All posts tagged: Love associations

Self  Love

Self  Love in Relationships

The conventional way in which people view love within the context of relationships is through loving another person. What people tend to forget though is that loving yourself is just as important for any relationship to thrive. Being in a relationship without self love can result in a lot of pain and anguish. Self love may seem selfish, but it is impossible to have a truly intimate relationship without this component.  What do we mean when we say self love? This term has only been brought into popularity in recent years. However, it remains a difficult concept to grasp for most people. Self love is a trait that is meant to enhance the way a person thinks, feels, and acts towards one’s self. It’s also one of the most powerful tools we have to help us onto a path of personal growth and development.  Oranum Love Psychics are available 24/7 to give you right advice! When people seek to begin a relationship with another person, they often gear towards adapting behaviors aimed towards impressing the person they’re trying to win over. This isn’t necessarily detrimental in itself. However, if this leads to compromising your inner beliefs, values, and personality, it paves the …

love languages

LOVE LANGUAGES – How to speak to your partner’s love language?

Everyone has a love language or a way of showing, giving, and/or expressing love, but not everyone has the same type. Once you have figured out yours, you will find it easier to communicate your needs to your partner and to also understand their actions. However, you must also keep in mind that the love style you choose to give may not also be the same kind that you prefer to receive. While you may relate to them all, each of us has one that resonates with us the most. Once you discover yours and your partner’s love languages, you can better support the relationship’s growth and firm up it’s foundations. Here is a quick overview of each of the love languages: Words of Affirmation This love language is characterized by the verbal acknowledgement of love. Whether you prefer to give or receive this language, it means you either want to feel or convey deep appreciation. This often includes saying “I love you” frequently, checkup texts, social media engagement, and compliments. A 2010 study about …

Is it time to have your own family

Is it time to have my own family?

Having your own family is a mix of rewarding and challenging experiences. One of the things many people don’t realize about families is that you aren’t born into one, you create your own family. If you’re looking for what you should do beforehand and wondering like “is it time to have your own family?” then have a look at these points below. However let us add that there is no such thing as “perfect time” to start yours. You will always be able to find another thing why having a baby can or should be postponed; so don’t let this type of attitude become a trap for you. With that being said here are those points to check and consider: Genuine online Psychic advisors are ready to help you in you. Is it time to have your own family? Work on your savings – When you’re single, your salary is just for you. This is the best part of your life to build savings. It’s important that you keep a portion of your money for …

Essence of love

The Spiritual Levels of Love

You will agree that though you would like to be in love, you can never force it to happen as it happens on its own accord. However, the least you can do is to know its many layers so that connecting to its source becomes much more straightforward. What is the essence of love? Essence of love – Love has multiple levels A majority of people are confused about the true meaning of love all through their lives. Many of us start the search from our inner lives either conscious or subconscious for the origin of love, which cannot be taken away. It is also likely that you could have grown up feeling neglected or unloved while under the impression that performing heroic feats is essential to winning that much-coveted love. Also, the films we watch, our religious and cultural beliefs, and our parents offer us ideas about the essence of love, which influence us even after we do not remember their source any longer. Plus, whenever we are in contact with our teachers and …

spiritual love at first sight

Spiritual Love at First Sight

Has it ever happened that you met a person and felt as if you had known him or her always? Alternatively, have you got acquainted with an individual and felt as if both of you belong to each other as close friends and even romantically at first sight? In case, you have felt so, then you have developed a strong spiritual connection with that other person. Spiritual love at first sight… is that real? Loves me, loves me not? Ask an astrologer or Clairvoyant today. Spiritual love at first sight – Importance of physical connection It is something most of you have experienced in a relationship at some point in your life irrespective of whether you had developed a spiritual connection or not. After all, a person’s spiritual energy is aware of what is apt for him/her. It also pertains to how the person feels from a day to some other day. According to studies, your spiritual health is directly connected to your physical well-being and health. A pertinent question in this respect can be …

Spiritual love

Are love and spirituality indivisible?

Many people, as well as sources of literature like the Bible, say that true love and spirituality are indivisible. The above statement is further elaborated by saying that love cannot be without the selflessness of an evolved spirit. Let’s see how you get from love to spiritual love. People who are on the path to finding love will face many different things such as sexual obsession as well as love which is needs-based. Needs-based love is love that gives far less than it takes. Free love is another type of love that people encounter in which no commitment is made. Do you two belong together? A love horoscope can tell you the answer! Spiritual love – the message that resonates with you Hollywood has made people believe that if their love is pure and true, they will definitely know that their partner is the one in a higher spiritual way. However, the reality is quite different. All spiritual matters require guidance to ensure that a person isn’t on a path to self-destruction or deception. Guidance can …

Perfect partner

Signs That the Universe Is Trying to Set You Up with the Perfect Partner

Trying to find your perfect partner, the one true love? Well, if you are, there is a very good chance that you’ve probably run into them or met them at some point in time. It’s just that you don’t know. You see, we’ve forgotten to tap into the more spiritual aspects of our life and that makes us blind to certain things. This includes not being aware of the fact that the universe is actually trying to push you in the direction of your true soulmate. But, the good news is, you don’t have to stay blind. Just open your eyes and look for the signs. Here are some of the signs: You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic now! Perfect partner – You Find Yourself at Peace When the universe tries to set you up with your soulmate, certain interesting things happen. One of those things is the sudden and overwhelming sense of being at peace with yourself. You have reconciled with the pain of the past. People around you start to …

Love or Lust

Love or Lust: Knowing the Difference

Love or Lust: Knowing the Difference Are you extremely attracted to someone? Well, that’s  really great, but how do you know whether it’s love or lust? You see, the line between lust and love isn’t very clear. In fact, there can be no attraction without lust. Our biology does play an active role in determining how and to whom we are attracted. But, the problem with lust is that it is very temporary. Every good relationship must eventually evolve from the lust phase to the love phase. But, how do you even know when and if it does? Well, here are a few signs to look out for. Love or Lust – Increased Focus on Sex Sex is core part of a healthy relationship. No romantic relationship can survive without sex. However, if the only feeling that you’re able to express his sexual attraction, you’re probably not in love. Love is characterized by a much deeper connection. A connection that transcends physical pleasure. So, unless you and your partner aren’t emotionally invested in each other, …


Why are we searching for our soulmate?

Soulmate – to love and to be loved We all want to be happy. And for many of us happiness is to love and to be loved. We desire to find your soulmate and be happy together. But why are we so dependent on this? Why do we need a love partner? Why do we suffer when we are alone? The reason is in energy exchange between people. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true psychic reading!  Everyone has an invisible energy capsule around him/her. In the process of life our body, thoughts, lifestyle and mood fill this capsule with energy. Throughout our lives there is an accumulation of both positive and negative energies around us. This energy capsule affects our life and emotional condition. To improve our health, mood and overall background we need to exchange our energy with others. It is necessary for human to give away the energy that has been accumulated and to receive in return the energy that is missing in his capsule. When two people …

Respect in relationships

Tolerance and respect in relationships

Respect in relationships – 100% you are right? Humans are very good at making the most out of difficult situations, it is why we do so well. Even when it comes to love and respect in relationships, we can strive and push forward to improve. Sometimes, two what would seem perfect people grow distant and disagree over something trivial, which can then lead to argument. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic! Proving a point, when you have the bit between your teeth and you think 100% you are in the right, can be so damaging. The person, who eventually submits under your pressure may not recover and decide to leave. It does not matter, if you are male, or female, as giving a little slack can help your relationship survive longer. When there is a lot of good between two people, meaning physically and mentally, disagreements can cause mountains to grow. Over time, it will seems like too much effort, to find energy & emotional exhaustion can follow. Emotional exhaustion …