All posts tagged: horoscope

Interview with LarisaJyotish

Exclusive Interview with Psychic LarisaJyotish

We recently sat down for an interview with LarisaJyotish who is an Ayurvedic consultant and Jyotish specialist. Since 2007, she has been in contact with Ayurveda, first as a patient and then through her participation in a research study about the effects of Ayurvedic treatment on migraines, with renowned Ayurvedic doctor Balendu Prakash, Nobel Laureate.  She completed her Ayurveda studies at the Institute for Vedic Studies in Switzerland, and did her clinical practice in Nagpur, India, at an Ayurvedic clinic specializing in Pancha Karma, with one of the greatest authorities and clinicians of Ayurveda – Dr. Sunil Joshi. In addition to her love for Ayurveda, Larisa has also completed a course in Jyotish (Indian astrology), Reiki, and has been practicing yoga, pranayama and other meditative techniques for 30 years. We were so lucky to learn more about these important practices from Larisa. Interview with LarisaJyotish Instant answers, fresh perspectives, different approaches to your problems and issues! offers weekly horoscope to kick off your days, regular horoscope to gain a full insight of your personality based on your sun sign and descendant, dream interpretation to obtain a dream meaning with a dream dictionary, psychic …

Free tarot reading

Try Our New Free Three-Card Tarot Reading Today!

Do you have pressing questions about your life right now? If so, we have some good news for you! At Oranum it is our goal to provide our valued members with the clarity they need. Therefore, our dedicated and qualified psychic specialists have come together to offer you a free three-card tarot reading. This new feature gives you insights about the about the problems and challenges in your life at no cost. If you have ever hesitated to get a tarot reading in the past, this is the perfect introduction to the practice. Tarot is one of the most widely used forms of divination and the first use of tarot cards can be traced back to the 15th century. For hundreds of years, the most common tarot technique has been the three-card spread. This is where you pick three cards from a deck and place them in a row. Once they have been laid out, it is advised that you read the cards from left to right, using the cards’ meaning to reveal clarity and …

LoveDrNikki interview

Exclusive Interview with Psychic LoveDrNikki

We recently sat down with one of our most trusted and long-standing experts LoveDrNikki to hear about her spiritual journey. As you’ll see, she has truly done at all! From questions about love, money, career, children, family, crossing over, connections, finding lost items, she uses her gifts of clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience to provide clarity and understanding. We are so lucky to have you at Oranum, LoveDrNikki! LoveDrNikki’s video interview Instant answers, fresh perspectives, different approaches to your problems and issues! offers weekly horoscope to kick off your days, regular horoscope to gain a full insight of your personality based on your sun sign and descendant, dream interpretation to obtain a dream meaning with a dream dictionary, psychic reading and tarot card reading or a love horoscope if matters of the heart are bugging you! Did you know how picking a tarot card and getting a tarot card reading can change your views on everything you were adamantly convinced about before? Or just get in touch with a psychic for a psychic reading on Oranum!

Trine conjunctions

Trine conjunctions – Venus trines Neptune, Mercury trines Jupiter

Here is all you will need to know about the trine conjunctions in the coming days. The Venus–Neptune trine perfects on the 27th of August at 19°57 Cancer – Pisces. This is a pleasant transit, although not optimal for productivity. However, there is no need of rush. After the built up tension from the last few days, you can relax a bit. Looking ahead, the Mercury – Jupiter trine will perfect two days later (Virgo – Capricorn 17°44). This will sharpen your mind and allow you to see the potential in any situation. Use this time to turn any situation to your advantage. However, the Venus–Neptune energy may tempt you to waste your time in fantasy and daydreams. This distraction will try to make you ignore everyday challenges. Moreover, with the Mercury–Jupiter trine, there is a tendency to avoid difficult mental or intellectual problems. You will prefer to take the easy way during this challenging time. This can be bypassed if you do your best to avoid these dead ends. If you succeed, you will …

Deal with a broken heart

How to Deal with a Broken Heart?

If you’ve ever felt the physical and emotional pain of a breakup, you are not alone. Breakups can turn your entire world upside down and prompt a series of traumatic and unsettling emotions. The period of adjustment after a split often brings up feelings of immense loss, hurt, and uncertainty about what lies ahead. Even for people who felt that their relationship was toxic or no longer successful struggle with the aftermath of a split. A common misconception about romantic separations is that you only mourn the happy memories you shared together when there is much more to be mourned. Many times, the grieving process for missed future events and milestones is even more painful. However, what has happened has happened and now you must rewrite some new beautiful plans without that person. Deal with a broken heart and navigating this trying time may seem like an impossible task, but we’ve created a few steps to guide you on your healing journey. Deal with a broken heart – Give yourself the permission to heal. After …

Harness Your Spirituality

How to Harness Your Spirituality

If you’re finding yourself in a state of insecurity and irritability, you may be experiencing a spiritual deficit. This insufficiency roots itself deep inside your physical body and psyche and can affect every aspect in your life. In order to begin feeling whole again, you must plug back into yourself and dig deeper to enhance and harness your spirituality. When you begin to look within, you will benefit from all the joy, peace, and understanding it brings to you. Perhaps you may have also already begun an esoteric practice, but now you are facing multiple challenges in progressing forward. What are some of the factors that might be holding you back from probing deep into your spirituality? Let’s learn below. Genuine Psychic advice is just a click away… Factors that Impede Our Spiritual Deepening When we focus on inner growth, we can go deep inside our spiritual selves and unearth valuable information that the Universe is trying to tell us. Without a deep inner connection to your soul and surroundings, these messages are virtually inaccessible. …

Mid - August astrology

Mid – August astrology: impetus vs brakes

Mid – August astrology shows a combination of impetus, momentum and inhibitory factors. As fire energy prevails and fire element can not endure a static situation, people are prone to force events before they ripe. The result can play out in both ways: things may became fouled up due to the premature action or successful breakthroughs may occur while others wait for better opportunities. Mid – August astrology – Sun and Mars The trine between Sun and Mars (24°08 Leo – Aries) perfects on the 16th of August. This energy combination will make you feel vigorous, self-confident and active. You will find easy to be yourself and to take action, so you will be able to accomplish a lot. Since this trine is one of the dominant aspects of the new moon chart of the 18th of August, it is a great opportunity to launch new projects. You can also firm up the activities you are already involved in. Experts of astrology are online on Talk to them now! However due to the predominance …

Deal with Uncertainty

How to Deal with Uncertainty: Six Tips to Cope with the Unknown

Life is full of unforeseen events and circumstance. Now more than ever (hello, COVID-19) we are all-too-familiar with the anxiety and stress that uncertainty can bring into your life. Even with ample planning and strategizing, encountering experiences that you were not prepared to face is inescapable. These uncomfortable moments in life seem to be mandatory for everyone regardless of their social or economic status. While it is a natural human instinct to want agency over your surroundings, this isn’t always possible. Even though life can throw unexpected curveballs at you, we believe that it never hurts to have a strategy in place to protect your peace. That’s why we’ve created some helpful tips to deal with uncertainty and guide you along your journey with the unknown: Want to change your lifestyle? Talk to a Spiritual Advisor now! Be Gentle with Yourself. Everyone handles ambiguities in different ways. Some people have less trouble coping with uncertainties than others, so it is important to be kind to yourself while you navigate this trying time. It is also helpful to not compare your experience to those around you. Everyone …

Energy Vampires

How to Deal with Energy Vampires – Five Strategies for Empaths to Protect Their Energy

Empaths are highly sensitive people that find themselves affected by the volatile energy of those around them. Often thought of as energy sponges, Empaths must work tirelessly to ensure that they are protected from energy vampires or any negativity that crosses their path. Their moods are inextricably attached to the people who they interact with daily. Due to the high-wave frequency that they operate on, they consistently feel exhausted and weak. Social situations like parties and high-intensity workplaces can be stressful for them. However, as an empath, you can bank on certain strategies to protect your energy. How to Shield Yourself Against the Energy Vampires in Your Life? Distance yourself physically – If you begin to feel that the person you are interacting with is draining, find a way to create some distance between you both. If you are at a party, this could be as simple as excusing yourself from the conversation to grab a drink at the bar for a short mental break. If you are in an important business meeting, however, this …

New Galactic Year

The New Galactic Year, Lionsgate, and Setting Intentions

July 26th marked the beginning of the New Galactic Year. If you don’t know what a Galactic Year is there is no need to fret! This occurrence aligns with the Mayan calendar and is based on 13 Moons, each of 28 days, which create a full year cycle of 364 days. This means that July 25 was the 365th day or as some call it “the day out of time.” There is some confusion with the term “Galactic Year” as astronomers also use it to describe a cosmic year, or the time it takes for the Sun to orbit around Milky Way. This event happens only every 225-250 million years and it quite hard to pinpoint as the last time this occurred, dinosaurs were just beginning to roam the planet. While both events are immensely interesting, today we will just be focusing on the Mayan Galactic Year. Turn to renowned online astrologers for immediate and genuine answers! This first month in the new Galactic Year on the Mayan calendar should be dedicated to renewal, metamorphosis, …