All posts tagged: Goal

Mars Moon conjunction

Mars Moon conjunction

Mars Moon conjunction – be aware Do you know anyone stemming from a Mars Moon conjunction? You will know right away once you discover the most telltale signs and traits of a Moon-Mars fighter in someone or maybe even yourself. A Moon-Mars conjunction person’s most revealing positive attributes are not that difficult to detect. They are fearless and fierce warriors, ceaselessly fighting and very effectively defending themselves and others. Especially if others were unjustly hurt, even more so, if push comes to shove. On the other hand, you must be aware that no fight can remain silent, especially so when it’s virtually constant and some might say even the centerpiece of one’s life. Lust, joie de vivre and heroism can seem pretty frightening as well if wrapped in 24/7 raging and rebellious outbreaks of anger. Mars Moon conjunction – suggestions Our initial suggestions? Instead of cooling willpower and will to fight, Moon-Mars people should simply take others more into consideration. Those around them truly appreciate the lionhearted hero, but can easily be burned and alienated …

Master number

Today’s special energy – Number 22

Master Number 22 Number 22 is considered as a Master number and the Master Builder, because it’s one of the most powerful numbers. This number truly has the ability to turn even the greatest dreams into reality. Saying that, this is the effect of Number 22 on several fields of life: You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic now! Love: It’s creating Union and Partnership, and a sense of mutual understanding and compassion in a relationship. This master number also gives a vibration of intense Love and charisma. This number will give you the vibes to express yourself better and in a more diplomatic way to your lover. 22 is a giver. Today you may feel like you would do any kind of sacrifice to make your partner happy and satisfied. On the other hand make sure that there is a balance between giving and taking. Money: This number attracts the manifestation of dreams, so if it’s used the right way, it can attract wealth and abundance. It’s energy resonates with accomplishment and harmony, all …

New Moon in Gemini

New Moon in Gemini

New Moon in Gemini – fresh starts The New Moon in Gemini on the 13th of June occurs at the 22°44′ of the zodiac. New Moons mark the beginnings of a 28 day cycle and they are also favorable for fresh starts, setting new goals, launching new projects – especially on the areas of life where they fall on your chart. Looking for an answer? Look up a psychic today and get the support you need! The sign of Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of mental activity, communication, travel, commerce. It is a transmitter and a receiver of information and knowledge. A new Moon in this sign can be great for starting new studies (courses of foreign languages, marketing, tourism, journalism are recommended), re-branding your image, networking, traveling, contacting your acquaintances, making new friends, socializing, launching advertising campaigns, etc. The current new Moon in Gemini conjuncts five beneficial fixed stars ( Bellatrix, Capella, Phact, Mintaka, El Nath). The impact of Capella is the strongest. According to Vivianne Robson, the author of The Fixed …

Spell casting

Spell casting technique for you

Spell Casting – imagine For the purpose of this simple exercise in creative visualization, think of something you would like. This might be an object you would like to own but can not afford, it may be a situation you would like to experience, or it may be some aspect of your life you would like to improve. To perform this simple spell casting that will help you to reach your goals, you just need to do the following: You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic for now! Make yourself comfortable and proceed to imagine exactly how you will feel when whatever it is you are wishing for has become manifest. Visualize yourself wearing those gorgeous shoes. Imagine how you will feel sitting in that air-conditioned office. Ponder the fun you will be having when you are off on your dream holiday. It doesn’t really matter what it is that you may want, just get it crystal clear in your mind and breathe. As you breathe in and out slowly, count backwards from ten …

Tarot card reading

The benefits of a Tarot card reading

Tarot card reading – know the truth A tarot card reading is one of the most important form of guidance about a situation and making you aware of its detailed information. The Tarot card deck is an important tool used by tarot readers and psychics to help people know the exact situation they are in and also the future. Tarot readings can be done on question based or situation analysis. You can have answers about any kind of questions that is bothering you and bringing you down. It can also help you know the truth about any kind circumstances and a particular life situation. They can provide you an incredible insight about a current problem or situation triggered by your circumstances. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic! Tarot readings not only guide you about your current situation but also provide advice for your future decisions. They not only make you aware about the truth of a situation but also confirm what you already know. Sometimes you know the answers, …


The Meaning of Scents

Scents – mood setters The sense of smell is extremely important, and it is often through the nose that you just “know” they are the right one.  Incense is a mood setter and helps to increase energies.  Many find incense great to use for smudging, while others find it helps set the mood for meditation. Whether you use powered, stick or cones, incense can be a powerful tool in your meditation toolbox.  Also important is the part incense plays in a ritual. From the incense used in the Christian church to that used by the magic practitioner, the use of scents is a powerful part of spiritual practice. While lotus, frankincense, or frankincense and myrrh are all good general scents to use, using the appropriate scent can add depth and power to your ritual or meditation.  However, how do you know the right incense to choose? Obtain hidden information from your psyche with the help of a psychic! Here is a quick look at some of the focuses and the scents that help with them. …

Psychic rituals

Psychic Rituals

AstralPrediction – ritual online Dates of my ritual online: September 29th and October 5th The name of the ritual online I am going to perform is LOVE MONEY HEALTH HEALING It goes like this: This ritual online begins in free chat. Members should give me their date of birth and name. I immediately connect them through my crystal ball and check their AURA to understand what kind of a healing energy and rituals I have to do on them. After this procedure the Members should take me to a private reading for the ritual. And here the complete ritual begins takes place. These rituals strengthen their aura, clean all the chakras by which their energy boosts up. Will bring enthusiasm back into their lives. Clear all mental blocks and make them happy and positive people. All this in turn attracts love, money and health. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic now! No prior preparation is required. You should only light a candle and concentrate. Karael – ritual online Dates of …

They are the featured Psychics of the week

Featured Top Psychics – ChloeSHR ChloeSHR is a gifted Spiritual Medium, among featured top psychics specializing in Twin Flame aka Twin Souls. It is her spiritual mission to help as many people as she can to achieve final reunion. However this is not her only area of gifts. Chloe is an Energy Reader, Healer and a natural born Spiritual Advisor. She has the gifts of Clairaudience (hearing), Clairvoyant (seeing), Clairsentience (clear feeling), Claircognizance (clear knowing), Clairscent (smelling) and sometimes Clairgustance (tasting). Featured top psychics can give you the exact insight you need. Chat with an expert! It has taken her years to realize this is what she should have been doing her whole life. As a child, around the age of 8, she would have spirits visit her and not only see visions, but would even hear them communicating with her. Her visions consisted of people getting hurt, seeing how it happened and what the end result was going to be. They frightened her very much, to the point that she thought she was experiencing hallucinations and nightmares.  So one night she …

Different aspects of Astrology

Planet movements Astrology is an art. An art of understanding the effects of planets and the stars on human kind. Astrology is also a science. A scientific study of the planet’s movements. Astrology helps in avoiding unwanted circumstances in life. Astrology is about the taking corrective measures to make a better tomorrow rather than changing the future. The study of the star and planet movements of the stars helps in predicting their next move and their impact on an individual’s life. Astrology guides us in the field of person’s personality, health, relationship, wealth, job, business and love life, among other things. Interested in your daily or weekly horoscope? Astrology experts will help you! The planets work to help us help ourselves. By applying pressure, the planets help us to overcome inactivity. Other times, they help us to see unproductive or even self-destructive behavior that we may have never noticed before but that we can fix. Astrology facilitates us choices. Choices, which we make to help ourselves. The study of astrology helps us to sort out all …

The Moon at perihelion

Moon at Perihelion, 23rd of August The perihelion of a planet is a point in its orbit where it is closest to the Sun. Moon reaches this point every month around new moon’s time, this month respectively on the 23rd of August at 21:40 CEST/ 19:40 UTC. Perihelions often intensify the planet’s effect on us. Since a very significant solar eclipse took place some days before, on the 21th of August, this is especially true in this case.   Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic now! Eclipses are energetically highly charged new moons. New moons are associated with new beginnings, while eclipses are considered wild cards, which can herald beginnings through endings or poweful starts of new cycles of life. Sometimes we are aware where we need to make adjustments so that we can take things to the next level, sometimes this is not instantly obvious. However, the closeness of the Moon ( subconscious, instincts, emotions, memories, daily routines, etc) to the Sun (awareness, creative powers, our identity, the …