All posts tagged: Astrology

Numerology overview

An overview of Numerology

Numerology overview – experience When we are born here, we are given a name and we are born exactly in one specific day, year and month. Your name has letters and letters are equal to numbers in numerology. The way that these numbers appear based on your name have a meaning. You will see that a numerology overview of these numbers can help a lot! The most important number that plays the biggest role in your life is your destiny number. To get your destiny number you have to add all the numbers in your date of birth. The other very important number is your Name number; which is the sum of numbers calculated from your name. Yes, I was like you… I never believed in astrology or numerology until I made my own life map and I was amazed by how accurate the details I was given were. A few numbers told so much about my past and my present. After that amazing experience I calculated the numbers of all people I knew and …

Respect in relationships

Tolerance and respect in relationships

Respect in relationships – 100% you are right? Humans are very good at making the most out of difficult situations, it is why we do so well. Even when it comes to love and respect in relationships, we can strive and push forward to improve. Sometimes, two what would seem perfect people grow distant and disagree over something trivial, which can then lead to argument. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic! Proving a point, when you have the bit between your teeth and you think 100% you are in the right, can be so damaging. The person, who eventually submits under your pressure may not recover and decide to leave. It does not matter, if you are male, or female, as giving a little slack can help your relationship survive longer. When there is a lot of good between two people, meaning physically and mentally, disagreements can cause mountains to grow. Over time, it will seems like too much effort, to find energy & emotional exhaustion can follow. Emotional exhaustion …

New Moon in Gemini

New Moon in Gemini

New Moon in Gemini – fresh starts The New Moon in Gemini on the 13th of June occurs at the 22°44′ of the zodiac. New Moons mark the beginnings of a 28 day cycle and they are also favorable for fresh starts, setting new goals, launching new projects – especially on the areas of life where they fall on your chart. Looking for an answer? Look up a psychic today and get the support you need! The sign of Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of mental activity, communication, travel, commerce. It is a transmitter and a receiver of information and knowledge. A new Moon in this sign can be great for starting new studies (courses of foreign languages, marketing, tourism, journalism are recommended), re-branding your image, networking, traveling, contacting your acquaintances, making new friends, socializing, launching advertising campaigns, etc. The current new Moon in Gemini conjuncts five beneficial fixed stars ( Bellatrix, Capella, Phact, Mintaka, El Nath). The impact of Capella is the strongest. According to Vivianne Robson, the author of The Fixed …

Spell casting

Spell casting technique for you

Spell Casting – imagine For the purpose of this simple exercise in creative visualization, think of something you would like. This might be an object you would like to own but can not afford, it may be a situation you would like to experience, or it may be some aspect of your life you would like to improve. To perform this simple spell casting that will help you to reach your goals, you just need to do the following: You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic for now! Make yourself comfortable and proceed to imagine exactly how you will feel when whatever it is you are wishing for has become manifest. Visualize yourself wearing those gorgeous shoes. Imagine how you will feel sitting in that air-conditioned office. Ponder the fun you will be having when you are off on your dream holiday. It doesn’t really matter what it is that you may want, just get it crystal clear in your mind and breathe. As you breathe in and out slowly, count backwards from ten …

Flower of life

Power of the Flower of Life symbol

Flower of life – origins This is a sign of harmony and protection and an energy symbol made up of 19 interlocking circles. Flower of Life is around 5000 years old and can be found in the Temple of Abydos, more precisely on the pillars of the temple complex of the Osireion, in Middle Egypt. Up to these day it exercises a magic and fascination for man. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a psychic reading! Flower of Life promises healing and the ability to get rid of fears; to get in touch with the higher self, and to go become more self-confident until you reach enlightenment. It is a sign of infinity. For many people, it helps as a supportive force in everyday life, releases all blockages and brings us back to our original energy. Flower of life – everyday use There are many ways to use this symbol. Put the flower of life symbol under a glass of water, so the water will be energized with the wonderful vibration of …

May Full Moon

Impacts of yesterday’s Full Moon

May Full Moon – all depends on your Zodiac Everyone waits for the Full Moon every month due to their beliefs and guesses. People have high hopes that perhaps their fate will change for their interests and fulfill their wishes. In this article we will talk about the May Full Moon effect on the 29th on Earth, Life and Astrological Signs. Under the Numerology theories, the May Full Moon was controlled by the 6, 10 and 41 charts number, which shows us predicting the impact of the Moon and the quality of energy that will be sent to us and the successive events to this celestial event. This means that the direct impact of the Moon that night was directed to the Taurus , Gemini , Virgo and Libra under the number 41 in the astronomical map and the First, second and third order of Earth and Air constellation. As for each month energies are equivalent to some and harsh on the other, so the zodiac signs that will have a good share of the power of sanctity …

Moon magic

Moon Magic

Moon magic – “There is a moon that rests in the quiet corners of a lover’s lips.” Sanober Khan I would like to share an idea with you about how to be attuned to the magical blessings of life. This is the first cornerstone of living a magical life: to be attuned to the moon. The first technique I would like to share with you is called ‘drawing down the moon’. A very simple but extremely powerful moon magic technique: All you need to do is stand under the moon, ideally outside, but you can also do this from a window (preferably an open window). Just raise your palms with your arms by your sides, and gaze at the moon. Feel the energy from the moon filling your body and your breath. Enjoy breathing in these precious energies. If you like, you can make a simple wish for ‘abundance’, ‘love’, ‘joy’, ‘freedom’, or whatever comes to your mind. You can also ask the moon a question, or give thanks. You may be surprised by how effective this is. …

mediumship skills

The skills of Mediumship

Mediumship skills – new realm Questions asked by clients based on seeing ghosts & connectivity, meaning people who have maybe journeyed to a new realm, and have left their physical bodies behind. During the time my mediumship skills evolved the most common question I got asked was “How do you connect?” Someone once said, that a person who is colorblind does not have, the actual concept around seeing red and green. Colorblind people, nevertheless, believe these colors to exist & to be on the spectrum. Even though most people can not physically see ghosts they know of them and maybe believe they exist too. This is similar to being a medium. Seeing or hearing ghosts sporadically is normal for me, it has happened, as far back as I can remember, but to others is out of the ordinary. Obtain hidden information from your psyche with the help of a psychic! Mortality was an early lesson for me, although, I never questioned, if the confusion was because of deception. Most families seemed unaware, that one or …

Venus perihelion

VENUS at Perihelion

Venus perihelion – some astrological details Our subject today will be how Venus perihelion – happening today on the 16th of May at 00:00 GMT – will influence our lives. Venus is the ruling planet of Libra and Taurus and is the second planet of the solar system. Venus is far from the Sun but on the other hand the the closest planet to Earth, and it is classified as a terrestrial planet like Mercury, Mars, and Earth. Venus is also called as Earth’s twin, because it has a great resemblance to the Earth. It is enough to take a look at it’s size and composition. The first visit to Venus took place in 1962 by the Mariner 2. It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychics today! Like every planet, Venus also moves around the Sun which is what we call “Venus Orbit”. Venus’s distance from the Sun varies by only about 1.5% between perihelion and aphelion. Perihelion is the closest position of Venus to the Sun and Aphelion is …

Love appears

Patiently waiting for love

Love appears – troubling trends As a Natural born Psychic the number one thing I get asked about is Love and when it’s coming. This is a very interesting question to answer because it is very different for every person, but there are troubling trends that I see with almost every person I help. Most have a very hard time finding comfort in the moments before love appears. It is easy to spend time wondering, wishing or dreaming about love situations from the past or pondering the notion that Love may never come at all. What we all sometimes forget is that every thought we put forth has a reaction. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic! Yes, It is true. Our thoughts have power. The easiest way to recognize this is to observe what happens when we remember or think of an uncomfortable situation. We may wince, squirm or tighten our body in some way. Once we have reacted to that uncomfortable thought our mood is set. If we don’t …