All posts tagged: love life

Is it time to have your own family

Is it time to have my own family?

Having your own family is a mix of rewarding and challenging experiences. One of the things many people don’t realize about families is that you aren’t born into one, you create your own family. If you’re looking for what you should do beforehand and wondering like “is it time to have your own family?” then have a look at these points below. However let us add that there is no such thing as “perfect time” to start yours. You will always be able to find another thing why having a baby can or should be postponed; so don’t let this type of attitude become a trap for you. With that being said here are those points to check and consider: Genuine online Psychic advisors are ready to help you in you. Is it time to have your own family? Work on your savings – When you’re single, your salary is just for you. This is the best part of your life to build savings. It’s important that you keep a portion of your money for …

Moving together

How Do You Know If You’re Ready To Move In Together?

Contemporary couples believe in cohabiting before getting into a more binding commitment like marriage. Moving together usually signifies that the couple is exploring in depth how compatible they are with each other and whether they may, at some point, make their relationship legal and official. A good thumb rule is to wait out a year before moving in with the person you’re in a relationship with. Similarly, there are other indicators which you can look at to find out whether you and your partner are ready to move in with each other. These are: Are you ready to take the next step? Ask a Love Psychic today! Moving together? Are you both serious about a commitment – Partners sometimes shack up together citing convenience. They’ll say things like – they were spending so much time with each other anyway or it will save them rent. Deceiving yourself is never a good idea. When you agree to move in with another person, it is because consciously or subconsciously, you see a future together. You need to …

Moon sign

Moon sign Compatibility

When you’re about to get married or make a similar commitment to your romantic partner, it isn’t enough to just check if you both are compatible by Sun sign. You should verify Moon sign compatibility too. So which Moon signs make for the most compatible partnerships? Let’s take a look – Aries – If your Moon sign is Aries, you will be most compatible with individuals with a Moon sign of Leo, Aries or Sagittarius. Gemini, Aquarius and Libra will make for decent partners too but not as great as the Moon signs listed formerly. Taurus – If your Moon sign makes you a Taurean, you can expect to get along well with Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. You will make the best teams with Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn. Gemini – Individuals with their Moon in Gemini will work well with people whose Moon signs are in Leo, Sagittarius and Aries. They will make the best partners for Librans, Aquarians and Geminis. Cancer – Cancer Moon signs go well with Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces. Virgo, Capricorn …

Dos And Don’ts in a relationship

Dos and Don’ts of being in a relationship

While relationships are dynamic and there are no standard rules that will guide an individual through them, there are certain habits that one can follow and leave out in order to have a healthy and positive relationship. here are the main dos And don’ts in a relationship: Do practice honesty – Communicate openly and honestly with your partner about anything that you may have in your mind. Don’t go to bed angry – If you and your partner have been having an argument, try to resolve it before going to bed. Don’t let it drag on. Do be sensitive – In an emotionally-intimate relationship, the stakeholders share private and sensitive information with each other. If your partner is sharing something from their past that was traumatic to them, listen and be kind. Boost your Love life with the help of genuine Psychic advice! Don’t use secrets as leverage – As a partner, you will be privy to sensitive information about your significant other. If this is information that they’ve trusted you enough to share, respect this trust and don’t use this as leverage in your …

Parents ruin your relationship

Ways in which your partner’s parents might ruin your relationship

Your parents ruin your relationship? Why is that? Well, your parents have raised you and as such they are always going to be protective no matter which stage of your life you’re in. That said, there is a fine line between being protective and intrusive. It’s okay for your or your partner’s parents to keep a look out for you and your interests. However, they shouldn’t have the power to influence your decisions. This will only spell doom for you and your partner. When in a relationship, look out for these red flags and try to navigate them in a way that doesn’t harm your relationship, with either your parents or your significant others’: Your parents ruin your relationship if they intrude into your personal space without asking for consent – If your parents are the type that don’t know how to leave you alone, you have a problem. Maybe you’ve had an argument with your boyfriend/husband and would just like to take some time to yourself. But your parents are “worried” and fail to …

Happy relationship

How To Have A Happy Relationship In These Current Times?

Communication has become even more flawed and complicated in modern times despite all the advancements in communication technology. People lead lonely and alienated lives and relationships barely last over months. So how does one build a happy and lasting relationship in our times? Given below are some tips and suggestions to that effect: Focus on growth – Don’t do this just for the sake of your romantic relationship, but also yours, as an individual. Relationship growth must be preceded by personal growth. If there are problems in your personality that are affecting your relationship, you must address and eliminate these first. Only then can you progress to working on issues that plague you in your romantic relationship. Loves me? Loves me not? Don’t hesitate to get a love horoscope on! Recognize the need for space – Co-dependency is extremely unhealthy. Your partner will love and support you but you must also be able to do the same for yourself. Both individuals in a happy relationship need to have rich and fulfilling lives individually so …

successful relationship

When To Take Your Relationship To The Next Level?

A successful relationship is one where both partners are on the same page regarding their wants and desires in life. They communicate openly and successfully and are aware of the other person’s perspective regarding the relationship they share. If you have been dating somebody you like for a while, it is only natural that you think about whether you both share a future. But how does one understand if it’s time for them to take their relationship forward to another level of intimacy and commitment? Here are some pointers that could help: Obtain hidden information from your psyche with the help of a psychic! You can’t stop thinking about them – So you’re on a date with another person and in they pop into your mind. If this is the case, you should probably stop playing the field and seriously think about having that “exclusivity” discussion. You’d like your friends to meet them – If you meet a person and you go on a couple of dates but you already know that you’d like this …

fading spiritual love

Does spiritual love fade over time?

Disney movies, as well as other fairy tales, portray marriage as something that results in a happily ever after. However, science paints a different picture. Science says that wedding bliss has an expiry date. Can we talk about fading spiritual love in reality? In 2003, a study was conducted by American and European researchers which tracked 1,761 people who got married and remained married over 15 years. The researchers found out that on average, newlyweds experience a happiness boost which lasts for two years on average. After that two year period is up, the special joy wears off and they return to where they started from in terms of happiness. What are the issues bothering you the most right now? Ask a Psychic advisor today! That’s fading spiritual love but all hope isn’t lost. The researchers did have some good news too. In addition to their gloomy findings, they found that if couples got past their two-year slump and stuck around for a few decades, they might experience the excitement of their honeymoon period. Typically, …

Enhancing your love life with your Guardian Angel

Greetings my friend, We are in part angels, angels with just one wing and in order to fly and reach a happy love life we need to embrace each other. However, for any internal or external reason, there are occurrences when we are right up there on cloud nine with our beloved one, that the wing of our significant other or our wing (it is a matter of perception), is not vibrating anymore at the same rhythm. Looking for an answer? Look up a psychic today and get the support you need! When this occurs, it is very common that the couple starts to lose confidence, trust, and you think it’s time to flee, you start descending, and even if all the lights of the universe send you the message „DON’T PANIC”, the relationship may still explode like a bubble of soap. This initial iceberg, as in the case of Titanic, is the one on which many relationships stumble and sink. Indeed, instead of finding a common ground and take care of your own wing …

Twin flame relationship

Twin Flame Relationship – How to Make it Work?

One of the best feelings in the world is to experience a twin flame relationship. In this type of special connection, you feel at home, even before you know your partner completely. You believe that there was a special reason in the universe which brought both of you together to experience the joys of life. However, due to the intensity of this relationship during the early stages, it tends to be confusing and chaotic. Sometimes, you don’t know what to do with your partner, even though you feel strongly for your significant other. Here are three keys, which will help make the twin flame relationship work: Balance out the relationship To ensure your relationship is successful, you need to balance everything out. In other words, you need to make it healthy, which will allow you and your partner to thrive. As you take love, affection, and positive energies from your significant other, you must return the same. Remember to have deep conversations, so that you can get a better understanding of this relationship and your …