All posts filed under: Astrology


Curious about astrology and what is written in the stars? How they influence your daily life? What it all means? Get an astrology report or a read your Horoscope!

The cosmos holds the answers you need! Chat with one of our stellar astrologists on and find out what the stars have in store for you. Our astrologers are skilled in providing general chart readings, love horoscopes, weekly horoscopes, and sign compatibility readings. Don’t take our word for it, try a psychic reading and experience total clarity today!

If you need of information about what is going to happen to you, check your zodiac sign now!

A personalized deck of of tarot cards spread out on a table

Understanding the Power of Tarot Reading

The History of Tarot Reading Tarot reading started in medieval Europe. At first, tarot cards were used for entertainment. But over time, people started using the cards for divination and prophecy. This is how tarot reading became what it is today. How Tarot Reading Works A tarot reading is usually done using tarot cards, which are split into two groups: Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. Major Arcana cards represent big events and influences in life. Minor Arcana cards represent everyday events and influences. When doing a tarot reading, the reader will use a spread, or a way to lay out the cards. The most popular spread is the Celtic Cross, which uses 10 cards to represent different parts of a person’s life. The reader will then explain the cards based on their place in the spread and their meaning. The Benefits of Tarot Reading Tarot reading can be helpful in many ways, like: Choosing a Tarot Reader When choosing a tarot reader, it’s important to pick someone who is experienced and trustworthy. Look for a …

Beyond the Stars: Uncovering the Evidence for Astrology

Astrology, the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world, has been around for thousands of years. But despite its ancient origins, many people today still question whether astrology has any scientific basis or if it is simply superstition. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the science behind astrology and explore the evidence and theories that support its validity. One of the main arguments in favor of astrology is that it has been found to have a high degree of accuracy in predicting human behavior and decision making. Studies have shown that people’s astrological signs are often strongly correlated with their personality traits, career choices, and even their romantic relationships. Additionally, some astrologers have used astrological principles to make accurate predictions about historical events and global trends. Another argument in favor of astrology is that it can be used to gain insight into the broader forces at play in the world, such as the influence of …

Lion’s Gate

What the New Moon in Leo and Lion’s Gate Mean for You

Mark your calendars for August 8th as we are in for a real cosmic treat! This day should be dedicated to renewal, reflection, awakening, and realignment. If you are looking for a sign to begin setting your intentions for your big dreams in life, THIS IS IT! This Sunday will be one of the most enlightening days of the year as we welcome a New Moon in Leo and Lion’s Gate portal is activated. Every year, we experience a very special day when the portal known as Lion’s Gateway opens (often also referred to as Lion’s Gate). This is an immensely powerful and spiritual time, where a cosmic alignment allows energies from the spiritual and physical worlds to intertwine. This day has been celebrated for centuries, dating back to Egyptian astrologic practices. Egyptians would observe the star Sirius rising in the sky and aligning with the pyramids. Use this passionate and intense phase to harness the potential of what the future will bring. Be sure to stay focused and grounded as you navigate this day. …

The zodiac Cancer profile

The Zodiac Cancer Profile: How to Spot a Cancer

Cancer is a cardinal water sign that has a motherly touch unlike others in the zodiac. On a good day, their strengths can range from being paragons of harmony, empathy, and imagination. However, if you catch them on a bad day, you might be in for another story. The more intense parts of a Cancer include possessiveness, impracticality, and withdrawn behavior. So how does this warm and watery sign embody such multifaceted ways? To truly understand the zodiac Cancer profile, we must take a deeper look into this mysterious sign and the many roles they can take on in your life. The Cancer Friend Forming a friendship with a Cancer will feel like a breeze. They are loyal and will go to great lengths to help you in moments of need. If you’re current situation requires a shoulder to cry on and some straightforward advice, you can count on your crab friends. That said, Cancers will want you all to themselves. Friendships are personal for them, and they prefer to have a close-knit group that …

Summer solstice

Summer Solstice Sun Water: Make the Most Out of Midsummer 2021

Every June, the longest day of the year comes to greet us. Sometimes referred to as Midsummer but more commonly called the Summer Solstice. This event is celebrated globally by different cultures who use their own customs and traditions to praise the sun and welcome summer! It is a bright day for all, and some parts of the world will experience upwards of 17 hours of daylight. This year, we all become sun worshippers on June 21. One of the best ways we like to celebrate the occasion is to make Summer Solstice sun water!   There is good reason to want to harness the spiritual energy of this special day. Many astrologers believe that the sun is strongest during the solstice. Moreover, and its powers and energies will have the greatest effect on us. So, how can we seize this solar magic for ourselves?    While you may have heard of moon water and the wonderful ways it can help with grounding, setting intentions, and manifesting, have you ever heart of sun water?  Few people know about the incredible benefits of sun water. More importantly that the energy from this day can be captured in a jar by making Summer Solstice sun water. We can help if …

Prepare for the New Moon in Gemini and Solar Eclipse

How to Prepare for the New Moon in Gemini and Solar Eclipse

How to Prepare for the New Moon in Gemini and Solar Eclipse We know the past few weeks have been pretty rough. Beginning with our first Mercury retrograde period in May, we are approaching the peak of yet another eclipse on June 10th. This one isn’t a lunar eclipse like the one we had in May (that signified the closing of a chapter). Rather this one is a solar eclipse, and it is all about looking ahead. Even more interesting is that this eclipse is joining forces with a New Moon in Gemini, making for a double trouble astrological phenomenon. If you have been feeling the urge to burst lately, you can thank eclipse season. It is likely making you agitated, tired, and giving you wild dreams. There is hope though and you can certainly survive this period. That’s why we’ve put together the best tips on how to prepare for the New Moon in Gemini and Solar Eclipse: · Be pragmatic! Chatty Gemini may be urging us to jump to conclusions and make our …

Eclipse season

It’s Eclipse Season! How to Prepare for the Full Super Blood Moon in Sagittarius and Mercury Retrograde

This will be the week that just keeps on cosmically giving! Not only will we welcome Eclipse Season on May 26th, but there will also be a Full Super Blood Moon in Sagittarius. You may be thinking that this is enough activity to keep you on your toes, yet there are more turns around the corner! The much-feared Mercury Retrograde comes into effect on Saturday. It’s an astrological whirlwind to say the least, however, you can come out ahead with the right planning and preparation. The Full Super Blood Moon in Sagittarius This lunar phase is one for the books! We will experience a Super Moon, the most bright and brilliant nights for a Moon, but it will also happen during Eclipse Season – making it a Blood Moon! These lunations are referred to this way due to the reddish glow they appear to have during eclipses. But what makes a Full Moon during Eclipse Season different than a regular Full Moon? In general, eclipses are times for mediation and reflection. This means that if …

The Hierophant’s Astrology

The Hierophant’s Astrology: The Tarot Match for a Taurus

Ruled by the sensual planet Venus and represented by the headstrong bull, Tauruses are known to be equal parts romantic and stubborn. While you may already know these tell-tale signs, did you know there is a Tarot Match for a Taurus as well? Believe it or not, each zodiac sign has a complementing Tarot card. These two esoteric practices could not seem more different from each other but, truth be told, have more in common and overlap more than you would expect. Let’s take a closer look at the Hierophant’s Astrology.  Each of the twelve zodiac signs are ruled by a card from the Major Arcana in Tarot. In fact, many psychics and astrologers can enhance their readings by incorporating the synergy of Tarot and the Zodiac. The connections between the Hierophant and Taurus may not be easily recognized at first look, but a deeper investigation reveals a surprising number of similarities. To begin are inquiry into the interweaving of these two counterparts.   The Hierophant’s Astrology  Hierophant is a Greek word for a High Priest, so it helps to think of someone who is all-knowing and wise, with a tinge of superiority.  As the fifth card in the Major Arcana, its numerology is 5 associated with spirituality, knowledge, and personal freedom. All qualities that a Taurus relishes in their life.  While Tauruses …

Pink Supermoon in Scorpio

The Pink Supermoon in Scorpio and What it Means for You

The next Full Moon of the year will occur on Monday, April 26, 2021 (11:32pm EDT) in the dark and mysterious sign of Scorpio. This will be the first of only two supermoons in 2021. Supermoon is a term invented in 1979 by Richard Nolle, an astrologer, and is used commonly today. It signifies the periods when the Moon is the closest to the Earth, often making them the most luminous and large Full Moons of the year. Let’s see what the pink supermoon in Scorpio has in store for you! For those of you that know a Scorpio, you are aware of how secretive, sensual, and emotional they can be. We can expect a lot of that energy to come to the fore during this lunation. Prepare yourself for the long-haul too as Full Moons can be felt up to three days prior and three days after their peak. Another hallmark of Scorpios is that they rule the 12th house in astrology dedicated to death and transformations. While it sounds scary, all transformations are …

Taurus Zodiac Profile

What Makes a Taurus Tick? The Taurus Zodiac Profile

What Makes a Taurus Tick? The Taurus Zodiac Profile  If there is one word that sums up the biggest stereotype for a Taurus, it is probably stubborn. Much like their animal totem, the bull, they are headstrong when it comes to their stances and desires in life. Representing the second sign of the zodiac, these grounded individuals adore creature comforts. While they have a down-to-Earth appeal, they are actually ruled by the planet Venus and make for passionate and sensual lovers. The Taurus zodiac profile is complex and has many layers, so let’s dig in!   The Taurus Lover:  Any sign with Venus as their ruling planet is sure to make a great lover. A Taurus, however, is a fixed sign and therefore immoveable in their wants and desires. This means that if it doesn’t click for them, the chances of a relationship lasting are small. Often a first date is all they need to be sure if someone has passed the test for them. On the flipside, if a Taurus thinks they have met a good match, they will fight relentlessly to ensure the partnership lasts. If you have a Taurus …