The Moon at perihelion
Moon at Perihelion, 23rd of August The perihelion of a planet is a point in its orbit where it is closest to the Sun. Moon reaches this point every month around new moon’s time, this month respectively on the 23rd of August at 21:40 CEST/ 19:40 UTC. Perihelions often intensify the planet’s effect on us. Since a very significant solar eclipse took place some days before, on the 21th of August, this is especially true in this case. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic now! Eclipses are energetically highly charged new moons. New moons are associated with new beginnings, while eclipses are considered wild cards, which can herald beginnings through endings or poweful starts of new cycles of life. Sometimes we are aware where we need to make adjustments so that we can take things to the next level, sometimes this is not instantly obvious. However, the closeness of the Moon ( subconscious, instincts, emotions, memories, daily routines, etc) to the Sun (awareness, creative powers, our identity, the …