
Trine conjunctions – Venus trines Neptune, Mercury trines Jupiter

Trine conjunctions

Here is all you will need to know about the trine conjunctions in the coming days. The Venus–Neptune trine perfects on the 27th of August at 19°57 Cancer – Pisces. This is a pleasant transit, although not optimal for productivity. However, there is no need of rush. After the built up tension from the last few days, you can relax a bit. Looking ahead, the Mercury – Jupiter trine will perfect two days later (Virgo – Capricorn 17°44). This will sharpen your mind and allow you to see the potential in any situation. Use this time to turn any situation to your advantage.

However, the Venus–Neptune energy may tempt you to waste your time in fantasy and daydreams. This distraction will try to make you ignore everyday challenges. Moreover, with the Mercury–Jupiter trine, there is a tendency to avoid difficult mental or intellectual problems. You will prefer to take the easy way during this challenging time. This can be bypassed if you do your best to avoid these dead ends. If you succeed, you will benefit from this energy in the days ahead.

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Trine conjunctions – how to deal with people

Due to the Venus–Neptune trine, you can approach people with compassion and gentleness. You will simply “know” what they think and feel. However, the groundedness of the Mercury–Jupiter earth trine won’t allow you to sacrifice all of your personal needs in other people’s favor. You will strive instead for solutions where both parts can benefit. This is a favorable transit for business deals and commercial activity. You still need to pay extra attention to the details, as Mercury is moving towards an opposition with Neptune ( it will perfect on the 30th), a delusive aspect which can dissolve logic.

Trine conjunctions

Simultaneously between the 26th of August – 3rd of September, Venus makes some cardinal oppositions with Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, creating tensions and instability in relationships and financials. As Mercury in Virgo trines the same planets, there are plenty of opportunities for constructive solutions. By getting organized, adopting new ways of approach, developing a proper sense of discipline, paying attention to details, and exercising patience, you will be able to turn most situations in your favor. Creative activities, artistic ways of self expression, and spiritual practices are also excellent methods to give healthy outlets to the built up tension.

Trine conjunctions – do not force anything around these days

The Mars–Saturn square perfected on the 24th and is still strongly in effect. It will be important for you to not force anything on this day. This aspect is causing a lot of irritation as it makes you feel limited or slowed down in some way. If you try to resist this pull, things will only get worse. Listen to what the cosmos is telling you: let things unfold at their own pace. The harmonious Venus–Neptune, Mercury–Jupiter aspects will help you find happiness (even with these temporary restrictions). Be sure to use this energy in a constructive way and you will come out triumphant!

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