All posts tagged: reach your goals

Meet Oranum’s Featured Psychics!

Gifted featured Psychics – GiftedGeorge I am one of the born gifted featured psychics and have been doing psychic readings now for over 28 years and have helped many people from all walks of life. No matter what a person’s problem was whether big or small, I was there to assure them and give them peace of mind. The same I can do for you. Also, you will notice that after having a reading with me, you will start to feel more at peace and relaxed and more focused with clarity on your situation and have a better understanding and direction in your life’s path. I also always strive to make everyone that I personally do a reading for feel at home and at peace and as if they were talking to one of their best friends that they could confide and trust anything to. I also strive to help and bring clarity with the questions that you seek and seek answers to see what is troubling you at the time, and to counsel and …

It’s worth being prepared for the psychic reading!

Ask the Right Questions during your online psychic readings Once you have found a psychic you want to work with, you’re probably eager to have your first reading and receive insights to help you live more fully and reach your goals. If it’s one of your first online psychic readings, you should prepare so you can benefit the most from the experience. Effective online psychic readings are not a game of “20 Questions.” Asking the medium yes / no questions like “Should I quit my job?” or “Will I meet someone soon?” will result in nothing more than a yes or no answer. If that’s what you’re looking for, great. However, most people want more elaborate answers from their readings. Unique and professional tarot readings on Oranum. Try it and change your life for good! Instead, before your reading, think of a few questions that will allow you to gain insight into the true essence of the issue you’re facing. A question like “Please talk to me about what’s keeping me unsatisfied with my career,” or “Please …

Conjunction of Mercury and Mars

Celestial conjunction – Mercury and Mars in Cancer The celestial conjunction between Mercury and Mars (Cancer 15°) of the 28th of June is a mixed blessing. When the planet of intellect and communications (Mercury) meets the planet of assertiveness and aggression, words can cut as swords (even in the case of the gentle Cancer). A psychic can give you the authentic reading you’ve always longed for. Look one up at Oranum today! People can get obsessed with the past, including past mistakes. On the other hand, such a conjunction indicates increased mental activity. This, combined with the excellent intuition of the sign, gives the possibility of deep analysis, research and of understanding our and other people’s emotional patterns, drives, motivations and needs. This celestial conjunction is a part of a very challenging cardinal T-square including Jupiter and Pluto. Simultaneously its trine with Neptune mildens the roller coaster indicated by the Mars/Mercury Jupiter square, Mars/Mercury – Pluto opposition. Although is not easy, it is very rewarding to make the energies of these potent configurations work for …

Meet the Top Psychic of the week: Masterlove

Top psychic expert – MasterLove My name is MasterLove and I am a caring, non-judgmental, open and friendly top psychic expert and clairvoyant. I am also highly intuitive,  and a spiritual healer and astrologer. I have been doing this for over 20 years and I believe we all create our own luck and we all have the power to choose our own destiny. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true reading from a psychic! I will help you to develop strong self-confidence and self determination to overcome obstacles. You will find inner peace and better clarity in your life after having a reading with me Astrology can explain many things and bring insight into any situation. It can be used to profile yourself or any other person, find out how compatible two people are, what the stars have in store for you and many other useful pieces of information including timings (based on planetary transits). I am also a counsellor, life coach, NLP and psychic teacher, and I have spent many years using tarot, …

When Can You Use Psychic And Tarot Readings?

Can it be proved? There has always been an ongoing tussle between the world of science and the world of experience. Just because you cannot prove something like a tarot reading, is it fair to totally disregard it? How about a huge amount of personal experiences that cannot be accounted for by scientific experiments and theories? Alas, the clash between these two worlds continue. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true reading from a psychic! One of the issues people most often turn to psychic readings, horoscope, tarot readings and other similar options: life is very complex as it is, we come to crossroads very often not knowing what to do and where to turn for help or which option to choose. At times life can deal us very tough cards or ones we do not even understand – in situations like that we need to rely on external resources of help because we have our own limitations in interpret the present and in planning our future using our current understanding …

Are you prepared for the upcoming Psychic rituals?

Online Psychic Ritual – Allastorsreading: Candle Therapy Ritual Online psychic ritual dates: 22nd and the 29th of June I am going to offer a candle therapy ritual on those dates. This ritual will be a light, guide and source of healing to the people that most need its divinity. This type of ritual places a light or source of energy into the hearts of the people who I have linked them to. This light of energy will provide comfort, healing, a sense of peace, and a clear mind while it works through their energy to uplift the burdens that have been placed on them. It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! The ritual will be visible on camera and members can see it working their energy simply by watching the flame dancing to their inner energy. Members that are in private chat will get a deeper connection to this light which will ultimately allow them and the candle ritual to work more heavily for them. For the intro, …

The Featured Psychics of the week are…

Featured advisors – Itsallcosmic Astrologer, tarot and rune reader for 17 years and a lifelong intuitive. These valuable tools are used as a way to empower and guide you through the human experience. In our readings, we will unlock your subconscious to reveal insights, opportunities, paths and thought processes that could be unknown to you. With the knowledge you will get from me, – as one of the featured advisors – you will be able to make positive decisions in the present which will create the best outcome for your future. A psychic can give you the authentic reading you’ve always longed for. Look one up at Oranum today! These tools can be used on so many levels: to gain insight into our soul/spirit, our psychological make up, and with the mundane experiences we have as humans on Earth.  The esoteric spans across time and dimensions and can be used to pick up the energy surrounding any given topic. Blending my intuitive capabilities with my esoteric knowledge to help others is what I am here to …

Special event – Father’s day

Father’s day Most of us are familiar with the term “Mother Earth” to refer to the planet upon which we stand.  The other half of the Mother Earth concept is her celestial mate, Father Sun.  As the feminine energy of Mother Earth is receptive, the masculine energy of Father Sun is positive, probing and proactive. Energy comes from Father Sun to Mother Earth so that she may nourish and clothe all of her creatures.  This interplay of Father Sun and Mother Earth is a grand parentage to all humankind. If you believe the truth can come closer and faster to you than you’d ever thought, contact a psychic for FREE! This connection is much like the microcosm of the traditional family where dad works to make the money while mom stays home to nurture and care for the family and home.  Children with fathers in their lives tend to be “more confident in their surroundings, and, as they grow older, have better social connections” (Fathers and Their Impact on Children’s Well-Being).  Fathers bring the masculine balance …

Special celestial event – Conjuction of Mercury and Ceres

Celestial event: Mercury conjuncts Ceres The Mercury – Ceres conjunction of the 17th of June marks a busy day, full of possibilities to grow by learning. In Astrology, Mercury rules thinking, speech, cognitive skills, communication, the flow of information, and sales and travels. Currently it is transiting in Gemini, its Astrological home, thus the Mercurial influences are very strong. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true reading from a psychic! Ceres was the goddess of cereal and abundance in the Roman mythology. Its place in the natal chart shows where we are abundant. However, getting access to the gifts of the goddess requires sacrifice. Celestial event – practical steps The pressure “coming from” this celestial event motivating us to better understand the current situation and to take practical steps (Mercury) is signified by challenging aspects of the day, especially the mutable T-square between the Sun/Mercury/Ceres conjunction in Gemini, Saturn in Sagittarius and Moon in Pisces. The T-square is a stressful formation pulling us in three different directions. Mercury and the …

Be Aware of Nature’s Messages!

Natural World is Around Us! While complete understanding of all the omens of nature could take a lifetime to learn, here I would like to present a short summary of guidelines to start being able to receive messages through Natural Omens yourself! The natural world around us is full of omens. From butterflies to wind in the trees, clouds in the sky and natural events, nature communicates with us. You have to open your mind to be able to understand nature’s unique and personal signals for you. With our technological world encompassing so much of our lives, we sometimes lose track that we are part of the natural world around us. It has messages for us if only we took the time to listen and/or watch. Try out a psychic reading to get closer to the truth! Plants Did you ever pull the petals of a daisy while saying “loves me, loves me not?” Plants make up a big part of the living creatures of the natural world and can carry messages as well. The connections …