All posts tagged: magic

Law Of Attraction

Magic is real: How To Use the Law Of Attraction

Do you believe in magic? We are here to tell you that it is in fact, totally real. No, not the kind of magic from childhood fairytales- no witches in front of a huge, steaming cauldron or anything like that. There is real magic in the world. Real magic that you can use anytime to improve your love life, career, finances, or emotional state! That magic is called…. The Law Of Attraction. Boost your love life with the help of genuine and professional online Psychic advisors today! People are often astonished by the power of the Law Of Attraction. By just dedicating a few minutes to it every day, real change begins to materialize.  The central tenets of the Law Of Attraction are personal and cosmic vibrations. Every being resonates with a certain vibration. The Law Of Attraction works like a radio dial, helping you shift your vibrations and thus pulling the things and outcomes you desire closer to you. For example, if you want more success, you’ll resonate with things that bring you success. …

Moon magic

Moon Magic

Moon magic – “There is a moon that rests in the quiet corners of a lover’s lips.” Sanober Khan I would like to share an idea with you about how to be attuned to the magical blessings of life. This is the first cornerstone of living a magical life: to be attuned to the moon. The first technique I would like to share with you is called ‘drawing down the moon’. A very simple but extremely powerful moon magic technique: All you need to do is stand under the moon, ideally outside, but you can also do this from a window (preferably an open window). Just raise your palms with your arms by your sides, and gaze at the moon. Feel the energy from the moon filling your body and your breath. Enjoy breathing in these precious energies. If you like, you can make a simple wish for ‘abundance’, ‘love’, ‘joy’, ‘freedom’, or whatever comes to your mind. You can also ask the moon a question, or give thanks. You may be surprised by how effective this is. …

Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day – Find Your Love

Valentine’s Day – work with your Love energy There is belief that on Valentine’s day, holy Valentine himself descends to Earth to help people to find their love! What we can say for sure is that 14th of February holds special energy itself. Valentine’s day is one of the best day of the year to work with your love energy. Remember love is the most powerful energy and everyone longs for it; there is no exception! I would like to share some simple but very powerful rituals for those who are ready to receive  and share love. First ritual is for a girls and women who wish to change their inner state, boosting their self-confidence and become desirable for men. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true Psyschic reading today! What you will need to perform this ritual are: 2 red candles Rose petals or rose water 1 glass of red wine Rose oil (or any oil that smells like rose). Rose has always been considered a flower that attracts love. …


Flowers and Their Messages of Love

Flowers – Communication In the world of modern communications, it is easy to forget that for much of man’s history flowers have been used as a way for lovers to communicate.  From the flowers representing the courtship to the flowers chosen to be in a bridal bouquet, very specific messages and meanings are sent. The language of flowers is believed to have its roots in the harems of the ancient Middle East.  In the restrictive world of the harem, love to anyone other than your husband was not only frowned upon, but could get you dead.  Abundant and easily available, flowers were used to communicate tender feelings between lovers. Get a free trial for a psychic reading to get closer to the truth! The Victorians took the language of flowers to a high art.  In the era of Queen Victoria florigraphy (the language of flowers) reached its highest use.  There were floral dictionaries covering the meanings of the blossoms. Brides would angst over having just the right flowers in their bouquets.  Yet, having blossoms in …

Different candle colors? Candle Ritual Series,III

The candle palette – Colors for Candle Ritual. Before we can begin any sort of Candle Ritual – although you are already familiar with the different possible shapes of candles – first there must be a basic understanding of colors represent. Listed below you will find the most common candle colors used for a candle ritual. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true reading from a psychic! GOLD – This color stands for masculine energy. Quite obviously it represents great fortune and abundance! Gold is a color that I burn most often to help my multiple works of divinations to give me a deeper and quicker understanding of messages coming to me. It brings fast luck and helps negate or turn negative vibes around. During the Candle Ritual, you can use this candle to honor the solar deities or bring financial benefits to yourself. WHITE – The white candle is a symbol of the Goddess. This candle is quite universal, it can be used as a substitute for any other …

The Real Power of the Tarot Cards

How does a Tarot reading work? The first thing you would like to know about when you meet an Expert of Tarot Cards is what the method is and how readings work in general. “How does a Tarot Reading work?” is one of the most frequently asked question in my free chat room. A tarot reading can be comprised of several things, but there is always; The Querent, The Reader, The Question, The Tarot Cards, and The Spread. If you believe the truth can come to closer and faster to you than you’d ever thought, contact a psychic for FREE! These elements may appear in different forms, but they are always there in your reading. Elements of a reading with Tarot cards Now, let’s look at these elements in depth and see how they interrelate to bring clarity and understanding in a reading. The Querent: This is where the reading starts. The Querent is the person who wants to have a reading – for whatever reason. What the Querent brings to the reading is their …

Art of Scrying – an enthralling experience

What is Scrying? Scrying is documented as far back as 3000 BC. It is heavily referenced in mythology & folklore and is said to be the art of gazing into a shiny object, usually a crystal ball or mirror to psychically perceive messages, pictures & symbols that can be translated as guidance either for the reader or for someone else. Other methods of scrying include looking into the flames of a fire or candle, using the reflection of water, pouring coloured substances into water or even staring at the steam coming from a pot or a kettle. If you are in need of an honest reading with a Gifted and Talented online Psychic, visit Start chatting now for FREE! How does it work? The psychic or seer stares at their object of choice with their physical eyes & they will have visions that trigger clairvoyance, either physically within the object or more commonly within their third eye. Are you looking for some tips on how to open your 3rd eye? I am here to …

Find your Partner! Candle Ritual Series,II

So Many Choices – Candle Ritual! We have already provided a brief introduction about candle magic in one our previous blog posts in this topic. Nevertheless as the topic itself is amazingly abundant we wished to grab the opportunity and create a series devoted to the undiscovered world of candles. First of all it is necessary to get familiar with the variations of candle shapes so later on you will know exactly which one supports certain goals the best. If you are in need of an honest reading with a Gifted and Talented online Psychic, visit Start chatting now for FREE! Different types of candles The very first thing we should understand about candles when beginning to work with them, is the different kinds there are! There are many to choose from, but here you will learn the ones most commonly used with Candle Magic. From as simple as my own creation of a button candle to as complex as a specificalyy shaped candle. But there are so many more than what I have …

How to Make Four Thieves Vinegar

*All items in Four Thieves Vinegar not pictured Written By: Psychic AlyciaRose Herbal vinegars have been used as medicine since the time of Hippocrates, the father of Western Medicine. Four Thieves Vinegar comes to us from a time when the plague was rampant in Europe, which is also known as the Black Death. It is also known as  Marseilles Vinegar. It is also an old magickal remedy, a protection against evil and the magick of others. It is still commonly used today by modern practitioners. The story behind it involves a band of thieves in the city of Marseilles in the seventeenth century.  Four of these thieves were caught were robbing the sick and the graves of the dead during a plague outbreak, never falling sick themselves. They are said to have covered their bodies and face masks in this herbal vinegar, which we now know contains antibacterial and antiviral properties. When they were caught, they were to be tried and burned at the stake for their crimes. The judges noted that they had an …

Herbal Magickal Baths For Love, Purification + Money!

Written By: Psychic AlyciaRose Water has always been a purifier from the beginning of time; it cleanses everything it touches. Water is also a spiritual cleanser, washing away energies that are not our own while purifying both body and spirit. It is the essence of life, releasing psychic blocks, restoring us to balance and harmony. Taking a magickal or ritual bath permits us to open ourselves to higher energies, and those energies we wish to attract to ourselves. The history of the ritual bath is ancient. Many cultures ancient and modern use water as a method of spiritual purification. Ritual bathing was a n important part of Roman, Greek, Middle Eastern, and Japanese societies. The faithful washed themselves before prayer, entering a temple or participating in spiritual activities. The use of water in purification is also used by Muslims washing before prayer, Catholics dipping hands in holy water, Native Americans in the sweat lodge, and some modern Witches before entering the sacred circle. In many magickal faiths and folk magic, the bath often becomes spellwork …