All posts tagged: Astrology

Thanksgiving day

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

Thanksgiving Day – different ways Thanksgiving! The word conjures up mental images of traditional foods and treats only enjoyed at special times, blended with convivial company with family and friends.  Celebrated in many different ways in many countries, here in the United States, Thanksgiving day is a festivity dedicated to giving thanks for the blessings the Pilgrims received in their new land.  Individually, many take this holiday as a time to be thankful for the blessings received throughout the past year. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true reading from a psychic! Holding the distinction of being both a religious (being thankful to your Higher Power, and expressing that thanks), and secular (celebrating the day in commemoration of the Pilgrims) holiday, Thanksgiving is simply that; a day in which to give thanks.  It is no mistake that Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated in the fall season when the bounty of Mother Earth has been harvested and put aside against the want of winter. You can look at Thanksgiving Day in …

powerful psychic rituals

Are you ready for the next Psychic Ritual sessions?

Powerful Psychic rituals – Sensei Dates of my powerful psychic rituals: 25th of November and 2nd of December Greeting my friends, I invite you to have the Aura healing and it is crucial to have as you always interact everyday, constantly with the energy of people, situation and your environment. We absorb these energies. Therefore it is important that we protect and clean our aura so that it wont harbor unwanted energies. I provide a powerful ritual that will give you strong and real awareness of the present time, I will work with candle and with proper invocation of Archangel Metatron (that will clear the aura) Archangel Michael (that will protect the aura)  and Archangel Raguel (that will harmonize the aura with anyone and anything). You will benefit on personal level as you will feel more vibrant, happy and more balanced with your self in the daily interactions. I will have an intro ritual in free chat in which I will prepare your, you don’t need to bring anything with you, but just a comfortable seat, light robes …

featured online psychic

Featured Psychics of the week

Featured online psychic – Pathfinder How have I become a featured online psychic? Well, I have always been interested in tarot cards, but it didn’t start as a means to predict outcomes. At first, tarot cards were simply interesting. The lovely pictures, the insightful messages, it just seemed like a fun way to pass the time. Over time and with practice, I learned that there was more to the cards. I would pull cards for myself and be shocked at just how clearly it showed my circumstance. I pulled for others and could see that it had the same impact. The skeptic in me told me that it was just a coincidence. Surely, no deck of cards could tell the future! But my work, the testimonies I’ve received, and the personal impact tarot has had on my life has made me a believer. There was a reason that I was drawn to the deck. I have a gift, and I feel fulfilled when I share it with others. Looking for an answer? Look up a …

positive mindset

How to purify your karma?

Karma – The origins The notion of „ karma ” originates from Asian religions (Hinduism, Buddhism) and it refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual (cause) influence the future of that individual (effect). Although karma is a very real form of energy, not a philosophical abstract concept, karmic interrelations are not always easy to be identified as they can be rooted in the past lives of the individuals. According to the Asian belief systems, rebirths are strongly related to karma: good deeds bring happiness and abundance in your new life while bad deeds bring further suffering. Certainly, karma can play out in our present lives too. Sometimes the relationship between your attitude of the past and your present circumstances is obvious: if you treated people nicely, in the majority of the cases they will return our kindness in future. You can also witness that selfishness, arrogance, and greediness bring only short term benefits. Looking for an answer? Look up a psychic today and get the support …

Moon Mars conjunction

Close approach of the Moon and Mars

Moon Mars conjunction – necessary adjustments The Moon Mars conjunction occurs in Libra, the sign of relationships, partnerships, beauty, fairness, and balance on the 15th of November. It indicates an emotionally highly charged day which can play out in moodiness, irritation, temper – tantrums. At its best it makes you sensitive enough to perceive even the hidden relationship dynamics. Thus you can make significant improvements in your partnerships or associations or you can make the necessary adjustments to attract better ones. The conjunction is an Astrological aspect which brings together the energies of the planets involved. The energies of the emotional, passive, sensitive, introverted Moon and the aggressive, dynamic, competitive Mars doesn’t mix very well. Additionally Mars is in detriment in the sign of Libra, which adds a passive – agressive , manipulative tone to its manifestations. From the other hand, the lunar intuition stirred up by the martian energy can spot easier all those things you swept under the carpet to make work even a disfunctional relationship. Both planets are moving towards challenging aspects with Pluto …

Top weekly psychic

Top Psychic of the week – Morrdor

Top Weekly Psychic – How can I help you? Some people believe you already agreed to come to Planet Earth and you were warned beforehand, that sometimes things happen, which are not nice, but you still chose to come. To love all manner of things, not just people, is your choice. As a top weekly psychic I believe and experience that people in general, at some point, may need assistance with the finer emotions. My connections, which are diverse and many, make helping others a natural step for me. Firstly, as child, the urge to guide and help the dead, was stronger than the fear & pain that sometimes accompanied their arrival.  It is not just the living who seek assistance. Initially, for me training started with the departed suddenly arriving in my life, always unannounced and sometimes frantic. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true psychic reading!  It never crossed my mind to speak of these very unusual happenings. I suppose, as a child, I understood exactly, but did …

meditation guide

About meditation and a short guide to meditation

Meditation guide – mental practices Meditation refers to a whole variety of mental practices designed to promote relaxation, the building of a superior inner life force and the development of compassion, love, patience, generosity, and forgiveness. My meditation guide will help you to successfully combat the harmful effects of everyday stress and induce a state of inner peace. The advantages of this relaxation technique are that no special equipment is required and it can be put into practice anywhere, including during a walk in the park. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true psychic reading!  Nowadays, meditation is not so much associated with paranormal activities, but rather being used to relax and mitigate the effects of stress in modern life. The main benefit of meditation is that it offers you a state of calmness, peace and balance, all essential ingredients for iron health. There are several meditation techniques. Personally, I learned an old technique from my mother, I can quickly describe it to you in just a few words. First …


Psychic Rituals in the next 2 weeks

Online Rituals – Airland Dates of my rituals: 10th and 17th of November In the free chat I will introduce the members into the violet flame meditation. I will guide them through a violet temple using my Amethists where they get to walk into a healing violet flame which cleanses their soul of geopathic patterns, negativity and gives them strength. In the privates I would like to offer three different rituals. The first one is the extension of the violet flame meditation where I scan the costumer using the violet flame accompanied by Archangel Zadikiel (the angel of the violet flame). From head to toe. This transforms negative energy to positive and cleanses all the chakras. This one is good in case you suffer from negativity exposed from other people or within yourself. The second one is cutting etheric cords with Archangel Michael. As the guardian and protector of humans there is an effective meditation you can do that cuts away cords of negativity from one or more persons in your life. This meditation is very …

Featured Psychics online

Oranum’s Featured Psychics

Featured Psychics Online – Firemagus Erick is a Reiki Master, empath, eclectic magician, and a Tarot card reader. He specializes in energy healing, spell-working (love, luck, prosperity & protection), intuitive counseling and guidance on all areas of life. He has achieved masters level in various Reiki healing modalities such as Usui Reiki, Kundalini Reiki and Practical Reiki™, trained and attuned by renowned Reiki Master-Teachers, Alice Langholt and Ole Gabrielsen. He is now among the featured psychics online. Erick has studied many western magical systems and esoteric traditions including Hermeticism, Ceremonial Magic, Witchcraft, Chaos Magic and Enochian Magic. His other areas of interest include Astral Travel, Talismanic Magic, Crystal Healing and Tarot Divination. He advocates the use of magic as a tool for self-empowerment and spiritual growth and is passionate about teaching the practical use of this skill. You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic now! He runs an independent healing practice and is a certified instructor for Practical Reiki™ — a modern energy healing technique taught to over 800 people and practiced regularly by nurses as well. Featured Psychics Online – PsychicLunaStar …

choosing partner

Choosing a partner…

Choosing partner – desire  The idea of love can be shattered, when after being married, things do not go according to the Prince and Princess rules. There is a certain energy when choosing partner and in the beginning of all relationships, where both parties are experiencing intrigue and excitement about their partners. The desire to know a person sexually, but also fear of being trapped with a partner, who does not match up to their expectations, after marriage. Any relationship can quickly turn to feelings of being let down, or trapped. The general preparation of an outfit before a date seems so important in the beginning. Just choosing correctly can leave a person standing in front of the mirror wondering, which is the best thing to wear? I am sure nobody thinks in two years time, I will not even be bothered, if my partner likes what I am wearing or not. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true psychic reading!  The excitement can quickly disappear from a relationship, if you …