All posts tagged: reach your goals

Weekend’s featured Psychic expert is AlyciaRose!

Spiritual adviser – AlyciaRose Professional, honest, compassionate, straight forward advice with accuracy and integrity. Contact AlyciaRose for a psychic tarot reading/spiritual consultation to help focus on your goals, career, and your life! Psychic AlyciaRose is a gifted reader with over 30 years experience, and has been a spiritual adviser to many in her capacity as the high priestess for the Panthean Temple (USA). It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! She has always had the second sight as well as other spiritual gifts, and employs these during her readings. Her readings genuinely change people’s lives for the better, is respectful, and she deeply cares about her clients. When you find yourself at a crossroads, she can see into the heart of the matter and offer valuable guidance to achieving your dreams. Psychic AlyciaRose can help you with relationships, family concerns, career, finance, past lives, spirituality, Reiki energy healing, the paranormal, lost objects, remote viewing, mediumship/spirit communication, magical advice, and burning spell/petition candles. Renowned spiritual adviser and psychic expert …

Mars at solar conjunction July 27

Mars at solar conjunction – Powerful transit The Mars at solar conjunction gets exact on the 27th of July at 4°34′ Leo. This is a very  powerful transit, full of creativity and initiative. However, due to the raw energies involved, it has to be chanelled properly to avoid damages. When there is no way to cope, check your horoscope on! The Sun is our basic identity, and represents the Self, one’s way of being in the world, the self-realization. It is associated with overall vitality and with the creative potential we are born with.  Mars is associated with energy, passion, drive, determination, self-assertivity, agression, stamina, achievement, ambition, competition, sexuality. The archetype of Mars rules wars, weapons, accidents, conflagrations, surgery. Both Sun and Mars are fire – planets. Sun rules Leo and is exalted in Aries. Mars rules Aries and Scorpio. Martian qualities are in tune with the passionate nature of Leo. However there can be dangerous extremes. Beside of the spirit of initiative, spontaneousness, eagerness of asserting your identity the dominant fire element indicates …

Top Psychic of the week: Mattwarren

Top Psychic Experts – MattWarren I’m Matt, one of Oranum’s top psychic experts! I was born in France with Spanish origins and my grandmother taught me her gift of reading the future. Soon, I discovered I had abilities to feel what would happen next. At the age of 14, I had my first deck of tarot of Marseilles and I started to give readings to my family, friends and acquaintances. Little by little, more people came for readings and I decided to settle down as a tarot reader. At first, I must admit, I was surprised by such a show of interest for my work and people kept telling me that “the” event, the one they didn´t think could happen, had actually happened. Looking for an answer? Look up a psychic today and get the support you need! With my gift, I’ve been travelling around the world (Mexico, United States, Canada, Cuba, Thailand, different countries of Europe) and I’ve been able to receive a lot of energies and good vibes from all these places and …

Are you sure you have found your true soulmate?

Be brave enough to believe How can you be sure you have found your true soulmate? Is that really the situation with your current relationship or are you simply at the point where you want to believe to have found your soulmate so hard even if basically you are aware that it is not the truth? There are signs that you might discover if you are in a relationship with your soulmate – just be brave enough to believe you are among the lucky ones if you experience that your relationship is as strong as a rock. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic for FREE! To be totally convinced we here present you some guidance that may reinforce your thoughts and feelings and hopefully after you have read the article you will be even more confident about your relationship. True soulmate The most important thing is that even during negative episodes you’re focused on resolving the problem and can see beyond difficulties. If your partner is your true soulmate, …

Check out our Rituals held in the next 2 weeks!

Online Psychic Rituals – Sofiel Online Psychic Rituals – dates: 22nd and the 24th of July I will provide Money and Love spells for you, however you will be able to read the basics below! It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! Wealth and Prosperity Spell You’ll need two virgin candles, one green and one gold. Charge the candles with your personal energy by using your fingers to rub them with money oil. Etch the words “money” and “prosperity” into them. Light the candles and hold them so your energy mingles with their vibrations. Close your eyes, concentrate and fully visualize wealth coming to you. Recite this phrase three times: “These candles will bring wealth to me in a way that does no one harm.” Snuff out the flames. Light the candles again for a while each evening until they are completely burned down. Online Psychic Rituals – Love spell Light a pink candle with cinnamon and honey around it, and with red petals for one hour. This helps …

Get to know the Featured Psychics of the week!

Featured Psychic Experts – SashaWylde One of our featured Psychic experts is SashaWylde this week! She is an Intuitive Empath, Psychic, Reiki Master and White Witch. Sasha has had one foot in the Spiritual Realm as far back as she can remember. At some point growing up, she decided that she was different and she closed off her powers and her heart. After years of struggle, trauma, abuse, and doing work that made her miserable, Sasha became very ill with Fibromyalgia. Her healing began and when she emerged from her cocoon, she decided that she never wanted to repeat her past and that she never wanted to feel that hurt and pain again. She was once again tapped into the Divine and her gifts were back, stronger than ever. She knew that she wanted to help others break from their cages of hurt, struggle and loneliness. Sasha is Clairaudient, Clairsentient, Clairvoyant, Claircognizant, and Clairalient. She uses Channeling, Angel and Guide communications, Astrology, Tarot/Oracle cards, Pendulum, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and other Divination methods to connect her clients to their …

Avoid love delusion – Get help today!

Esoteric knowledge to find answers People turn to online horoscopes and psychic readings in various situations of life. Most of the situations in which people seek help from these paranormal fields are when we have to make crucial decisions or when life looks very bleak and things are unclear. Seeking help from online horoscopes and psychic readings will shed more light on those dark areas of life. One of the areas of life for which people frequently get help from online horoscopes and psychic readings is choosing one’s partner. As this is one of the most important decisions one will ever make in their lives, it is only understandable to get as much help as possible while making this decision. As you would like to avoid love delusion, it is worth to ask for help. A psychic can give you the exact insight you need. Chat with an expert today for FREE! When you find the right soulmate you will be able to enjoy a stable life. You will not have to face frequent breakups …

Close approach of the Moon and Neptune – 13th, July 2017

Moon conjunction with Neptune On the 13th of July Moon transiting in Pisces will conjunct Neptune. Among other things Moon represents in Astrology the unconscious, the emotions (and the way you deal with them), the imagination, intuition, moods, sensitivity, instinct. Neptune is an outer planet, connected to the collective subconscious. It rules dreams, spirituality, higher states of consciousness but also illusion, addictions, self-destructive habits. Thus Moon conjunction with Neptune, the meeting of the two planets increases your sensitivity and intuition. You are finely tuned to the most subtle vibrations of your environment and it makes you susceptible to the impulses coming from your subconscious). Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true reading from a psychic! Mixed blessing… From one hand it can make you read the thoughts of those around you. By channeling the collective subconscious you can have even prophetic visions. It is likelier that you will listen to your inner voice and this will help you to make better decisions. From the other hand you may become hyper …

Your favorite color reflects your personality – Blue

We have published an interesting article about color RED in connection of what it tells about someone’s personality in case that is his/her favorite color. Now we would like to continue our series with another color. This time we have selected BLUE as blue is almost the most common answer when the question „what is your favorite color?” put up. How does this color affect you? Blue color is associated with communication, so wearing blue helps to understand others and express yourself effectively. This color supports every form of communication. If you are in a situation where you need to make a speech wearing dark blue, may help you speak more easily. Looking for an answer? Look up a psychic today and get the support you need! A dark blue colour gives a feeling of stability. Wearing the colour blue makes you appear confident, almost invincible and able to cope with anything. This color makes you appear interested in change and freedom. Blue reduces stress and creating a sense of calmness. We feel relaxed and …

These are the upcoming Psychic Rituals

Psychic ritual online – CRYSTALFAIRY: Aura Protection Ritual Psychic ritual online – dates: 6th and the 13th of July You don’t need to dress in a special custom, you just need to have the correct attitude for this. Sometimes if the person is into aromatherapy or likes it, I will ask for a specific essence or I can just suggest it in a Private Reading. However, sometimes it is good to have their room with this kind of environment. It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! Rituals are done differently for each person according to their aura type. These rituals benefit and improve your quality of life and the life of your loved ones. Clears your aura from bad energies and helps to reject them. Boosts your sex drive which is also very important for a healthy life! Improves the relationships with your partner and with your family. Your self-esteem grows and brings to you a successful life in all areas. You learn how to block the bad …