All posts tagged: energy tendencies

Sensitive to energy

Signs that show You Are Sensitive to Energy

It is possible for people to be highly sensitive to energy around them. We all are at some level. However, there are some who are far more sensitive than most. They are capable of picking up even the slightest signals and auras that surround us. But, how do you know if you’re such a person? Well, there are certain signs to keep an eye out for. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms on a daily basis, it’s possible that you might be highly sensitive to energy. Let’s take a look at some of those signs. You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic right now! You’re Highly Empathetic You have the unique ability to pick up a person’s energy as soon as they walk into the room. You can tell, with the utmost ease, whether they’re upset or happy. Being an empath makes you a first responder of sorts. You are there to immediately offer a crying shoulder or some form of support. You can feel their emotions as if they were your …


Halloween and the Stars – October 31, 2019

The History of Halloween Halloween, our modern holiday of fun, treats, decorations and parties has its roots in ancient Celtic culture. During the Celtic Festival of Samhain (31 October-November 1) celebrants would mark the beginning of the winter season with gifts of food placed outside of their homes to appease the souls of the departed or beings of Spirit, to prevent the Spirits playing tricks on the people within. Samhain was a time of celebration and connection. The harvests were in, and it was time to celebrate before the cold of winter set on. The costumes that have become such an integral part of the modern Halloween party are rooted in this celebration from the distant past. The Celts celebrated the day by lighting bonfires, feasting, and celebrating. To hide from the ghosts and spirits at large, celebrants wore disguises and costumes to confuse them. Connect with one of our experienced and talented psychics now! The name of the holiday distinctly reflects the later Christian influence.  For Christians, the First of November is the holy day, …

Clearing past karma

Clearing Past Karma – Tips for you

Clearing past karma – the idea of karma The idea of “karma” is often misrepresented. Many people interpret it as “do good and good will happen” or “do bad and bad will happen.” However, this is an erroneous and simplistic interpretation of the karmic concept. And clearing past karma is an even more compound topic. Karma is an Indian concept that simply discusses the idea of cause and effect. It is the belief that all actions have consequences and reactions. So, in a way, the interpretation above is true. However, things aren’t all that easy. Even if you did do good, people can still do bad things to you. In fact, bad things can happen for no logical reason. Karma isn’t just limited to actions. It also applies to thoughts and words. So, the big question now is – how can we keep our karma good? Also, how do we get rid of past negative karma? Well, here are a few tips to help you out. These tips will help you clear out all your …

It is Halloween!

Halloween It is Halloween! In many countries throughout the world children (and adults) will be celebrating the day, but what exactly are they celebrating?  Of course, children are celebrating that free candy from going “trick or treating”, but why do we engage in these customs at all? The roots of the holiday lie deep within our spiritual roots, Halloween is a holiday of religious importance.  Known by numerous names including All Hallows Eve (which is the root of our “Halloween”), All Saints Eve and Samhain the holiday goes back to ancient times. Get a free trial for a psychic reading to get closer to the truth! For Christians it is a day to celebrate those who have passed. Loved ones and saints are remembered with candles, prayers, and offerings. It is a day of mourning and celebration of the Saints named by the Church.  It is a day of contemplation and spiritual connection.  In order to celebrate the day without its pagan context, Christian schools and organizations hold “harvest festivals” with treats, games, prizes and …

Independence Day

July 4th – Independence Day – It’s Not Just for America

Independence Day – celebration It’s July 4th, United States’ Independence Day. A day when Americans celebrate with picnics, cook-outs, barbeques, family reunions, camping, back yard get-togethers, and, oh yeah, the all important fireworks. All this done in recognition of the day when the founding fathers declared their independence from a distant power. With parades, parties in the park, grand shows of fireworks, readings of the Declaration in Town Squares and more, Americans celebrate their Independence Day. However, Independence Day need not be a holiday just celebrated by America as a country. It is a great day to turn into a day of declaring independence yourself. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic now! There is a difference between independence and being alone. Independence – based on a simple Google serach – is defined as “free from outside control; not depending on another’s authority”.  Being independent means you are able to choose to stand alone if that is your desire. Hence, through your independence you are strong in yourself and your …

Tarot structure

Tarot – prediction and destiny

TAROT STRUCTURE, PREDICTION AND DESTINY The tarot  has very long history and originates from the Torah. The magic of the tarot has captivated devotees and their clients from the times of the Pharaos so it is as old as the Holy Christian Bible. Tarot structure has stood the test of time and maintained its appeal to a wide range of people because it can be read in so many different ways. It has such depth, wisdom, experience and common sense, that it can relate and apply to every single one of us. This is because it is based on or is the basis of all of philosophy, religious doctrines, psychology, numerology, the entire wealth of human experience and the laws of God. We can study it throughout our entire life. Equally we can pick it up and click instantly. TAROT STRUCTURE ITSELF The MAJOR Arcana consists of all of our life role models. MINOR arcana consists of hearts, wands, swords and pentacles. HEARTS = issues of love, WANDS = ideas, SWORDS = challenges, PENTACLES = finance …

Read Tarot Cards

Tips to have a better Tarot reading

Do you struggle to read Tarot cards for yourself? Trust me, a lot of people do! To read Tarot cards for yourself, the challenge is to get out of your head and get detached from your emotions regarding the matter you have in mind for the reading in order to have an objective point of view. This can be very challenging at a time when feelings run like tidal waves. You get the shakes! But today I am going to offer you some tips for getting the best reading possible done by an Oranum expert. A psychic can give you the exact insight you need! (01) Get familiar with the gifts of each expert. We’re all different! (02) Use the free chat to bond with the expert and to organize your questions before the private chat. (03) Think of a clear, concise question. It is best if you phrase the question according to exactly what you wish to know. Vague questions lead to vague answers, keep that in mind! An example of a question that …


Why dreams are so important?

Dreams – subconscious processes Every spiritual tradition attributes significance to dreams. Science, in spite of extensive research not being able to provide a sufficient explanation as to why we dream, still recognizes their importance. Even if we don’t understand the subconscious processes behind them, dreams are very beneficial as they give insight into our body, mind, and spirit. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic! Dreams are crucial to our emotional and mental health. They can give us tools by which we solve problems, deal with emotions, or discover and develop our creative potential. They can help us realize important things about our relationships and this will enable us to distinguish between the nourishing ones and the energy-drainers. Quite often our dreams give hints or even clear visions about the future. (Such experiences cannot always be labelled as ‘psychic’ or ESP. Many times the dream brings into focus certain details of our lives which we don’t know we knew, as they completely skip our attention while we are awake. Also, there can be …

Thanksgiving day

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

Thanksgiving Day – different ways Thanksgiving! The word conjures up mental images of traditional foods and treats only enjoyed at special times, blended with convivial company with family and friends.  Celebrated in many different ways in many countries, here in the United States, Thanksgiving day is a festivity dedicated to giving thanks for the blessings the Pilgrims received in their new land.  Individually, many take this holiday as a time to be thankful for the blessings received throughout the past year. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true reading from a psychic! Holding the distinction of being both a religious (being thankful to your Higher Power, and expressing that thanks), and secular (celebrating the day in commemoration of the Pilgrims) holiday, Thanksgiving is simply that; a day in which to give thanks.  It is no mistake that Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated in the fall season when the bounty of Mother Earth has been harvested and put aside against the want of winter. You can look at Thanksgiving Day in …

positive mindset

How to purify your karma?

Karma – The origins The notion of „ karma ” originates from Asian religions (Hinduism, Buddhism) and it refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual (cause) influence the future of that individual (effect). Although karma is a very real form of energy, not a philosophical abstract concept, karmic interrelations are not always easy to be identified as they can be rooted in the past lives of the individuals. According to the Asian belief systems, rebirths are strongly related to karma: good deeds bring happiness and abundance in your new life while bad deeds bring further suffering. Certainly, karma can play out in our present lives too. Sometimes the relationship between your attitude of the past and your present circumstances is obvious: if you treated people nicely, in the majority of the cases they will return our kindness in future. You can also witness that selfishness, arrogance, and greediness bring only short term benefits. Looking for an answer? Look up a psychic today and get the support …