All posts tagged: life

Understanding Tarot – The Major Arcana

Written By: Dr. Nikki The Major Arcana is comprised of the cards that have no equivalent in a standard playing card deck. Each of the Major Arcana cards is named as well as numbered normally by Roman numerals. Beginning with The Fool, card 0, the Major Arcana traverse through the cards to end at card 21, The World. The journey through the Major Arcana is often referred to as “The Journey of the Soul”. One of the first things that I look for in reading tarot is how many, if any, of the Major Arcana appear in the spread. If I am doing a three card spread and all three cards are Major Arcana, I know that this reading will be intense for the person I am reading for. If there are no Major Arcana it does not mean that the reading has no value, it just means that the context of the reading is more outside the individual than inside. What is the big deal about these cards anyway? Signifying its importance, the Major …

How to Do a Spiritual Protection of the Home

Written By: Psychic AlyciaRose In another article, spiritual purification for the home was covered, which is different than protection and banishing. Although purification can remove many negative influences, it likely will not do so permanently, and has to be kept up with repeat applications. Protection for the home can be more permanent in nature, and is to be done after the purifications are finished. Protections might include charms, amulets, talismans, floor washes, incense, and living plants. Rather than go into information that is more sophisticated magickally, it is easy for an average person to use herbs and other items in terms of simple folk magick. These protections might include reflecting the evil eye, setting up barriers, repelling negative energy or negating it. The following are suggestions from varying cultures and practices: Iron horseshoes They are though to be luckier when found at the side of the road, but must have been worn by a horse. Some hang them over doors with points up to contain luck to keep wealth in and poverty out, or with …

Understanding Tarot – The Overall Basics

Written By: Dr. Nikki You may have heard a lot about tarot. Maybe you heard that it was invented by the ancient Egyptians, or that it was developed by the Romany as they moved into northern Europe. In reality, Tarot dates back to 15th Century Italy where it was developed as a card game of entertainment for the nobility as they escaped the plague-ridden cities for summers in their country villas. The deck for the card game, tarrochi, consisted of four suits – Wands, Pentacles, Cups, and Swords (which have fourteen cards each) and another grouping called the Major Arcana (which is composed of twenty-two cards). A full deck of tarot includes a total of 78 cards. The deck has been revamped and some cards renamed by different artisans through the years, but the basic deck of 78 cards remains the same today as it was when first created. Each card in the tarot deck is assigned specific meanings or concepts. For example, the Cups are aligned with the element of water; the element responsible …

How Animals Speak To Us

Written By: Dr. Nikki “Sly as a fox,” “stubborn as a mule,” “crazy as a loon,” “meek as a lamb,” “slippery as an eel,” “horse power,” “stronger than an ox,” “meaner than a snake.” Our daily speech is full of references to the messages the animals have for us. Indigenous beliefs from the Aborigines of Australia to the Native Americans of North America and the world over share a tradition of the knowledge of the animals and the lessons they can teach us. Animal omens and messages are a part of our natural world and the animals have much to say to those who will listen. Animals can speak to us in a number of ways. One of the biggest is that they will make a change in their activities. You may have been watching the robins dart for worms in the grass all spring long and then, for no known reason they disappear and you do not see them for a few days. This could indicate a need to pay more attention to family …

How To Do a Spiritual House Cleansing

Written By: Psychic AlyciaRose I’ve often been asked about changing the energy in a home, and how to spiritually purify it. The trick to having a spiritually calming environment is to treat the home as a temple, a sacred place. Although this article is not about banishing spirits in a home, purification sets the stage for our environment and what we attract in our life. Peace of mind is everything, and it is the foundation of all we do. While we might not have control over our outside environment, our inside environment is something we do have control over. The first thing to do is to physically clean your home. There is no point in spiritually cleaning your house unless this is done first. If your home is attracting any natural pests, these have to be gotten rid of too. Straighten up any clutter as well. Why spiritually cleanse your home? To increase fruition, abundance, luck and to alleviate discord. This is especially important when moving into a new home. The remaining energy and residue …

4 Ways to Accept Your Blessings

Many wise spiritual gurus have instructed us on how to live and acknowledge the blessings we receive each day. Before receiving all of the blessings life “could” bring us, we must accept the blessings we already have. Read ahead to discover 4 ways to honor what you already possess within yourself. Perception is Relative Perspective determines the way you end up feeling about life. Have you ever looked at something upside down and didn’t know what it was? Or were you maybe standing too far away to really see it clearly? Until you saw it correctly or clearly, you could not appreciate its value. We always have to make sure we are looking at life from the right perspective so that we can be grateful for all kinds of blessings we received. For example, you may want to feel mad that your car got totaled in an accident, but instead of realizing that you are alive and that a car can be replaced, you remain miserable. Appreciate and value the good under all circumstances. We do have …