceremonies and rituals to alleviate any stress, black magic or blockages! I am an excellent …


Ink-blot readings

Ink-blot – The origins “The origin of the ink-blot is around the 14th and 15th century and was created to stimulate the imagination, expressed by Boticelli and Leonardo Da Vinci. At the end of the 19th century it was used by Rorchach, psychiatrist and neurologist, to create the personality test known all around the world as “the psychodiagnostic”. It was created to allow us to familiarize ourselves with the mains lines of temper of the human being, to find out the affective troubles and their nature and origins. Get a Psychic reading to get closer to the truth! In 1920, Luce Vidi, a very famous psychic, created the divinatory symbols with ink-blots! She’s the major master of this topic. Then in the 90´s another psychic (also a painter) appeared called Uma Mukanda (1946-2009) who made ink-blots more famous and more available to the European world. The ink-blot technique, consists of throwing 3, 7, or 13 blots on a blank page and then letting your intuition guide you to the interpretation. The interpretation must be very personal …

Moon Eris conjunction

Special event: Be prepared for Moon Eris conjunction

Moon Eris conjunction – new approaches The Moon Eris conjunction of 29th November between the hypersensitive Moon, discontented Eris and the unpredictable Uranus in the sign of the adrenaline junkie Aries is a wild card. At its best the stress and volatility indicated by this transit will promote self assertive attitude and new approach allowing you to face succesfully the challenges. This will bring positive changes in your life. The dwarf planet Eris was discovered in 2005. Initially it was named Xena, after the popular TV -hero, the warrior princess. Its name was changed later changed to Eris (Discordia). The daughter of Nyx, the godess of the dark night and the sister of the warrior god Mars was the godess of discord and strife in Greco – Roman mythology. As such she was equally unpopular among gods and humans. The attempt to ignore her lead ultimately to the Trojan War. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic! However Eris belongs to the powerful archetype of the warrior godesses and represents …

Top Master Psychic

Top Psychic of the week – EnergyMastery

Top Master Psychic – energy clearing I am natural born psychic healer. I am also clairvoyant, telepathic and as a top master psychic, I am very powerful in remote influencing and fully qualified and certified in energy clearing. I have been helping clients professionally now for 15 years and have helped thousands of clients across the globe achieve their true desires and goals. A psychic can give you the exact insight you need. Chat with an expert today! My speciality and what I am extremely skilled in is Soul Clearings! Where I find the root issues which are causing problems for you in health, love, money, spiritual matters, family issues, mental and emotional state and so much more! Basically that means any issue you have we can find the root issue and remove it energetically thus allowing you to thrive in the areas you have been suffering in and still are. This clearing technique which is deeply profound allows you to be able to reach your full potential, allowing you to live a much more …


Why dreams are so important?

Dreams – subconscious processes Every spiritual tradition attributes significance to dreams. Science, in spite of extensive research not being able to provide a sufficient explanation as to why we dream, still recognizes their importance. Even if we don’t understand the subconscious processes behind them, dreams are very beneficial as they give insight into our body, mind, and spirit. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic! Dreams are crucial to our emotional and mental health. They can give us tools by which we solve problems, deal with emotions, or discover and develop our creative potential. They can help us realize important things about our relationships and this will enable us to distinguish between the nourishing ones and the energy-drainers. Quite often our dreams give hints or even clear visions about the future. (Such experiences cannot always be labelled as ‘psychic’ or ESP. Many times the dream brings into focus certain details of our lives which we don’t know we knew, as they completely skip our attention while we are awake. Also, there can be …