Dream Interpretation, Love

How you can use a dream dictionary to figure out your subconscious regarding your love relationship?

Your dream dictionary

Dreams are indications of what a subconscious mind yearns for or feel for. An individual’s unresolved thoughts, fears, and any negative emotions in their dreams, indicated by subtle signs, may mean a lot of things. Most psychologists and psychics use one’s dreams to learn more about the person’s inner feelings and desires. A few have been listed below – your dream dictionary:

1. Abuse:

Being abused in a dream indicates being victimized or having taken the advantage of, by another, in real life. However, to abuse someone in dream shows that the individual is experiencing regret over his/her actions.

2. Abandonment:

Being abandoned in the dream shows the individual it is time to let go of those feelings that is keeping him/her from moving on in life. However, most may interpret it as a fear of being stranded by a loved one or overcoming the loss of a loved one. It could also mean being neglected in life by someone very close.

On the other hand, to dream of abandoning an individual shows that the person feels intimidated by his/her decisions in your life.

3. Cheating:

Let’see what that means in your dream dictionary: Committing adultery in dream indicates the yearning of the individual’s sexual desires. On the contrary, having a dream of partner committing may suggest the individual’s insecurities or lack of attention in the relationship.

Your dream dictionary

4. Affection:

Dreaming of expressing affection to another shows the level of content the individual has in the current relationship with that person. However, to dream of receiving affection is a sign of not getting enough in the relationship.

5. Amorous relationships:

This is a negative dream that is more or less a warning that states the person could easily fall in trouble by his/her own self, due to temptations, or by others due to persuasion.

6. Betrayal:

Being betrayed in one’s dream is an indication of suspicion, either about the person, the relationship, or the situation. However, to dream of another causing the betrayal is a sign of sympathy toward self.

Your dream dictionary

7. Break – ups/Separation:

Dreaming of breaking up with a loved one suggests that the individual needs to let go of a certain thing to move on in life. Experiencing break up in dream, by someone else, is a sign that the relationship has moved on by closing something that needed to end, which could be positive, and indicate the start of something new in the relationship. Dreams of break ups is not a suggestion of relationship not working out, rather, a sign that the relationship is evolving.

8. Heartbreaks: Similar to dreams of affection, dreams of heartbreaks indicates changes or suggests that the individual is not receiving the love he/she deserves. Dreams of heartbreaks could also indicate emotional turmoil in real life.

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