
How To Have A Happy Relationship In These Current Times?

Happy relationship

Communication has become even more flawed and complicated in modern times despite all the advancements in communication technology. People lead lonely and alienated lives and relationships barely last over months. So how does one build a happy and lasting relationship in our times? Given below are some tips and suggestions to that effect:

  • Focus on growth – Don’t do this just for the sake of your romantic relationship, but also yours, as an individual. Relationship growth must be preceded by personal growth. If there are problems in your personality that are affecting your relationship, you must address and eliminate these first. Only then can you progress to working on issues that plague you in your romantic relationship.

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  • Recognize the need for space – Co-dependency is extremely unhealthy. Your partner will love and support you but you must also be able to do the same for yourself. Both individuals in a happy relationship need to have rich and fulfilling lives individually so that they don’t have unjust expectations from their relationship/partner.
  • Don’t get stuck – If your relationship is no longer working out, don’t just stay back hoping for a miracle. You need to work towards resolving the problems that your relationship may have. If you find yourself unable to deal with these, it’s better to call it off and find more compatible partners than simply remaining in a stagnant and unfulfilling relationship.
Happy relationship
  • Allow yourself to be vulnerable – Yes, people today find it extremely difficult to let their guard down and let other people in. You need to practice honesty and vulnerability in your relationship if you seek emotional intimacy. If you are unable to trust your partner, you will always be unhappy with them at some level.
  • Learn how to forgive – You need to know how to resolve issues and grudges by discussing maturely as adults instead of walking out on your partner. If you love your partner and want a happy relationship with them, don’t let your ego get the best of you. Sit down and explain to them how they hurt you and what you’d like them to do to apologize.

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