
Close approach of the Moon and Mars

Moon Mars conjunction

Moon Mars conjunction – necessary adjustments

The Moon Mars conjunction occurs in Libra, the sign of relationships, partnerships, beauty, fairness, and balance on the 15th of November. It indicates an emotionally highly charged day which can play out in moodiness, irritation, temper – tantrums. At its best it makes you sensitive enough to perceive even the hidden relationship dynamics. Thus you can make significant improvements in your partnerships or associations or you can make the necessary adjustments to attract better ones.

The conjunction is an Astrological aspect which brings together the energies of the planets involved. The energies of the emotional, passive, sensitive, introverted Moon and the aggressive, dynamic, competitive Mars doesn’t mix very well. Additionally Mars is in detriment in the sign of Libra, which adds a passive – agressive , manipulative tone to its manifestations. From the other hand, the lunar intuition stirred up by the martian energy can spot easier all those things you swept under the carpet to make work even a disfunctional relationship.

Moon Mars conjunction

Both planets are moving towards challenging aspects with Pluto (square) and Uranus (opposition). While Mars will reach the Pluto square only on the 19th November and the Uranus opposition on the 1st of December, Moon, the quicker moving planet will meet them soon after separating from Mars. This means that through the synchronicities (significant coincidences) of the coming two days we can anticipate the necessary adjustments, transformations and changes of directions these aspects indicate. Separations and endings may also be necessary.

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Moon Mars conjunction – only the uncertain is certain

The coming days can be erratic, when things can be blown out of proportions, situations may run out of control, taking unexpected turns. Volatility prevails, only the uncertain is certain.While the Mars – Moon conjunction can boost up your self confidence enabling you to end some toxic relationships, it may also prone you to get involved in unnecessary arguments. The heated up disputes can damage valorous partnerships and they can lead to sudden endings.

At its best the unpredictability may stimulate your ability to react spontaneously. You may adopt a new approach, free of preconceptions and prejudices, and these new perspectives will open new ways. You may re-evaluate your existing relationships, your social interactions and the role you play in them. This may bring significant improvements in future. An Astro – Tarot reading will help you make the best of this potent but volatile transit.

Moon mars conjunction

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