What Makes a Taurus Tick? The Taurus Zodiac Profile
If there is one word that sums up the biggest stereotype for a Taurus, it is probably stubborn. Much like their animal totem, the bull, they are headstrong when it comes to their stances and desires in life. Representing the second sign of the zodiac, these grounded individuals adore creature comforts. While they have a down-to-Earth appeal, they are actually ruled by the planet Venus and make for passionate and sensual lovers. The Taurus zodiac profile is complex and has many layers, so let’s dig in!
The Taurus Lover:
Any sign with Venus as their ruling planet is sure to make a great lover. A Taurus, however, is a fixed sign and therefore immoveable in their wants and desires. This means that if it doesn’t click for them, the chances of a relationship lasting are small. Often a first date is all they need to be sure if someone has passed the test for them. On the flipside, if a Taurus thinks they have met a good match, they will fight relentlessly to ensure the partnership lasts. If you have a Taurus lover in your life, you know that they are keen on private romantic gestures and probably prefer touch as a love language.

The Taurus Boss:
Since one of the most well-known characteristics of the Taurus zodiac profile is their stubbornness, you might be thinking that a Taurus boss would be a nightmare. This isn’t always the case. They tend to make reliable and steadfast bosses for the most part. You will need to prepare yourself for the initial training period as it might be a little intense. Taurus’s like to be prepared and will want to be sure that you are too before letting you go on your own. That said, they thrive on relaxed and cozy atmospheres and will do their best to make the office a comfortable place for most.
The Taurus Friend:
Faithful, dedicated, and supportive, a Taurus possesses all the qualities that make for an excellent friend. You will need to be wary of intense debates on matters that you disagree on as a Taurus tend to be unmovable on their stances. While some will be open to your ideas, fully changing their minds will be a challenge and may raise tensions. For best results with this Earth sign, keep things light, fun, and cozy! Proposing a movie night, a nice restaurant dinner reservation, or some shopping will be sure to appeal to them.
While they may come off as the silent, strong type, you will see how a Taurus can have a warm and welcoming interior. Like all signs, they are multifaceted and possess many aspects. It’s up to you begin peeling away and discovering all they have to offer! Want to know more about the Taurus zodiac profile? Chat with our experts to learn about them today!
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