All posts tagged: Tarot

Meet top psychic of the week – Countessstarella

Welcome to the wonderful world of Countess Starella. For thousands of years, I have been teaching people how to manifest their dreams. I am among top psychics on and a clairvoyant, visionary, channeller, facilitator, and a creator. Since the age of 6 of my current incarnation, fascinating guides, masters, angels, and ascended ones have been giving me the secrets to health, success, romance, happiness and wisdom. There is a stream of consciousness floating around us. With love, patience and a mentor one can learn how to use and benefit from everything which has come before us. It also follows that one can become master of one’s destiny through various techniques and disciplines which result in empowerment, greater joy and fulfillment. One thereby has a hand in forging a favorable future!  Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with top psychics for FREE! Top Psychics – Countessstarella By entering the room of a Bodhisattva, one’s powers increase and one gets luck, love and success. An energy of sweetness radiates here. Would it surprise …

Psychic Tip of Jonmoss2000: How to reach your goals in 2017?

Just because the majority of the people fail to reach their goals in the new year, it doesn’t mean you can’t be the exception. By creating a precise game plan that replaces bad behavior with good and has realistic milestones, you can reach your goals in 2017. Obtain hidden information from your psyche with the help of a psychic! Start taking baby-steps now, and you’ll be amazed at how you eventually achieve the “impossible” in the upcoming year. 1, Make sure your goals are realistic and specific Some of the most common reasons resolutions fail is that they’re either overly ambitious or too vague, so it’s important to be both realistic and specific when setting goals. For instance, if your goal is to lose weight this year, a more specific yet realistic goal might be to start exercising for at least half an hour each day and begin preparing your meals from scratch rather than relying on processed and pre-packaged foods. This would be more realistic than simply deciding you want to drop three dress …

Find Love with the help of our Special Love Rituals!

If you wish to give a boost to your current relationship or still searching for the one and only to spend the rest of your life with, you are in the right place now. Selected Oranum Psychics are here to present you some secret Love Rituals to help you. To find out more of these magical ceremonies and the methods our Experts will use in order to help you, read our article! Love Rituals – Almightysoul My love rituals are nothing like you’ve seen before, as I do traditional African rituals! This blessing ritual helps to cope with love issues, cleans misfortunes, boosts your luck in finances, helps with spiritual cleaning and removes curses and spells! During the ritual I speak to the spirits in my native language and use my special tools, required by the spirits, for the particular problem, Members will instantly feel better and will see changes right away as their energy level increases! It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! Love Rituals – Bernadett81 …

Get to know Kinesiology

When I first started Kinesiology, my knowledge and understanding on the spiritual aspect of life was something I had never thought about. However, when I started my own training and practiced more and more, I realised that spiritual balance was just as important as emotional and physical balance, and by embracing the essence of it, it opened up a whole new side to my treatments and my personal life. ​As my understanding and experience grew, new aspects opened up to me; such as the ability to work with my intuition, the ability to feel energies and most importantly, opening my mind which allows me to work beyond the boundaries of science and the senses. Looking for an answer? Look up a REAL PSYCHIC today and get the support you need! A short explanation Kinesiology is a combination of ancient Eastern knowledge and modern Western muscle monitoring. This technique indeed balances the body on many levels. Its effective results come from the way it works with the body’s innate healing intelligence to restore balance and health …

The Real Benefits of an Online Psychic Reading

Online Psychic reading – Gain insight to your future Are you interested in getting an online psychic reading to gain insight into your future before making important decisions? Are you in search of your local psychic reader or a tarot card reader? It might not be all that easy to find your psychic readers in your area because not everyone advertises their services as most of them keep a low profile and spread their reputation by word of mouth references. The same applies to tarot card readers as well. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic for FREE! If you are facing problems in finding your local psychics or tarot readers why don’t you try an online psychic reading? There are many advantages in finding your psychic readers online. First, you will not have to waste your time asking for references from your friends and colleagues. Moreover, not everyone is comfortable to discuss with friends about getting psychic readings. So you too may feel delicate about getting information from friends …

Psychic tip of LoveDrNikki: How to reach your goals in 2017?

With 2017 being a number One year (2017 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10 = 1+0 = 1) you may find yourself facing a new year filled with new goals. Number One years are known for bringing new beginnings, new ways of thinking, new interests and/or attitudes. Therefore it is worth being prepared to know how you will be reaching goals! It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! As you move into the year, here are 10 easy ways to include the Spirit’s help to reach your goals. Reaching goals? – 1. Ask your Spirit Ask the Spirit to help you reach your goals. You would be surprised how much you can receive if you only ask for it. Set solid goals in your mind and ask the Spirit consciously for the strength and skills so that your goals can become reality. Have a conversation with the Spirit about your goals even while driving to work. Use the Spirit as a sounding board for new …

Top 10 tricks for a deep and relaxing sleep

A healthier lifestyle leads to relaxing sleep Luckily nowadays people are investing more and more energy into setting up a healthier lifestyle for themselves. That doesn’t only mean paying attention to your meals and striving to exercise at least two-three times a week however, there are many publicized researches out there that explain the importance of a balanced sleep. If you are in need of an honest reading with a Gifted and Talented online Psychic, visit Start chatting now for FREE! We would like to summarize the most useful tips and tricks that can help you to have a relaxing and harmonic sleep. Do not be afraid of implementing these suggestions to your everyday routine. Rest assured you cannot lose anything with this, and also remember that you are more than welcomed in my free chat room to share your experiences! 1, Don’t change your bedtime. To optimize the quality of your sleep, you will need to try to go to sleep and get up at around the same time every day. This is the only …

7 Best Home Remedies for Cold and Flu – The Power of Nature Series, I

Prevention Naturally prevention is always better than the cure, but many of the same herbs that keep colds and flu away, will also help you get rid of it faster. Of course, once you have a cold or the flu the best advice is still “get plenty of rest, drink lots of fluid and take plenty of vitamin C”. As always, before treating yourself at home by using any of the suggested natural home remedies, you should consult your doctor first regarding any medical condition. Some herbs do react with certain medications. Grandma was right about drinking hot liquids since cold viruses reproduce best at temperatures slightly below normal body temperature. Hot herbal tea is just the thing to soothe a sore throat, decongest, and to relax a cough. A psychic can give you the exact insight you need. Chat with an expert today for FREE! GARLIC Garlic has been considered an herbal “wonder drug” since ancient times. It is one of the most powerful herbs in treating colds and infection since it has wide-ranged …

Psychic tip of Leelahel: How to reach your goals in 2017?

Leelahel My name is Leelahel and I am going to give you some advice on how to reach your goals and how to make 2017 the best year ever! 2017 is well over the first half of its month already. Are you still trying to figure out a plan for 2017? Resolutions have a tendency to bite the dust after the first couple of weeks, but you can always count on Oranum to be present and give you some sense of direction. Remember: We have clarity! You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic for FREE now! A small ritual to make your day How about a small ritual to help reach your goals and add some zest to what already may be a regular practice? Let’s get started with your morning cup of coffee or tea. Swirl your hand clockwise three times over the cup and say, “I am the tool, you are the fire. Fill this cup with all I desire.” After setting your desired intention for the day, drink up! No …

Make your home more peaceful! Home Altar

A place in your home that honors higher powers The home altar enjoys a definite comeback in most American homes. Although it is not an entirely new idea, as home altars or chapels were all the rage for the great houses and castles built across Europe. Many Eastern religions encourage a personal and direct connection with the Divine power through daily prayers at a home altar. Soldiers throughout thousands of years carried talismans of their religion with them as a form of a portable altar that they could take with them in their travels. It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! Your home altar can be as simple or elaborate as you choose it to be. However, regardless of your beliefs, you can create a place in your home that honors your faith and Higher Power. Some basic ideas Here are some basic ideas from LoveDrNikki and a few assets you might want to use as you create your personal Sacred Space. *Find a place for your altar that is easily …