All posts tagged: energy

Manifest abundance

How to Manifest Your Dream Life Through an Abundance Mentality

What if we told you that everything you want to achieve is within reach? Well, it is! This is what the Law of Attraction is all about. If you are looking to attract abundance in your life, whether it be through your relationships, work, and/or financial status, it is all possible. The truth is, when you believe that you are worthy and accepting of the things you want most, the universe will work with you to achieve everything. So, how do you get to this point? To manifest abundance will take a lot of changes to your mindset, but it is all possible! Follow these steps to begin achieving your dream life: Manifest abundance – Practice Gratitude The first step to making your wildest ambitions a reality is to be thankful for the wonderful blessings already in your life. It is likely that universe already conspired to give these things. It is important to be grateful for them and thank the cosmos for their divine interventions. The easiest way to accomplish this is to reflect …

Showing Gratitude

Showing Gratitude Raises Vibrations in All Aspects Life

You have probably heard the word “vibrations” being thrown around in the spiritual community. However, do you know what people are referring to? Well, they are describing a combination of thoughts, emotions, energy, and mindset. We often hear the term “having low vibrations,” and “having high vibrations”, or even just “having good vibrations” to describe a certain something being emanated by other people. These terms could also be used to describe ourselves as a person. How does showing gratitude belong here? Having a positive outlook in life is a sign that a person has high vibrations. These people are the ones that tend to attract positive outcomes in their life, simply because their attitudes are geared towards being able to do so. Rather than focusing on negative things, or having low vibrations, their mental energy builds up to become self-sustaining instead of being a source of brain drain. People who operate with a high vibration in life are better able to pursue whatever their higher purpose may be. Higher vibrations also increase our chances of succeeding, …

Energy Vampires

How to Deal with Energy Vampires – Five Strategies for Empaths to Protect Their Energy

Empaths are highly sensitive people that find themselves affected by the volatile energy of those around them. Often thought of as energy sponges, Empaths must work tirelessly to ensure that they are protected from energy vampires or any negativity that crosses their path. Their moods are inextricably attached to the people who they interact with daily. Due to the high-wave frequency that they operate on, they consistently feel exhausted and weak. Social situations like parties and high-intensity workplaces can be stressful for them. However, as an empath, you can bank on certain strategies to protect your energy. How to Shield Yourself Against the Energy Vampires in Your Life? Distance yourself physically – If you begin to feel that the person you are interacting with is draining, find a way to create some distance between you both. If you are at a party, this could be as simple as excusing yourself from the conversation to grab a drink at the bar for a short mental break. If you are in an important business meeting, however, this …

New Galactic Year

The New Galactic Year, Lionsgate, and Setting Intentions

July 26th marked the beginning of the New Galactic Year. If you don’t know what a Galactic Year is there is no need to fret! This occurrence aligns with the Mayan calendar and is based on 13 Moons, each of 28 days, which create a full year cycle of 364 days. This means that July 25 was the 365th day or as some call it “the day out of time.” There is some confusion with the term “Galactic Year” as astronomers also use it to describe a cosmic year, or the time it takes for the Sun to orbit around Milky Way. This event happens only every 225-250 million years and it quite hard to pinpoint as the last time this occurred, dinosaurs were just beginning to roam the planet. While both events are immensely interesting, today we will just be focusing on the Mayan Galactic Year. Turn to renowned online astrologers for immediate and genuine answers! This first month in the new Galactic Year on the Mayan calendar should be dedicated to renewal, metamorphosis, …

Law Of Attraction

Magic is real: How To Use the Law Of Attraction

Do you believe in magic? We are here to tell you that it is in fact, totally real. No, not the kind of magic from childhood fairytales- no witches in front of a huge, steaming cauldron or anything like that. There is real magic in the world. Real magic that you can use anytime to improve your love life, career, finances, or emotional state! That magic is called…. The Law Of Attraction. Boost your love life with the help of genuine and professional online Psychic advisors today! People are often astonished by the power of the Law Of Attraction. By just dedicating a few minutes to it every day, real change begins to materialize.  The central tenets of the Law Of Attraction are personal and cosmic vibrations. Every being resonates with a certain vibration. The Law Of Attraction works like a radio dial, helping you shift your vibrations and thus pulling the things and outcomes you desire closer to you. For example, if you want more success, you’ll resonate with things that bring you success. …

Sensitive to energy

Signs that show You Are Sensitive to Energy

It is possible for people to be highly sensitive to energy around them. We all are at some level. However, there are some who are far more sensitive than most. They are capable of picking up even the slightest signals and auras that surround us. But, how do you know if you’re such a person? Well, there are certain signs to keep an eye out for. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms on a daily basis, it’s possible that you might be highly sensitive to energy. Let’s take a look at some of those signs. You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic right now! You’re Highly Empathetic You have the unique ability to pick up a person’s energy as soon as they walk into the room. You can tell, with the utmost ease, whether they’re upset or happy. Being an empath makes you a first responder of sorts. You are there to immediately offer a crying shoulder or some form of support. You can feel their emotions as if they were your …

New Moon in Taurus

New Moon in Taurus 2020

The new moon in Taurus on the 22nd of April occurs at the 3° of Taurus. New moons mark the beginnings of a 28 day cycle and they are also favorable for fresh starts, especially on the areas of life where they fall on your chart. Finances, values, security, food, possessions, comfort, sensual pleasures are ruled by Taurus, so the current lunation brings in focus these themes. Taurus is associated with all those things (our properties, finances, food) which provide the background for our physical existence. In a larger context it rules the physical world, our senses and sensual pleasures, the things which give us security, stability, our value system, etc. Taurus new moons are generally about launching new projects related to these topics. Under the current lunation the theme of creating stability, securing ourselves, making rewarding investments is more important than usually. Go for a detailed astrology reading and get answers to your questions! New Moon in Taurus – conjunctions The luminaries conjunct Uranus and square Saturn, setting off the Saturn – Uranus square, …

Spring Equinox 2020

Spring Equinox – 2020

The astronomical spring starts on the 20th of March, when the Sun enters Aries. This is also the beginning of the new year in Western Astrology. The tendencies indicated by the spring equinox 2020 chart will prevail until the Sun’s ingress in Libra. Aries is an outgoing, adventurous sign, full of spirit of initiative. Under this influence we are also motivated to start something new, to move ahead. However, for well-known reasons, during this spring inner growth is much more encouraged than outer expansion. The equinox chart is dominated by Capricorn energy: we have  four planets; Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in this earthy sign. This slows down the pace, but it also tempers being hot-headed of the Ram. Patience, persistence, responsibility are further benefits. When there is no way to cope, an astrologer can show you the solution! Spring equinox 2020 – learn The limitations and restrictions imposed due to the pandemic may seem frustrating, but there are many ways to spend your time creatively. The conjunction between Mars, the ruler of Aries and …

2020 a life changing year

Why 2020 is your most important and life changing year, and how to prepare for it?

I have been cautioning many people that Transits are shifts of energy, electromagnetic interaction, and frequency that influence the whole solar system and every part thereof. At the same time however, to believe that cycles compel anyone to be a certain way is a grave mistake. Now, let’s see why 2020 a life changing year. Consult your clairvoyant psychic to find out more about new, unexpected turns or outcomes in your life.  You just need to be forewarned about how to deal with situations, and then act accordingly.  Transits and cycles are like weather forecasts. If you know a storm is coming and the temperature is supposed to drop 20 degrees, and you’re smart, you’re not going to leave the house in shorts and go to the beach. However, this also does not means that life ends there.  You can re-organize your activities by either working from home, postponing those programs that were scheduled for the stormy day, or dress up better and get in an Uber, or take the car.  2020 a life changing year …

Jupiter in Capricorn

Jupiter in Capricorn

Jupiter enters Capricorn on the 2nd of December and it will leave the sign on the 18th of December 2020. This is a significant energy shift, as the planet of luck, expansion, growth, visions, inspirations, beliefs leaves his home, the realm of the optimistic and generous Sagittarius. Grounded, hard -working Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the Cosmic Taskmaster, aka. the Lord of Karma. Quite understandable, that according to traditional Astrology, Jupiter is not particularly happy in this sign, it is in its fall. However, it will still shower you with its gifts, as far as you are willing to complete the hard work required by Saturn. If your efforts are genuine, by the end of this Jupiter in Capricorn period you will build lasting foundations for stable growth. Trouble finding out what your next step should be? Astrologers will guide you the right way on Jupiter in Capricorn impacts your areas of life (houses) falling in this sign. They are the places where you need to focus and to work hard so that you …