All posts tagged: Dream Dictionary

Best Love Matches for Pisces

Best Love Matches for Pisces: How to Find Your Way Into a Pisces’ Heart!

Ruled by the dreamy-blue planet of Neptune, the mutable water sign Pisces is a real catch. Represented by two swimming fish in a circular motion, Pisceans are in tune with their emotions, spirituality, and imagination. If you are looking for a dreamer with great listening skills and an unmatched ability to empathize, then a Pisces may be the one for you. Whether this is just a crush or lifelong partnership, we want to show you how to find you way into a Pisces’ heart. While synastry (also known as relationship astrology) is a complex art, we are offering up some of best love matches for Pisces based on sun signs alone. Let’s take a peek at some fantastic romantic partnerships!  Best Love Matches for Pisces:  Cancer & Pisces  Up first we have the Cancer-Pisces dynamic, which is an intense ride of emotions. That said, these two can understand each other like no one else. There are few signs of the zodiac who recognize how deep feelings can go and these two make a remarkable pair for that reason. These two value quality time, romance, and intimacy, making them quite the steamy couple! That said, there …

Compatibility with a Capricorn

Compatibility with a Capricorn – Best Love Matches for Capricorns

Capricorns never take the easy road. They know that their path to success is riddled with challenges and they relish in the pursuit of what they want. While they are often seen as cold for this reason, this earth sign makes for a loving and life-long partner. Find out our pick for the best compatibility with a Capricorn. Above all, Caps value a few traits that must be present in any relationship or romantic commitment that they choose.  It is important for them to have another person in their life who values a strong work ethic. Anyone who knows a Cap understands how much they always give 100 percent when it comes to their work. Having someone who supports them in this area of their life is essential. There is no greater dream for them than to be a power couple. So, be sure to support them in their career dreams and endeavors and they will do the same for you.  Loyalty is another vital trait that a Cap’s partner must possess. While, like Scorpios, …

Major Trends in Astrology for 2021

Major Trends in Astrology for 2021

There is no doubt that 2020 was quite a challenging year, when we had to face some extreme changes to our reality. The profound transformations will continue in 2021, but there are significant differences. Here are some of the major trends in Astrology for 2021. One of the most important is that the heavy and restrictive Capricorn energy is replaced by innovative Aquarian vibes. Aquarius is an air sign, characterized by open-mindedness, revolutionary spirit, altruism, an urge to be free from all limitations and inhibitions. It is independent, original, witty, imaginative, bizarre, and objective; a rational, aloof mind.   The Great Conjunction: Is this the beginning of the Age of Aquarius?  On the day of the winter solstice of 2020 Jupiter joined Saturn on the 0°29′ of Aquarius. According to traditional astrologers, Jupiter – Saturn cycles starting with the conjunction of the two planets are the most important celestial factors shaping the course of history. These two planets are known as the “Great Chronocrators” or rulers of the ages. As Nicholas Campion states in his famous Mundane Astrology textbook “Their cycle can be considered the …

Holiday Promotion

Oranum Holiday Promotion!

Experience This Limited-Time Offer!  From December 24th – January 1st, Oranum is offering a magical Holiday promotion for our new and loyal customers! We want you to have the gift of clarity this holiday season and so we are offering 50% Extra FREE credits when you purchase any unlocked credit package.  We understand how challenging this year has been for so many people. Therefore, we want you to enter 2021 with a fresh outlook and clear answers. Perhaps the year that was ruled by work from home and many social cancelations has left you feeling hopeless about love prospects? Or maybe this year was financially rocky for you and your loved ones? No matter your challenge, we want you to find ways to make this new year count!   Our psychics are eager to give you guidance and so we want to help give you the final push. That is why we are giving you this special offer over the holiday season. You can use these extra credits to go towards your valuable readings. No matter how big or small the question you have, our community of psychics, …

Upcoming Demo Psychic

All Upcoming Demo Psychic Readings in December

Demo Psychic Readings – don’t miss the opportunity to connect with an expert! We have selected Psychic experts to show you their expertise and prove their talent through psychic readings in their free chat room. The below listed Holiday special demo Psychic readings will be held from 4:30 to 5:30 pm EST as usual! You can access the chat rooms at Dec. 22 – TwinFlamesll22 Dec. 23 – EternalFlame (Yes, 23rd Wednesday instead of Thursday this time) Dec. 29 – Sensei Dec. 31 – Madeline Visit these special one hour long demo Psychic readings and get all the answers you need to make this holiday season as fantastic and full with clarity as possible! Do you want to try but not quite sure where to begin? We offer a wide-ranging array of services, including: Tarot readings, palm readings, dream interpretation, astrology consultations, love horoscopes and more! You can connect with a compassionate and knowledgeable online psychic from the comfort of your laptop! Don’t take our word for it, try a psychic reading and …

Horoscope daily

Horoscope Daily for Sunday, December 20, 2020

Horoscope daily serve as a useful guide when it comes to making important decisions! To be completely up to date, read the information under your zodiac sign now! Aries             Taurus            Gemini Cancer             Leo                   Virgo Libra         Scorpio        Sagittarius Capricorn        Aquarius        Pisces Horoscope daily – Aries At the same time that there is a changing of the guard on the career front, the Moon is making its last visit to a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart for the year. This is equivalent to hitting a cosmic speedbump but at the very moment that even professionally, things are shifting down a gear. If this gives you a moment here and there to hear yourself think seize it, with time spend navel gazing a valuable circuit breaker. The most valuable break you can take is from overthinking things. Are you sure you know EVERYTHING about your partner!?  Click to …

Love daily horoscopes

Love Daily Horoscopes for Sunday, December 20, 2020

Love Daily horoscopes will help you to see what the Love Gods have in store for you for today! Any questions regarding the matters of the heart? Here are your answers! Aries             Taurus            Gemini Cancer             Leo                   Virgo Libra         Scorpio        Sagittarius Capricorn        Aquarius        Pisces Love daily horoscopes – Aries At the same time that the Moon returns for its last visit to Aries for the year and before Mars leaves in the New Year, it also returns for its only visit while Venus, the planet of love is in an adventurous part of your chart. A friendly aspect to Venus and an alignment with Mars over the coming days will bring a mix of romance, passion and adventure together. Are you sure you know EVERYTHING about your partner!?  Click to make sure… Love daily horoscopes – Taurus While Venus and Juno’s departure from your relationship sector last week has brought …

Horoscopes daily business

Horoscopes daily business for Sunday, December 20, 2020

Horoscopes daily business will guide you appropriately toward success and recognition in your professional life! Read the information under your zodiac sign! Aries             Taurus            Gemini Cancer             Leo                   Virgo Libra         Scorpio        Sagittarius Capricorn        Aquarius        Pisces Horoscopes daily business – Aries Just a day after Jupiter and just four days after Saturn left your career sector, the Sun and Mercury return today to take the next step. Where for the last three years Saturn and for the last 12 months Jupiter have been focused on the big picture and on building for the future, the Sun and Mercury return to bring this professional year home and to start lining up for 2021 in a more practical and mundane way. Get a trial for a psychic reading to get closer to the truth! Horoscopes daily business – Taurus As Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion spends his first …

Daily horoscopes money

Daily horoscopes money for Sunday, December 20, 2020

Daily horoscopes money, gives you insight on how to deal with this form of energy on a daily basis! Stars will help you to put your financial and money fronts back on track! Aries             Taurus            Gemini Cancer             Leo                   Virgo Libra         Scorpio        Sagittarius Capricorn        Aquarius        Pisces Daily horoscopes money – Aries While this is an expensive time of year, the money gods have not so much gone on holiday but are taking a break in order to let things settle. It has only been two days since the last planet left your financial sector and with income potential not starting up again until the New Year, you can afford to let things settle as you quietly mull over your financial resolutions for the New Year. Get a trial for a psychic reading to get closer to the truth! Daily horoscopes money – Taurus There is a …

General Daily horoscopes

General Daily Horoscopes for Saturday, December 19, 2020

General Daily horoscopes serve as useful guides when it comes to making important decisions! To be completely up to date, read the information under your zodiac sign now! Aries             Taurus            Gemini Cancer             Leo                   Virgo Libra         Scorpio        Sagittarius Capricorn        Aquarius        Pisces General Daily horoscopes – Aries Jupiter’s departure from your career sector, especially on the heels of Saturn’s departure three days ago is a big deal, ending what has been the predominant focus of 2020. Even without the Sun and Mercury returning tomorrow this would leave you with more than enough professional and competitive momentum. However, as Jupiter joins Saturn in your sector of friendship, teamwork and networking this is where the major focus is shifting and will remain for much of 2021. Are you sure you know EVERYTHING about your partner!?  Click to make sure… General Daily horoscopes – Taurus Three days after the Moon and Saturn left an …