All posts tagged: horoscope

Psychic rituals

Psychic Rituals

AstralPrediction – ritual online Dates of my ritual online: September 29th and October 5th The name of the ritual online I am going to perform is LOVE MONEY HEALTH HEALING It goes like this: This ritual online begins in free chat. Members should give me their date of birth and name. I immediately connect them through my crystal ball and check their AURA to understand what kind of a healing energy and rituals I have to do on them. After this procedure the Members should take me to a private reading for the ritual. And here the complete ritual begins takes place. These rituals strengthen their aura, clean all the chakras by which their energy boosts up. Will bring enthusiasm back into their lives. Clear all mental blocks and make them happy and positive people. All this in turn attracts love, money and health. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic now! No prior preparation is required. You should only light a candle and concentrate. Karael – ritual online Dates of …

Featured Expert Psychics

Featured Psychics

Featured Expert Psychics – PsychicAlex2 I am a clairvoyant psychic distant healer & energy reader. Clarivoyant- from French “clair” meaning “clear” and “voyance” meaning “vision” is the alleged ability to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through extrasensory perception. Truly glad that now I have been chosen as one of Oranum’s featured expert psychics! You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic now! I am a citizen of the world, my religion equals Love, my political view is Oneness. Been working as a psychic for the last 7 years, on Oranum for the last 2. Coming from a long line history of psychic family, born and living in the magical land of Transilvania. I am considering myself to be a restless maximalist, always seeking for perfection in my passion, my job. Being a psychic for me, is not a job, its a lifestyle. Having abilities since all my life, made my childhood to be isolated from others. I was always sensitive to the energies, at times I have lost consciousness …

Loves me, loves me not?!

Love doubts – how do we know? Many people simply do not know, if a person finds them attractive. When moving in a social circle, it can seem like you are in a foreign country and everyone is speaking a different language. The language of love is sometimes spoken directly and other times, it is totally silent. For some people, it is so obvious, that cupid is around, that their mind races ahead to planning the first date and deciding what to wear. There are no love doubts in this case. But what if a normally very confident person is duped, or caught off guard. This is rare to a lot of people, as individually people are not always able to admit, they got a person’s feelings or affections wrong. Energy can be deceptive in the sense, it can stimulate and almost initiate romance in a person through a single glance. A psychic can give you the authentic reading you’ve always longed for. Sometimes a person’s whole persona can set love alarm bells ringing and …

New Moon in Virgo

New Moon – practical matters The New Moon of the 20th of September occurs on the 27° of Virgo. While new moons mark the beginning of a new 28 day cycle, the earthly sign of Virgo is associated with practical matters, daily routines, work, resources, health and generally our relationship with our bodies, pets, etc. This means that the new beginnings heralded by the current new moon will be related in a way or other with these topics. Certainly the areas of life (houses) falling in the sign of Virgo will play a more important role in your life than usually. A psychic can give you the exact insight you need. Chat with an expert today! As the first new moon after the strong solar eclipse of the 21st of August, the current one marks a very important milestone in our development. After an eventful summer (this can mean anything, from the heat of passion, fun, parties to emotional and financial roller-coasters) it is time to cool down and think how to move forward. Making …

Top Psychic of the week: “Mysticmaddia”

Top Psychic – Spiritual coach I am a spiritual coach, medium and psychic. I work closely with spirit guides, angels and energy. I am proficient in using tarot and oracle cards, crystals and pendulums. I channel messages from deceased loved ones. I provide accurate and insightful readings on the past, present and future. I am a love life expert reader, with vast knowledge on the areas of soulmates, twin flames, marriage, divorce and reconciliation. If you believe the truth can come to closer and faster to you than you’d ever thought, contact a psychic now! I provide compassionate readings, with clarity and detail. I channel the higher power and the divine consciousness giving you an accuracy like you’ve never had before. Another special area of my expertise is career and finances. I also have a rare gift called preconception communication. This is when I tune into your aura and see if there is a spirit baby orb. If I see one I telepathically connect into it and provide the conception date, birth date, eye color, birth …

Everything about the „Death Card”!

Death card – Means Death? I get asked this a lot and the simple answer to this is no, it really has nothing to do with death. A better way to explain the death card in tarot would be calling it transformation, a journey between one thing and another as we move on to something else which sometime we don’t like very much or are forced to do because we have no other options left. It can also signify the closure to an issue in na unexpected manner or a way we hadn’t planned or thought of. Obtain hidden information from your psyche with the help of a psychic! It can mean the ending of an events we are not happy about or a situation we are not happy with, or represent the transformation of someone’s character. So you can see already that there is no actual death as such, but a ending or resolution to issue  that have become a problem to us . Facts about the Death card This card simply signifies, in any …

learning tarot

How astrology can help you?

Learning astrology – beginnings I didn’t want to become a spiritual advisor. I started learning astrology in my early twenties after some amazingly accurate chart readings. By the end of the four year school I completed in 1997 (I was 26 years old then), I realized that it was one of the best investments of my life. However, I launched my individual praxis of life coaching much later, some years after my first Saturn return, in 2003. I was aware that before I become the spiritual advisor of other people, I must successfully apply the acquired knowledge to myself and my life. I must first use my Astrological studies to improve the quality of my own life and to raise my own level of awareness. Looking for an answer? Look up a psychic today and get the support you need! The benefits from my studies far exceeded even my wildest expectations. Astrology helped  me to better understand my personality, my motivations, drives, orientation, patterns of behavior, needs, strengths and weaknesses. It also helped me to …

Top Psychic of the week: PsychicCass

Top energy reader – PsychicCass I am an energy reader, relationship expert and spiritual advisor. I use angels and spirit guides, to help bring understanding to your situation. See beyond the worldly perception with the help a clairvoyant! Get the real glimpse of your life on  Energy is a great way to connect with the people who surround you. By using energy I can tap into their emotional state, their feelings and intentions. Energy is also a great way to help you understand the path you are on and where you are heading. Let’s get started today with an energy reading. I will communicate with your angels and spirit guides and guide you to the answers you seek. Being a relationship expert means I feel your energy and energy of those you care about, and translate that energy into words to better guide and serve.  What is that person, feeling or thinking, when will they make contact, is there relationship potential? I can help you find answers to these burning questions with the use of …

Lessons in Love

Love lessons – wrong pattern? The way our heart develops is like any other organ, if it does not receive enough of the necessary things needed in order to make it grow, it will have difficulty coping with things associated with love. These love lessons, examples are normally shown by our parents, but what if the parents are dysfunctional? What if the parents are separated and far too full of their own emotional problems? What if the child is adopted and moved along through various houses of support, but never get to see real love. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic! People like this often watch romantic movies as children and some right into adult life. They take their examples of love, or what love should be like from books and stories with strong hero and heroine characters. This is great for amusement, but when it comes to real life, movies do not give not give a realistic view of life and its pitfalls. Romance can sweep a person …

Full Moon in Pisces

Full Moon report – how will it play out? The full moon of the 6th September occurs at 13° Pisces. Since it follows the total solar eclipse of the 21th of August, it is particularly important. The energies of the current full moon are very strong, but the way they will play out in your life depends on your level of awareness and decisions made by your free will. (Certainly a consultation with an experienced Astro – Tarot reader will help you to get the necessary insight, so don’t hesitate to contact me after you have read this Full Moon report!) You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic now! The full moon in Pisces conjuncts Neptune. (See details about the benefits and the challenges of this alignment in one of my previous posts Close approach of the Moon and Neptune, the 13th of July 2017”. Basically the meeting of the two planets increases your sensitivity and intuition. From the other hand such aspect can distort your view of reality, and promote escapist attitudes …