All posts tagged: blessings

Meditation for the Rose Moon

Written By: Psychic AlyciaRose June 20th marks the Rose Full Moon of 2016. The full moon in June is also known as the Strawberry or Mead Moon, and falls this year on the cusp of the sign of Cancer, which is ruled by the Moon. The Rose is an ancient symbol of the Goddess. The rose is known as the queen of flowers, is the symbol of beauty of youth, love, joy, silence, and has long been associated with the Mysteries. I wrote the following meditation for a ritual on the Rose Moon for our temple some years ago, and will be included in my book of meditations. May it bring you love, joy and beauty. Each participant should be handed a red rose prior to the mediation.  Pick the best ones, the most lovely of the ones you can find, but not fully opened. Begin by breathing in and out, slowly and purposely, conscious of the air moving within the body. The air begins to turn white with the light of healing energy, moving in through …

Celebrating the Summer Solstice

Written By: Psychic AlyciaRose Perhaps one of the oldest celebrated days on Mother Earth, is the Summer Solstice, when the sun is at its zenith in the sky. Celebrations can be found culturally in almost country stretching back into antiquity, its origins focus on agriculture and its cycles. Ancient astronomers used the summer and winter solstices to mark calendars, and a magical time since the sun did something it never did the rest of the year – appearing to not move. The very word solstice is from the Latin word solstitium, meaning ‘sun stands still.’ Stone circles such as Stonehenge were used to record the Sun’s travels, with one of the main events being sunrise on the day of the summer solstice. It is important to note that the Northern Hemisphere, the summer solstice occurs on June 20, 21, or 22, while in the Southern Hemisphere, the solstices are exactly the opposite, where they will celebrate the Winter Solstice at this time. The Summer Solstice this year occurs Monday, June 20, 2016 at 3:34 PM …

The History of Smudging and How To Do It

Written By: Psychic AlyciaRose/ Rev. Alicia Lyon Folberth. When people speak of smudging, they usually are referring to burning sage to purify their homes and themselves. Some commercially available smudge wands contain various herbs, but there are some which are traditional. Smudging can help create sacred space, and is also useful in self purification. It is a Native American practice which many people in other spiritual communities have also adopted without recognizing their original intentions, ceremonies, or purposes. So this article is to help those who would use this practice to become more aware. Native teachings are a way of life, and not simply a practice. Choosing Medicines The traditional Four Sacred Medicines are Tobacco, Sage, Sweetgrass, and Cedar. As with all sacred herbs, it is worth the effort to purchase your spiritual supplies which have been grown and harvested in proper spiritual way, with respect, and without damage to the environment. Do seek out your purchases from the Native community for this reason. They must have integrity. Deliberately choose the Way of Earth, and …

4 Ways to Accept Your Blessings

Many wise spiritual gurus have instructed us on how to live and acknowledge the blessings we receive each day. Before receiving all of the blessings life “could” bring us, we must accept the blessings we already have. Read ahead to discover 4 ways to honor what you already possess within yourself. Perception is Relative Perspective determines the way you end up feeling about life. Have you ever looked at something upside down and didn’t know what it was? Or were you maybe standing too far away to really see it clearly? Until you saw it correctly or clearly, you could not appreciate its value. We always have to make sure we are looking at life from the right perspective so that we can be grateful for all kinds of blessings we received. For example, you may want to feel mad that your car got totaled in an accident, but instead of realizing that you are alive and that a car can be replaced, you remain miserable. Appreciate and value the good under all circumstances. We do have …