
Soulmates and Twin flames

Twin flames & soulmates – lessons to learn

People often ask ‘Will I ever find my soulmate?’. Upon the Earthly plan as we continue our soul’s progress of learning and seeking perfection, of searching for meaning and an ascension to a higher consciousness we can encounter many soulmates. These kindred spirits come into our lives, and can take the form of a friend, a lover, a spouse. They can be fleeting or long term, romantic or platonic. When lessons have been learned, and that phase of the soul’s development complete, that special bond can also end. Yet ahead there is still potential to meet other soulmates upon our path through life. Twin flames are another story, you will see it shortly.

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To meet a soulmate can feel uncannily familiar, as if you have known each other before in a past life, that this meeting is destined or predestined. A soulmate can understand you like no other. Your memory of them can stretches from lifetimes past, and remain with you throughout your current life. Your connection goes beyond the physical- it is deeper, as if your very souls are the same. You can empathize, forgive and understand. A connection both unfathomable yet so real.

Twin flames & soulmates – the difference

Yet what is the difference between a soulmate and a twin flame? Are they the same thing? Well, a soulmate can also be your twin flame yet each soulmate is not necessarily your twin flame. In fact, there is only one twin flame and you may not even meet him or her in this lifetime. There can only be one, as your twin flame is the other half of your soul.

Twin flames

As your soul is borne, its energy expands, and then it cracks in two. Two halves of the same soul, now moving in different directions, different incarnations and upon varying planes. Masculine and feminine, dark and light, the yin and the yang, all that made up the soul, where once was whole are now two flickering, passionate, yearning twin flames. As we pass through one life to the next, the twin soul is on a journey of its own, and may not incarnate at the same time as its other half. We may feel that someone or something is missing, and it could be that twin soul which remains on another higher realm. Eventually, twin flames will meet, even collide, upon the Earthly plane. A mirror of our own soul, reaching out to the reflection and feeling whole at last, a piece of the puzzle fitting together, and a sense that this meeting will not only alter one’s own consciousness but that there a greater purpose, beyond the self. A matter of great importance that must be worked at together.

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Yet, how to react to this meeting of our twin flame? With loving energy is the only way. It may be an intense experience to meet the other half of your soul, yet to resist would only make things more challenging. So, do not worry if you have yet to meet your twin flame, as your other half is there, you will be whole, yet you are on a different path for now.

Twin flames

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