All posts tagged: Tarot

What does the Fire Rooster’s year have in store for you?

What is your Chinese Zodiac Sign? Well, it is worth to find that out as by knowing that you can prepare for the Chinese New Year that starts Today. Simply by reading your sign’s related description Fire Rooster will not be able to trick you! RAT (1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 and 2008) While you won’t be that happy to see the Year of the Monkey go, chances are you already know that you’re ready to get your teeth into something meaty. The Monkey and Rat are the best of friends, but for you the Year of the Monkey was also an adventurous year. Whether you travelled, embarked on higher learning or the pursuit of knowledge in a formal or overt way or not, the Monkey worked throughout the past 12 months to bring you out of your comfort zone, encouraging you to explore your world and embrace life’s richer experiences. As one lunar year ends and another the fire rooster begins, you take what you have learned from one and apply to …

Chinese New Year – Year of the Rooster

Did you know that Chinese New Year begins tomorrow? What can you expect from the Rooster in 2017 and what will this year bring to you? Find all the answers right now by reading our article. History of the Chinese New Year According to tales and legends, the beginning of Chinese New Year started with the fight against a mythical beast called the “Year”. At the night of New Year’s Eve, the “Year” comes out to harm people, animals, and properties. Later people have realized that the Monster is afraid of the color red, also fire, and loud noises. Therefore, for self-protection, people formed the habit of posting red Dui Lian in front of their house as well as launching fireworks, and hanging lanterns at the end of the year. If you believe the truth can come to closer and faster to you than you’d ever thought, contact a psychic for FREE! Did you know the date for the Chinese New Year is different every year? The difference is based on the first day of the year …

The Seven Chakra: A Map to Consciousness

Seven chakras – a template for happiness The meditation that the psychic community is associated with is a meditation that comes from the Hindu tradition. Empaths focus on the opening of the seven chakras, while psychics focus on maintaining their balance. In this life, our chakra system serves as a template for happiness and spiritual transformation. Only after opening the seven chakras through meditation can an empath become a psychic. Another way to look at the seven chakras is to see it as a roadmap to connect to consciousness (in Buddhist terms). Looking for an answer? Look up a psychic today and get the support you need! A short description of the Chakras: 1. Root Chakra It is is located at the base of the spine. This red chakra governs the material world, it is the force that binds energy into form, and creates the density that we experience as the physical world. Its element is the Earth and it represents our survival instinct for life. When aroused and open we no longer fear anything …

Favorite color represents the personality?

Colors can change our moods indeed We are sure everyone has already experienced that wearing an item of a certain color can indeed affect our moods. Based on our choice different colored pieces of clothing can even calm us down or warm us up. Women feel more attractive in a red dress then in a grey one for example. It is logical to assume that color preference in a sense can give a description about our personality. You will be able to decide how accurate these descriptions are while reviewing the upcoming articles on different colors. And your observations are always welcomed in my free chat room. It is important to remember how colors affect every single person in different ways. Factors such as gender, age, and culture can influence how an individual perceives colors. We had to mention this as now we are going to focus on explanations provided for people who live Western Hemisphere. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true reading from a psychic! What does it …

Best Places to Meditate

Where to meditate? Let us provide three tips for you! Meditation will help you to get over hard times and uplift your energy level anyways but if you have the option and practice it in an amazing environment, like the ones listed below, the positive effects are doubled for sure.  Nasir-al-Mulk Mosque    This beautiful shrine situated in Shiraz, Iran, was ready to be used in 1888 during the reign of the Qaja dynasty (1785-1925) and was constructed under the order of Mirza Hansan Ali Nasir al Molk in 1876. The mosque is still in use today and protected by the Nasir al Mulk’s Endowment Foundation. Obtain all the useful and hidden information from your psyche with the help of a Genuine Psychic! The particularity of this building is the used colored glass in its façade as well as the colorful array of painted geometric tiles on its walls. There are also traditional elements such as iwan arches and a central fountain used for ablutions. Iwan arches are rectangular halls or spaces usually vaulted walled …

10 infallible signs that shows you have found your Soulmate

If you are ready You have to know that the chance is there for everyone to find their soulmate but you have to be ready and blessed enough to be able to recognize and grab it when the time is right to do it. It is a magnetic attraction that can barely be described by words. Everything about it just seems and feels right, it’s more likely an intuitive impression than a conscious experience. Space and time does not matter any more once you have found the way towards each other. If you believe the truth can come to closer and faster to you than you’d ever thought, contact a psychic for FREE! Only the feeling inside and whisper from your subconscious will tell you that he/she is the one you were searching for. There is a flow and a rhythm in this sort of relationships that tells you and gives you the instinctive feeling that this is different, special and genuine. As the golden rule here again, if you love yourself, your soulmate will …

How to find everlasting love?

Change the way of your thinking Based on the universal law of attraction you will meet people and face situations that you create for yourself. Note that you cannot create perfection in love as you are not aware of most of the things that are hidden in your subconscious. Naturally striving to get to know yourself more and more, however, will always pay off. The truth is that deep self-knowledge is the only way to change your circumstances, because gradually you will experience what is inside you. The world is a mirror which means in case you think you need a guy you will meet plenty of guys of various personality types. However, if you think „I would like to meet with the father of my children”, well, that is a totally different message towards the Universe. Below you are going to find some tricks and tips how to attract love in your life. For personal guidance you can contact me right now as well. Live the life you love and love the life you …

The Real Dream Dictionary – Basic symbols

Have you ever dreamed about flying or falling? What about losing a teeth or showing up to work or school naked? Not to mention test-taking, meeting a celebrity, driving an out-of control vehicle… Find out the true meaning of your one-time dream or reoccurring dreams! presents you The Real Dream Dictionary – Find out the True meaning of your Dreams! Dream Dictionary – Everyone has Dreams Dreaming is something that all humans, and most animals, do. Dreaming is mostly done when we sleep, but some people can dream while they are awake as well. Dreams can happen when your eyes are closed and sometimes even when you are in a darkness with your eyes open. “I was asked to join ORANUM before the website went live so that I was here from the first day.  I feel grateful to present you Today the Basic Dream Dictionary that you can use every day. You can find me online each day, feel free to contact me for a Dream Analysis, Meaning of Dreams, when you need a detailed Dream Interpretation or …

Meet your personal guides and angels

Guardian Angels? First of all I would like to clarify something: although many people, especially with a Christian background, call guides guardian angels, they are neither guardians not angels. A psychic can give you the AUTHENTIC READING you’ve always longed for. Look one up at Oranum today! The word guardian gives you a false hope that whatever you do, you are always protected from harm. Have you ever wondered what happens to those going through a lot of hardship even leaving Earth before time? Have you, yourself, ever gone through a painful experience or lost someone? What happened then? Was your guardian angel on holiday? Or did you do something to offend the angels and as a response he stopped looking after you? What does it say about angels, who are supposed to be nice and impartial, if they get offended and decide to punish you? Angels are entities who convey messages between dimensions and different grounds of existence. It is the reason why they are pictured with wings. Like the Winged Sun in Egypt, the …

Nature Offers Nurture

Grounding In today’s modern world, many of us do not find the time to interact with the grounding and stabilizing energy of nature. From the belief that Earthing (or grounding) can help improve your health by reconnecting with the earth’s energy, up to and including Nature worship, our connection with Nature is undeniable.With our technology laden lives we forget that we *still* have more in common with nature than we do the metal and plastic devices we allow such control over our us. “It’s the beauty that thrills me with wonder, It’s the stillness that fills me with peace.”                                                             -Spell of the Yukon, Robert W. Service If you are in need of an honest reading with a psychic, visit Start chatting now for FREE! Effects of urbanization The world’s population has been becoming increasingly urban. The United Nations reports that since 2009 there are more of us living in urban centers than in rural areas for the first time in human history. An amazing 54% of the world’s population now lives in the city, essentially …