All posts tagged: Relationships

A personalized deck of of tarot cards spread out on a table

Understanding the Power of Tarot Reading

The History of Tarot Reading Tarot reading started in medieval Europe. At first, tarot cards were used for entertainment. But over time, people started using the cards for divination and prophecy. This is how tarot reading became what it is today. How Tarot Reading Works A tarot reading is usually done using tarot cards, which are split into two groups: Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. Major Arcana cards represent big events and influences in life. Minor Arcana cards represent everyday events and influences. When doing a tarot reading, the reader will use a spread, or a way to lay out the cards. The most popular spread is the Celtic Cross, which uses 10 cards to represent different parts of a person’s life. The reader will then explain the cards based on their place in the spread and their meaning. The Benefits of Tarot Reading Tarot reading can be helpful in many ways, like: Choosing a Tarot Reader When choosing a tarot reader, it’s important to pick someone who is experienced and trustworthy. Look for a …

Moon wishes

Moon wishes

Moon wishes – different directions A person’s life can take many different directions, some unexpected and exciting. People arrive on your life path, but can also leave. Disappointment, whether in love, or business is not an easy thing to cope with all of the time. Many of us do not consult the stars to see what the Moon is up to, but you can use your knowledge, as you are also moved by its energy daily, just like the ocean and the tides. You can have a high tide, this is when everything feels great & even business seems to pour in. Then you can have a low emotional tide, when the stresses of life push you to border on ill and health. If you think, that when the sea retracts things are shown, that were once covered. Suddenly you are made to deal with the unwanted, or forgotten. It does not have to be unpleasant, but clarification around love, or the past in general is good for the soul. Moon wishes – blessing The …

Karmic relationship

Karmic relationships

Karmic relationship – needs to be cleared Karmic relationship is a romantic association that exist between two souls to purge, heal or reconcile experiences from the previous life. Most people don’t desire such relationships but are bound to be a part of them until the karma is cleared. Intense pain, jealousy, obsessiveness, excessive domination, substance abuse, physical or emotional abuse, one-sidedness, and selfishness are common signs that you are in a karmic relationship. Love is the greatest gift. Are you with the right one or should you keep looking?  Karmic relationship – solution The good news is that you can bring an end to this loop. Here are a few ways you can do so: Identify and accept your karmic patterns. What negative aspects are you continuously experiencing in your relationships? Once you identify them, acknowledge and accept them as they are. Understand that it’s a part of a big cosmic game that’s conjuring a lesson for you. Detach yourself from the relationship. You should observe your feelings consciously and take a closer look at …

signs of abuse

Love or abuse?

Signs of abuse – Love or abuse? Love is kind, Love is pure, Love is simple. Love means putting others before yourself, making sure that the person you love is taken care of emotionally. It means surrendering to your past and moving toward for your partner. It is a glowing, healing light that surrounds your body. It is positive, it is clear and it is healthy. It is growth, it is empowering your partner to reach their goals and to go after their dreams. Now often love can also turn into abuse without us realizing it. However the signs of abuse can be recognized on time. Let’s get to know the signs of abuse: Justifying everything with “I love you so much, I will change for you. Most of the time this is just a tactic to get you to stay with the abuser and without help they will continue their abusive patterns. Saying “if you love me you’ll do it” this is forcing you to do something in a manipulative way. “Finding excuses to …

Essential oils

Essential oils

Essential oils – relax Essential oils are very effective in treating stress both emotionally and physically. Natural, easy-to-use, have no side-effects that are common to allopathic medicines. The life of many of us seems to be a daily roller-coaster. We’re jumping from one obligation to another, running between the house, the children, the service, the parents. But we have a desperate need to relax and slow down this crazy rhythm of living our lives. Many believe I can endlessly cope with this lifestyle. In fact, until they need a break, a moment of peace and quiet. Our mind, soul, and body need oxygen for relaxation. Without her, we can not have healthy relationships with our family. Without it, we can not have a balance in our own life in our choices. We risk becoming monuments of stress, frustration, and bitterness. Essential oils – in everyday life Essential oils for relaxation – how we help in everyday life: All our emotions can be sustained and helped by essential oils. Remember the lavender smell of your grandmother’s closet? …

Harmonious relationships

Less struggle and more peace and joy in your relationships

Harmonious relationships – personal experience Being who I am, there won’t be any intro to what I am about to write and share with you all…… I’ll be direct and jump straight into the topic.  Let’s begin…….. The inspiration to share this with the rest of the world comes from a true incident that happened to me just a few days ago, involving a close friend of mine.  Now this friend and I met outside for some coffee…. and during our conversation, we began to have a difference of opinion.  Such things happen, right?  More often than we’d like?  With our partners, parents, best friends, etc.?  No matter how much we dislike getting into such frustrating stonewalling situations, we do manage somehow to get into them! So much more and so often with the people we love, value, and truly care about.  And that is how most harmonious relationships break down or lose the joy and warmth over time, isn’t it? Get a trial for a psychic reading to get closer to the truth! And …

Soulmates and Twin flames

Twin flames & soulmates – lessons to learn People often ask ‘Will I ever find my soulmate?’. Upon the Earthly plan as we continue our soul’s progress of learning and seeking perfection, of searching for meaning and an ascension to a higher consciousness we can encounter many soulmates. These kindred spirits come into our lives, and can take the form of a friend, a lover, a spouse. They can be fleeting or long term, romantic or platonic. When lessons have been learned, and that phase of the soul’s development complete, that special bond can also end. Yet ahead there is still potential to meet other soulmates upon our path through life. Twin flames are another story, you will see it shortly. It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! To meet a soulmate can feel uncannily familiar, as if you have known each other before in a past life, that this meeting is destined or predestined. A soulmate can understand you like no other. Your memory of them can …

Karmic relationships

How to handle your karmic relationships?

Karmic relationships – All is just karma?! If we accept the spiritual doctrine that the string of rebirths an individual experiences is the result of its past deeds, every single experience of our lifetime has a karmic nature. Everything, starting from the way we perceive colors, from our likes and dislikes to our family and cultural background, or karmic relationships themselves are related to karma. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true psychic reading!  However, karma is not a static something: different spiritual paths, awareness, and free will make a huge difference and give everyone the possibility to change things for better. This applies to our relationships too. As a matter of fact, all of our relationships are karmic, but not all of them are equally tight. Also, not all of the karmic relationships are meant to last. Sometimes even the short lived ones may have a strong impact on our destiny (for instance an unknown person coming to our rescue) and sometimes even the long term relationships can be neutral …

Crystals for Love and Relationships

Written By: Dr. Nikki Are you interested in learning about crystals which can help you with your love life? These crystals are not only pretty to look at, they are known to help in all matters of emotion! Ruby The Ruby’s connection with love goes back to ancient history. Egyptians believed it was the stone of love. This beautiful gem’s use in crowns and regalia show its association with royalty; “love rules”. Fidelity has been a part of the Ruby’s influence, and the 40th wedding anniversary is the “Ruby Anniversary.” Love’s appreciation as a higher emotion aligns with the Ruby. It is said that a ruby will darken if an unfaithful lover comes near. The stone of the Root Chakra, the Ruby is also associated with sensual pleasures and physical passion. Wearing a ruby can increase sexual attraction. Rose Quartz Rose quartz beads have been dated back to the Mesopotamian culture, over 7,000 years ago. Considered by many to be the ultimate stone of love, the soft pink color and delicate beauty of rose quartz …