All posts tagged: horoscope

Harmonious relationships

Less struggle and more peace and joy in your relationships

Harmonious relationships – personal experience Being who I am, there won’t be any intro to what I am about to write and share with you all…… I’ll be direct and jump straight into the topic.  Let’s begin…….. The inspiration to share this with the rest of the world comes from a true incident that happened to me just a few days ago, involving a close friend of mine.  Now this friend and I met outside for some coffee…. and during our conversation, we began to have a difference of opinion.  Such things happen, right?  More often than we’d like?  With our partners, parents, best friends, etc.?  No matter how much we dislike getting into such frustrating stonewalling situations, we do manage somehow to get into them! So much more and so often with the people we love, value, and truly care about.  And that is how most harmonious relationships break down or lose the joy and warmth over time, isn’t it? Get a trial for a psychic reading to get closer to the truth! And …

Mercury Sun conjunction

Mercury conjuncts Sun in Leo

Mercury Sun conjunction – retrograde’s effects Mercury conjuncts Sun on the 8th of August on 16°22′ of Leo. In Astrology the Sun is associated with the self and its expression, our conscious ego, vitality and our creative force, while Mercury is the planet ruling the thinking processes, different forms of mental activity, communication, travel, etc. Sun is in its own sign in Leo while Mercury is retrograde since the 26th of July. (It will turn direct on the 19th of August). The current Mercury Sun conjunction can be a period in which many of the themes of this retrograde may be highlighted. The impact of the conjunction lasts 2 – 3 days. The meetings of Sun and Mercury are characterized by increased mental activity and awareness. However the downsides of the retrograde phase may be more apparent, too. (Delays, misunderstandings, miscommunication, technical glitches, etc) Even if you are shy by nature, Mercury in Leo may prone you to draw attention with your words and remain in the center of it. However, it is essential to consider, …

Third Eye

The Third Eye

The Third Eye – teaching The Third Eye is the center of knowledge and our energetic connection to wisdom. It is the 6th chakra and is also known as the forehead chakra. In the aura of teaching, it carries the color violet and is also known as the eye of Shiva. You can also open your third eye. Mediation is a good option or by looking in the mirror. Focus on your forehead chakra, relax and you will soon feel a sense of warmth and vibration. A psychic can give you the authentic reading you’ve always longed for.  When you have learned to see with the third eye, you can recognize the aura of others. In their energy, you recognize the character and abilities of a human being. You get a strong intuition, good human knowledge, high mental abilities and good perceptions. Over time, you develop clairvoyant abilities. So you can see better on the spiritual level. These things can also be very helpful in everyday life. The Third Eye – liberation People with an open …

Twin flames

Soulmates and Twin flames

Twin flames & soulmates – lessons to learn People often ask ‘Will I ever find my soulmate?’. Upon the Earthly plan as we continue our soul’s progress of learning and seeking perfection, of searching for meaning and an ascension to a higher consciousness we can encounter many soulmates. These kindred spirits come into our lives, and can take the form of a friend, a lover, a spouse. They can be fleeting or long term, romantic or platonic. When lessons have been learned, and that phase of the soul’s development complete, that special bond can also end. Yet ahead there is still potential to meet other soulmates upon our path through life. Twin flames are another story, you will see it shortly. It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! To meet a soulmate can feel uncannily familiar, as if you have known each other before in a past life, that this meeting is destined or predestined. A soulmate can understand you like no other. Your memory of them can …

Mars retrograde

Mars Retrograde in Aquarius

Mars retrograde – Astrological significance Due to the long period of Mars retrograde, this summer is more favorable for introspection, reflection and readjustments than for launching new projects. Mars, the planet of action went retrograde on the 26th of June and it will go direct only on the 27th of August. When a planet is retrograde, it appears to move backwards viewed from the Earth. Certainly there is no physical change of direction, but it has an Astrological significance. Apart of the two luminaries (Sun and Moon) every planet goes retrograde. They have their own cycles; Mars moves backwards every two years. His last retrograde occurred in 2016 while transiting Scorpio and Sagittarius. Obtain hidden information from your psyche with the help of a psychic! While retrograde periods are part of the natural planetary cycles, from human perspective they can be quite a challenge. They are associated with slowdowns, delays, breakdowns and all sorts of impasses. Mars is associated with energy, passion, drive, determination, self-assertivity, aggression, stamina, achievement, ambition, competition, sexuality. It rules wars, weapons, accidents, …


The Triple Goddess – stages of a woman’s life

Goddess – strong representation of the feminine energy The Goddess is at the heart off all nature religions. Her feminine energies are equal to the God, who is also known at times as her consort. For women this is wonderful, as we can see strong representations of what it means to be a woman. For men it is amazing, as they can have more feminine energies to enjoy and connect with too. The Goddess is known as ‘The Triple Goddess’ as she has three aspects- Maiden, Mother and Crone. These represent stages of a woman’s life, her monthly cycles, and also the phases of The Moon. It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! The waxing or growing Moon represents the Maiden: adventuring, hunting and free. The full Moon represents the Mother Goddess: full of powerful creativity energy and new life. And the waning Moon represents the Crone, where the wisdom is drawing inwards and incredibly powerful. The Crone is also depicted as a traditional ‘witch’ and her power …



Self-esteem – a game-changing recognition… Many people have already told you that you must have more “amour-propre”, in fact, the lack of self-esteem so many times is the cause of failures (just like the opposite: excess). It can be the cause of many renounces and mistakes, and you can’t imagine how many times it has happened to me in the past as well. It all changed after I started to understand what it exactly means to increase self-worth, self-trust and self-confidence. If you trust God you trust yourself and vice-versa. This was a game-changing recognition for me. What does it really mean to you to respect someone? Do you love that person or rather appreciate what they do? You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic now! Note that it is quite hard to truly respect someone without the feeling of love. This also means that in the process of building up your self-confidence and self-esteem it’s essential to start loving yourself. You esteem someone when you think that person is competent in something. You esteem …

The zodiac Cancer profile

New Moon in Cancer

Cancer new moon & partial solar eclipse The new moon of the 12th of July occurs at 20°of Cancer. Simultaneously it is a partial solar eclipse. Solar eclipses are energetically highly charged new moons, thus their impact is particularly strong. The current Cancer new moon opposes Pluto, the planet of crisis and transformation and conjuncts fixed star Castor, the brightest star of Gemini Constellation. A helpful grand water trine between the new moon, Jupiter in Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces enables a positive outlet of the tension indicated by the challenging aspects. A psychic can give you the exact insight you need. Chat with an expert today! Eclipses are energetically highly charged new moons. New moons are associated with new beginnings, while eclipses are considered wild cards, heralding beginnings through endings or powerful starts of new cycles of life. Sometimes we are aware where we need to make adjustments so that we can take things to the next level, sometimes this is not instantly obvious. Eclipses are associated with events beyond our control, so very often …

Guardian angel

Guardian Angel our invisible companion

Guardian angel – always with you Our angels accompany us all our lives and carry us on their wings in the silence and tranquility of the world. Whether we are sad or feel pleasure – our guardian angel is always there. They have very special vibrations and give us in everyday life clues how to make the life easier. They bring us the ease in our lives and thus the strength to walk the path of life in confidence. In the Catholic Church the 2nd of October is paid homage to the guardian angels. This Guardian Angel Festival gives a special way to connect these angels. You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic now! Remember that you too can communicate with your angels and it has a positive effect on your life. The more you get in touch with them, the more they will help you. They always remain hidden, but are always there when you call them. You can talk to them, ask them for advice, help and healing. Ask for clarity in …

Independence Day

July 4th – Independence Day – It’s Not Just for America

Independence Day – celebration It’s July 4th, United States’ Independence Day. A day when Americans celebrate with picnics, cook-outs, barbeques, family reunions, camping, back yard get-togethers, and, oh yeah, the all important fireworks. All this done in recognition of the day when the founding fathers declared their independence from a distant power. With parades, parties in the park, grand shows of fireworks, readings of the Declaration in Town Squares and more, Americans celebrate their Independence Day. However, Independence Day need not be a holiday just celebrated by America as a country. It is a great day to turn into a day of declaring independence yourself. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic now! There is a difference between independence and being alone. Independence – based on a simple Google serach – is defined as “free from outside control; not depending on another’s authority”.  Being independent means you are able to choose to stand alone if that is your desire. Hence, through your independence you are strong in yourself and your …