All posts tagged: featured

The Story of the Rose Moon: Ebb and Flow

As the Rose Moon moves closer, we are all draped under the cover of it’s magnetic pull… What does this “tide” time period signal for you? Are you on the ebb or the flow? The next video in our Rose Moon series releases next Wednesday… Ask an Oranum psychic for clues if you can’t stand the wait 😉 Visit

Numerology Part 2: Computing Your Numbers

Name Number There is a power in understanding numerology and how numbers work. One of the most important numbers you will want to find is your Name Number. Within numerology letters are assigned specific numbers. Looking for an answer? Look up a psychic today and get the support you need! Here is a chart to help you find your Name Number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z   The way this works is really easy just note down the number that corresponds with the letter in your name.  Let’s do an example using the name “Jane Jill Doe”: J A N E J I L L D O E 1 1 5 5 1 9 3 3 4 6 5 Now we get to the “math” part of determining your Name Number. In numerology you add the numbers of the name together until you reduce it …

The Story of the Rose Moon: And So It Begins

Known to most of the world as the “Rose” or “Strawberry” Moon, June’s Full Moon brings an aura of enchantment, intrigue, mystery and sultry, summer emotions… Each week, we will release a new video bringing you closer to the true meaning of the Rose Moon (which will culminate on June 20th), and what it holds in store. The next video releases next Wednesday… Ask an Oranum psychic for clues if you just can’t stand the wait 😉 Visit

This Month’s Horoscope: June 2016

Spring is in full bloom, and summer is on its way! See what June has in store for you by reading this month’s horoscope. Aries Mar 21 – Apr 19 A few cosmic moves late last month have thrown the spanner into the works and have dramatically changed things up, in all instances creating what looks like pressure or tension but in all cases a real blessing in disguise. It was Mars’ departure from an adventurous part of your chart on the 28th May that has seen him return for a rare double dip visit to your financial sector, the first time he’s returned just months after leaving in nearly 80 years, returning to fire up old financial passions, while bringing an opportunity for a do over for any financial and money matters on the table earlier in the year. This in itself is not a problem, except for the fact that Mercury, held back by his own retrograde turn in your income sector over recent months is still there, putting them on a collision …

The History of Smudging and How To Do It

Written By: Psychic AlyciaRose/ Rev. Alicia Lyon Folberth. When people speak of smudging, they usually are referring to burning sage to purify their homes and themselves. Some commercially available smudge wands contain various herbs, but there are some which are traditional. Smudging can help create sacred space, and is also useful in self purification. It is a Native American practice which many people in other spiritual communities have also adopted without recognizing their original intentions, ceremonies, or purposes. So this article is to help those who would use this practice to become more aware. Native teachings are a way of life, and not simply a practice. Choosing Medicines The traditional Four Sacred Medicines are Tobacco, Sage, Sweetgrass, and Cedar. As with all sacred herbs, it is worth the effort to purchase your spiritual supplies which have been grown and harvested in proper spiritual way, with respect, and without damage to the environment. Do seek out your purchases from the Native community for this reason. They must have integrity. Deliberately choose the Way of Earth, and …

6 Simple Steps to a Spiritual Summer

As the days get longer and the sunsets get richer, many people find they have much more time and energy to spend enriching their lives with positive practices. Summer is for healing and strengthening the spirit, but not many people truly benefit from the warm weather and bright sunshine. Instead of wasting the season distracted and disheartened, you can enjoy a serene, spiritual summer by sampling these six steps. 1. Unplug and Disconnect As much as possible, you should avoid digital devices. Various studies have highlighted the potential dangers of overusing electronics, including weakened muscles and eye strain. Plus, the loud sounds and bright colors of your electronic devices prevent you from being in the moment, which means you can’t fully enjoy the day and the people around you with a beeping, flashing gadget in your hand. Place your phone in a drawer, power down your computer, and swap your e-reader for a paper book. Your mind, body, and spirit will thank you. 2. Experience Nature Most children get excited about summertime because the warm …