All posts tagged: horoscope

Top Psychic of the week: DreamDetective

Weekly Top Psychic – 40 years experience I am a world renowned university and TV tested psychic with 40 years of experience. There are 100’s of TV documentary programs made about my psychic powers. I am here on Oranum to give you help and guide you to what your heart desires. I have been on Oranum since the day it started 7 years ago and now I am the weekly top Psychic of the community. I can look into my crystal ball and see the energy of a person’s soul. See beyond the worldly perception with the help a clairvoyant! Get the real glimpse of your life on  I love honesty, accuracy and kindness and always give the best possible in a reading. The day you were born your soul came alive in you. I love to guide you to what your heart desires. Love is the strongest emotion we have and we all deserve the best love in return for the love we share with others. Allow me to guide you to that …

Learning the Tarot – Basic tips

Learning Tarot – methods for you In this article I will teach you some basic tips and methods for learning the tarot for yourself and others. The first thing to note about your new tarot deck when you start learning tarot is that it is made up of three types of cards. These are the major arcana, the minor arcana and the court cards. The major arcana is made up of 22 cards which represent major themes and archetypes we experience in our lives. When these cards come up they represent the influence of the Divine, of Source itself. You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic now! The minor arcana and the court cards are divided according to the four elements, with Pentacles relating to the Earth, Wands to Fire, Swords to Air and Cups to Water. There are ten numbered cards in each suit of the minor arcana and four court cards in each suit; these being the Page, the Knight, the Queen and the King. Minor arcana cards are known as …

They are the featured Psychics of the week

Featured Top Psychics – ChloeSHR ChloeSHR is a gifted Spiritual Medium, among featured top psychics specializing in Twin Flame aka Twin Souls. It is her spiritual mission to help as many people as she can to achieve final reunion. However this is not her only area of gifts. Chloe is an Energy Reader, Healer and a natural born Spiritual Advisor. She has the gifts of Clairaudience (hearing), Clairvoyant (seeing), Clairsentience (clear feeling), Claircognizance (clear knowing), Clairscent (smelling) and sometimes Clairgustance (tasting). Featured top psychics can give you the exact insight you need. Chat with an expert! It has taken her years to realize this is what she should have been doing her whole life. As a child, around the age of 8, she would have spirits visit her and not only see visions, but would even hear them communicating with her. Her visions consisted of people getting hurt, seeing how it happened and what the end result was going to be. They frightened her very much, to the point that she thought she was experiencing hallucinations and nightmares.  So one night she …

Different aspects of Astrology

Planet movements Astrology is an art. An art of understanding the effects of planets and the stars on human kind. Astrology is also a science. A scientific study of the planet’s movements. Astrology helps in avoiding unwanted circumstances in life. Astrology is about the taking corrective measures to make a better tomorrow rather than changing the future. The study of the star and planet movements of the stars helps in predicting their next move and their impact on an individual’s life. Astrology guides us in the field of person’s personality, health, relationship, wealth, job, business and love life, among other things. Interested in your daily or weekly horoscope? Astrology experts will help you! The planets work to help us help ourselves. By applying pressure, the planets help us to overcome inactivity. Other times, they help us to see unproductive or even self-destructive behavior that we may have never noticed before but that we can fix. Astrology facilitates us choices. Choices, which we make to help ourselves. The study of astrology helps us to sort out all …

The Moon at perihelion

Moon at Perihelion, 23rd of August The perihelion of a planet is a point in its orbit where it is closest to the Sun. Moon reaches this point every month around new moon’s time, this month respectively on the 23rd of August at 21:40 CEST/ 19:40 UTC. Perihelions often intensify the planet’s effect on us. Since a very significant solar eclipse took place some days before, on the 21th of August, this is especially true in this case.   Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic now! Eclipses are energetically highly charged new moons. New moons are associated with new beginnings, while eclipses are considered wild cards, which can herald beginnings through endings or poweful starts of new cycles of life. Sometimes we are aware where we need to make adjustments so that we can take things to the next level, sometimes this is not instantly obvious. However, the closeness of the Moon ( subconscious, instincts, emotions, memories, daily routines, etc) to the Sun (awareness, creative powers, our identity, the …

Top Psychic of the week: Celebertylov

Top Psychic medium – Celebertylov As a spiritual transformational top psychic medium, she can see your past present and your future connecting each and every one of you all with your loved ones whom have departed, delivering validation to you that only you would know. Celebertylov can help you with all aspects of your life, nothing is to hard or overwhelming for her. She has had the great honor of being on lots of radio shows and now her own TV show! It has helped her to grow her own abilities to be able to help and heal you and put your souls on the right path. She does not use any tools! Very divinely connected. She first learned she had this gift at a very young age. She has written a book about her abilities. Please feel free to drop by and just say hello! She gets messages and all her answers are very fast, so please know that she is unlike any other reader. She wants to thank you all whom have so far allowed …

Tarot – Most popular tool of divination

Tarot – Most popular tool of divination Tarot cards still up to this day are one of the most popular tools of divination. In the cards is possible to read about future events and ask when a certain event may occur is quite frequent but Tarots can be used also for a more deep and powerful “therapy” in which symbols and imagination play a prominent part. It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! I strongly believe that the easiest way to predict the future is to create the future ourselves and this is possible by appling the power and the energy of the symbols and archetypes of which the Tarots cards are made of. These symbols and archetypes are timeless, limitless, they come from very ancient times when human beings discovered their real potential and magic was not what we think it is today. You may think that I’m talking about the Italian Renaissance, as I am Italian; you may think I am talking about Egyptian or Greek/Roman …

Rituals held in the next 2 weeks!

Whitestarr – online ritual Dates of my online ritual: 19th and 26th of August My online ritual will certainly help you with: Improving in life; you will feel better. You can clearly see which way to go and what to do; for people who are seeking to feel better. The ritual will show my specific hand techniques and movements to calm down my members and slow their breathing In private, I can cleanse their body and aura. Good reiki healing is never a long ritual. This is because it is better to do less multiple times. Looking for an answer? Look up a psychic today and get the support you need! I do also Neuro-linguistic programming. NLP can help with problems such as phobias, depression, trauma, bad experiences, fear, and self-respect. This method is very good in combination with Reiki. After Reiki, NLP can remove old bad memories or help you to easier accept what was left in the past and clearly move on because the past can be like a stone on your back. It …

Let us introduce this week’s Featured Psychics

Featured Psychic Expert – Opheliajade Hi there! My name is OpheliaJade. I have consistantly held a 5 star top psychic rating with Oranum. I am a highly intuitive empath and featured psychic expert. I have dedicated the last twenty-six years of my life to helping people achieve their highest potential through multiple forms of divination, spell work, and candle magic. I am an ordained High Priestess of Wiccan traditions, and I am a practicing witch. All of my workings are pure, light, and with good intent for all involved. I am a very caring person, and I do not pass judgement on any situation, ever. All of my readings are private, and I uphold to the highest standards of confidentiality. Obtain hidden information from your psyche with the help of a psychic! I have had a fascination with tarot, and other forms of divination since the tender age of thirteen. This fascination helped me realize that other aspects of my gifts started to form and grow. Being an empath, I am able to connect to …

Importance of astrology in human life

Sacred sciences – Astrology Astrology is one of The most important sacred sciences, which guides human life with the help of the movement of planets and their effects on us. Each individual horoscope is the life summary of a person and shows how the planets affect each area of their life, such as career, finance, relationships, marriage, studies, health, etc. The birth chart plays an important role in guiding an individual’s life. Besides the planets, our own karmas also play an important role, so one must also work towards their goal and not just wait for destiny to provide results. A psychic can give you the authentic reading you’ve always longed for! Astrology is a divine study and it not only talks about future, but it also has measures and remedies which can help reduce the malefic effect of planetary position in one’s horoscope. Astro remedies are of many types like mantras, yantras and donating articles of planets. It tells us about our life’s purpose and also what we get with luck and what we …