All posts filed under: Astrology


Curious about astrology and what is written in the stars? How they influence your daily life? What it all means? Get an astrology report or a read your Horoscope!

The cosmos holds the answers you need! Chat with one of our stellar astrologists on and find out what the stars have in store for you. Our astrologers are skilled in providing general chart readings, love horoscopes, weekly horoscopes, and sign compatibility readings. Don’t take our word for it, try a psychic reading and experience total clarity today!

If you need of information about what is going to happen to you, check your zodiac sign now!

Scorpio Full Moon 2019

Full Moon in Scorpio

The Scorpio Full Moon 2019 occurs at 27°38′ of Scorpio on the 18th of May. Full moons are culmination points when the results of the processes started during the previous new moon emerge. Moon in Scorpio is hypersensitive, intuitive, willing to get to the heart of the matter. Ruled by Pluto, it is associated with secrets, taboos, crisis and regeneration, instincts, survival, sexuality, shared resources, the cycles of birth and death. It connects us with the deepest layers of our unconscious and the driving forces within ourselves. Sun is in Taurus, the sign ruling the areas of our life related to money and personal finances, possessions, sense of security and self-worth. Astrology can help you find the right path and dispel your doubts! Contact an astrologer today! Scorpio Full moon 2019 – and the groundedness of Taurus The Moon sextiles her ruler, Pluto, which also means a Sun – Pluto trine. Thus the probing an transforming nature of the Lord of the Underworld can bring together the polarities of our life represented by Sun- Moon …

Cosmic influences 9th of May

Transformations will bring new growth and stability

All about the Cosmic influences 9th of May. The first half of May is a good time for well thought out changes in the areas of your life that are no longer working. However, gratification doesn’t come right away. It is a long process and it will require conscious efforts, patience and willingness to start from the bottom and to make some sacrifices. The 9th of May is a particularly significant day, when some planetary aspects related to these changes perfect and speed up the process of transformation. These cosmic influences will be active during the whole week. When there is no way to cope, ask help from an online astrologer! In one way or another the changes are generated by pressure as Venus makes a square with Saturn and Pluto. Simultaneously a Venus – Jupiter trine eases up the tension. The former aspect perfects on the 7th of May, the later two on the 9th. Cosmic influences 9th of May – Challenging Venus – Saturn transits tend to be a sobering time regarding our …

Mercury in Aries

Mercury in Aries 2019

Mercury enters in Aries on the 17th of April 2019, and simultaneously it leaves the retrograde shadow. This is a long expected shift: things related to communication, travels, financial transactions will return to their normal pace. Let’s see what Mercury in Aries brings you exactly: Due to its retrograde cycle, Mercury, the planet of communication, mental processes, travels spent a long time in Pisces this year. The planet of logic didn’t enjoy the extensive journey in its detrimental sign: the period between the 10th of February  – 17 th of April was full of confusions, delusions, evasions, delays and misunderstandings. Contact an astrologer for a detailed astrology reading now. Mercury in Aries – the fog is clearing up The transition from the dreamy realm of Neptune to the territory ruled by the agressive and assertive Mars is a significant shift. Aries is direct, brave, right to the point, spontaneous, innovative – and sometimes pushy, restless and impatient. So it becomes our communication during the weeks between the 17th of April – 6th of May. Situations …

Spring Equinox 2019

The Spring Equinox 2019

The Sun ingresses in Aries on the 20th of March (in New York at 5:58 pm, in London at 9:58 pm) marking the beginning of the spring on the Northern hemisphere. Simultaneously this is the start of the new astrological year. Aries, the first sign of the zodiac is associated with fresh starts, revivals, moving ahead. Both the spring- and the autumn equinox charts have special importance as they reveal the potentials of the following six months. Spring Equinox 2019 shows the following: It occurs one day before a potent Libra Full Moon. In the equinox chart the tension of the approaching full moon is moderated by a grand earth trine between the Moon still in Virgo, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, Mars in Taurus. Earth trines are associated with stability, productivity and practical results. The trine between Mars and Saturn indicates an excellent combination of ambition, desire and discipline. While the Mars – Pluto trine is a passionate combination, the presence of Saturn will stop you making impulsive decisions or actions. Still the Moon – …


Uranus in Taurus (6.03.2019 – 26.04.2026)

Uranus re-enters Taurus The most important Astrological event of 2019 occurs on the 6th of March: Uranus re-enters Taurus. Uranus spends in a sign cca. 7 years, so this will be a significant shift. Between the 16th of May – 6th of November 2018 when it visited briefly Taurus, we got some impressions about the atmosphere of this transit. Uranus is the planet of unpredictable changes and disruptions while Taurus is a slow, peaceful and security orientated Earth – sign : least to be said, the energy of the two cosmic principles don’t blend very well. Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius is associated with freedom, revolts, renewal, thinking outside the box, awakenings. It is a detached, non-conventional outer planet, preferring excitement and quick – sometimes shocking – changes. It is spontaneous and idealistic. It doesn’t pay too much attention to the details and the consequences. You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic now! Taurus is a fixed Earth sign, associated with stability, comfort, our physical body, sensuality, finances, values. It is rather conservative, …

Virgo Full Moon

Full Moon in Virgo – 19th of February 2019

Virgo Full Moon – associations… The full Moon of the 19th of February occurs at  00°42′ Virgo. In Astrology full moons signify the end of a 28 days’ cycle started at the previous new moon, respectively that of the 4th of February. Let’s see what the Virgo full Moon is about. The earthly sign of Virgo is associated with practical matters, daily routines, work, resources, health and generally our relationship with our bodies, pets, etc. The Virgo full Moon conjuncts Regulus, a potent fixed star the Leo Constellation. Regulus gives courage, independence, ambition, success, power and fame. However the bold nature, daredevil-spirit, competitiveness, the inclination towards pushing the limits – resulting from this influence can attract dangerous situations and strong enemies from the outer world. It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! The trine between the Virgo full Moon and the Mars – Uranus conjunction can add more fuel on the fire. This conjunction has perfected on the 13th of February, but it is still strong in the …

Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year – Moving into the Year of the Earth Pig

Lunar New Year – a year of completion By moving into the Lunar New Year, the year of the Earth Pig on 5th February, we are not just moving into another lunar year, but one of the most important in a 12 year lunar cycle for all of us. For the Year of the Pig is the final year of the natural 12 year lunar cycle, so it is a year of completion, endings and for summing things up. It is also a year when the Pig encourages us to rest on our laurels a little. After all, the Pig doesn’t believe in breaking into a sweat if you don’t have to! Each 12 year lunar cycle begins on the Year of the Rat and ends on the Year of the Pig and it is five of these 12 year cycles that make up a complete 60 year lunar cycle, or the sexagenary cycle, with all 12 years completing in the five elements – Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Within a 60 year cycle, all …

Aquarius New Moon

New Moon in Aquarius, 4th of February 2019

Aquarius New Moon The new moon of the 4th of February falls on the 15°45 of Aquarius. As the first new moon after the total lunar eclipse of the 21st of January it is particularly important. New moons mark the start of a new 28 day cycles and are generally favorable for new beginnings, While the previous new moon of the 6th of January was a solar eclipse and as such not very helpful for new ventures, the current one is a great occasion for launching new projects. February is one of the rare occasions when all planets will remain in direct motion during the whole month, thus you can move forward with your plans smoothly. (Remembering the snail – pace of the second half of 2018 dictated by the multiple retrogrades, this can be a real blessing) It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! Furthermore, Aquarius is a future-orientated sign, associated with the collective, the ideals, projects, friends, supporters, social concerns, group activities, broader perspective. The new moon …

Neptune Saturn Sextile

Neptune Saturn Sextile: Spirituality and Practice

Neptune Saturn sextile perfects for the first time on the 31th of January on the 14°54′ of Capricorn and Pisces. This is a beneficial aspect, combining the spiritual world, dreams, fantasies with common sense and substantial efforts to achieve tangible results. Since many things look too good to be true in 2019, this grounding transit is a real blessing. Saturn rules the physical world of manifestation. It’s concrete and defined. It is associated with healthy boundaries, tangible results, discipline, limits and ending. This earthy planet is at home in Capricorn, which is the natural ruler of the 10th house, associated with career, vocation, priorities, business and banking. Lost, confused, entangled in your issues? Astrologers can tell you what to do! Neptune rules the collective unconscious. It is associated with the unknown, the dreams, spirituality, higher states of consciousness but also illusion, addictions, self-destructive habits. It’s ethereal, sensitive, nebulous. Neptune is a watery planet, and it rules Pisces, and the 12th house of spirituality, dreams, fantasies, sacrifice, reclusion, self-undoing. The two planets don’t get along very well with …

Celestial effects

A Day of Great Intensity: the 18th of January, 2019

Three planetary aspects perfecting on the 18th of January will make it a very intense day. The complicated combination of these very different celestial effects can manifest in either way. Your level of awareness, the choices made by free will will make the difference between the best – and worst case scenarios. Celestial effects – The Sun – Uranus square perfects on the 28°39′ of Capricorn – Aries. This is a volatile transit of an abrupt and rebellious nature and it lasts for 4 – 5 days. At it’s best it feels like a wake – up call, prompting you to think outside of the box, to be yourself instead of getting stuck in compromises/ situations/ relationships hindering the expression of your individuality. A completely different approach of old problems can bring amazing breakthroughs. Brilliant ideas and originality will help you to break free from old forms of self- expression. When there is no way to cope, check your horoscope! Go to! However, don’t forget that this is a wild and impulsive form of …