All posts tagged: Tarot

It is Time to Forgive!

Perhaps you have not given any thought to a certain aspect of 2017 yet but, just like every New Year, you get the unique opportunity for completely new and fresh start. To make the most of this opportunity, we highly recommend accepting your past and facing all the harmful things you have buried deep inside. When that’s done, ask yourself; Am I ready to forgive? If the answer is yes, wonderful – do it! Announce your forgiveness of past actions out loud and let go of the pain connected to them. If you feel that you cannot forgive, ask yourself; Why? You must have a conscious, deep and meaningful conversation with yourself until you find the core reason that makes forgiving so hard for you. There are additional reasons why forgiving is beneficial to you besides spiritual self-purification. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true reading from a psychic! 1: Healing & Cathartic Release Forgiving will lift the weight off of your heart and shoulders. We tend to hold on …

The Ancient Symbols of Easter

Easter around the world Christians celebrate Easter around the world to commemorate Christ’s resurrection from the dead. As one of the most holy days in the Christian calendar, it may be surprising to learn how many of the traditions associated with Easter in our modern observances hail back to a more ancient pagan origin. Get a trial for a psychic reading to get closer to the truth! The Name: The name of the holiday originates from a goddess. Known as Ostara in German, and Eastre in Saxon, she was the goddess of spring, dawn and also fertility. The Season: Easter is associated with the advent of spring in the Northern hemisphere. Days become longer and temperature begins to rise, the earth itself is “reborn.” The Goddesses: As well as Eastre/Ostara, there are other ancient goddesses associated with the holiday. Ishtar is a goddess of the ancient Babylon. She symboliyzed war, reproduction and romance. The Sumerians called her Inanna; a goddess who descended into the underworld. The story of her struggles and subsequent resurrection were first recorded as early as 2,100 B.C.E. …

Are you prepared for next two weeks’ Live Rituals?

Psychic Rituals – Lagira: Appointments of performing my psychic rituals: April 19 and April 24. I will concentrate on rituals about financial flourishing (career) and maybe love as well. Rituals will help clients create a strong stream of energy and their aims will be drawn to them in a natural way. Rituals help not only reach a goal but they help you heal yourself as well. They help clients become stronger mentally and emotionally. Many people feel lost and can’t effectuate positive events in their lives and that’s why they need professional help, someone who will show them the way to their dreams. Believe it or not, you can learn the truth faster than you ever expected, just contact a Psychic for Free! Psychic Rituals – Morrdor: I chose two days before the New Moon, April 25-26, leading towards the New Moon. The energy at this time is the darkest and is pulled towards the moon in a literal sense, but energywise, it is when ghosts and demons possess most powers. So I recommend no house buying or major …

Meet Oranum’s Featured Psychics!

Psychic medium – BurningLight: I am a psychic medium with a strong intuition. I use Lenormand cards, several Oracle decks and pendulum for clarifications. I can do distant healing and willing to clear negative energies. I have psychic medium abilities since my childhood. I always knew who is feeling bad about something or who is sick. I knew without anyone telling me that we would have a visitor and all sorts of similar occurrences made me realize I possess a rare kind of knowledge. I was aware of the presence of souls from the other side too. But for me it was just a part of my life and was not really aware or cared what that could mean to others. I finished my university studies in pedagogy. After that I realized how much more I can actually sense than my colleagues do. So I started to read about esoterism and its many different ways and branches. I did a reading here and there for my friends just for fun… But their laughter got quiet when my …

Secrets of the Pink Full Moon in Libra: 11th of April 2017

The Pink Full Moon of the 11th of April 2017 (21°32′ Libra) got its name from the moss pink herb, a flower commonly seen on April. Full moons represent culmination points in Astrology. The result of the processes started on the previous new moon (respectively that of the 27th of March) is emerging, so that we can make the necessary conclusions, adjustments, finetunings. A psychic can give you the authentic reading you’ve always longed for. Look one up at Oranum today! The current pink full moon shows the way of a successful renewal through breaking up with the old and unfruitful relationship patterns and finding healthier associations and partnerships. This potential is represented by a Moon – Jupiter conjunction (optimism, generosity, good fortune, contentment, material, emotional and spiritual welfare through relationships and intercultural experience). Both planets conjunct the beneficial fixed star Spica (on Libra 23°50′), the star of the grain harvest, associated with honor, fame, protection, preferment, wealth. However since the Jupiter is retrograde, the beneficial results of our projects and interactions will manifest some …

Can anyone practice Meditation indeed?

A more peaceful human race The shortest and simpliest answer is yes, definitely; and practicing meditation would be very beneficial for the entire human race if everyone started paracticing it. Without a doubt if people would meditate on a daily basis in our evergrowing population and communities would result in a more peaceful human race all in all. When it comes to developing a practice, most people seem to convince themselves they are too busy or can’t keep their minds quiet enough to meditate. These are the most common excuses. Get a genuine a psychic reading to get closer to the truth! With the hectic demands of modern life, many people feel stressed and over-worked. Stress in our lives can make us unhappy, impatient and even frustrated, unfortunately. It can even affect our health negatively. We are often so busy and feel there is no time to stop to think our actions and life through! While in fact, meditation gives you more time by making your mind calmer and more focused. A simple ten or …

Get to Know Heera123 – Psychic of the week!

You will be given the answer You have to ask a question and have the will to know the answer–you will be given the answer. You have to believe and have faith. My experience has been that I dreamt of what I wanted to know. I could and can see what happened before anyone else found out about it. Since age 7, I knew what I wanted and made it become reality. Not knowing at all about my gift of being an intuitive clairvoyant, psychic or a magician, I thought reading others and making thoughts become reality was normal. Both negative and positive thoughts are manifested which can be both terrible and oddly satisfying. My visions, however, have always become reality. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic for FREE! Inherent knowledge – intuitive clairvoyant Pondering about my abilities and having an inherent knowledge about the supernatural led me to psychic work and astrology. Without any conscious attempts at doing so, I was reading people until I was 14 years old. I had adults talk to me about their problems …

How to attract what you desire?

What about me? Often we are all worship the God, pray for luck, love, a better job, a holiday and successful outcome of our ventures. We wish for people to be nicer, kinder and for things to go smoothly but we forget the quickest way how we can accomplish this. The secret is to cultivate your own inner light and allow their result to unfold and follow you. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic for FREE! When we are too busy trying to change things from the outside, the result is that you spend your time and energy trying to manipulate people and situations. After these unsuccessful attempts we hopelessly wish or pray for mercy from others. Frequent questions There are frequent questions I hear in my private chat room: Why doesn’t he call? Why doesn’t anyone care about me? Why do always others get a promotion? What about me? Why is this happening to me? The reason behind this is that you are focused on the outcome, but …

Take advantage of next two week’s Rituals!

You should not miss a healing ritual especially if it is presented by an acknowledged, experienced and renowned Psychic on online! Grab this opportunity and change your life for good today! NikkiR: Dates of my healing ritual: 29th of March and the 6th of April. I am currently working with an Intention Ritual.  Intentions and Affirmations are something I talk about with many clients but this Intention Ritual allows me to consciously help develop a specific Intention with a client.  Once the Intention is developed, I use Reiki to empower and activate the Intention within the individual.  I ask the client to continue working with the specific Intention and report the results back to me over time.  The Intention Ritual creates confidence within the client to be able to do this for themselves.  My Alignment with the Intention gives it strength.  Working together to envision a more powerful and meaning life experience creates Universal Resonance.  With our thoughts and words we create our world. If you believe the truth can come to closer and …

Say Hello to Our Featured Psychics of the week!

Top Featured Psychics – Seherezada82: My name is Seherezade and I have been dedicated to fortune telling and cards for almost 16 years now. My fields of expertise are mainly love, career, financial outlook, health but also twin flames, soul mates and destinies in general. I am glad to be chosen one of Oranum’s top featured psychics! I work with the famous tarot deck, Rider Waite, which is very specific and also gives very detailed information about timeframes. I’m very quick at connecting and I don’t waste time or credits. All you have to do is provide me with your first name and specific question and I will connect with you directly. If you are searching for real and honest guidance, I’m the real psychic for you! Top Featured Psychics – Mysticlotuss: Hello dear friends I’m Mystic Lotus. I’m very happy to be here with you and I will tell you some things about me: I’m a tarot reader with 11 years of experience, I’m sensitive and an empath, and I can help you with: …