All posts tagged: Tarot Cards

Soul mate

Search for your Soul mate!

Why is it Worth to Search for Your Soul Mate? There are billions of people around the globe, but there’s only one special person, your soul mate, who’s meant to be with you. The process of finding this particular person isn’t an easy one. You might have to go through one, two or many bad relationships to finally land up in the best one. After all, life isn’t a Cinderella-like fairy tale, and your soul has to learn the hard way sometimes. So do you think it’s a waste to look for your soul mate or wait for him/her to appear in your life? No, it’s not. Most of us don’t realize, but the Universe is always conspiring to make you cross paths with the person you have forged a sacred soul contract with. We tend to miss these signs in the delusion of our spiritual blocks and everyday stresses. But, in reality, you will feel unbelievably different when you finally find your soul mate. You get clarity of who you are Searching for your …

Winter solstice

Winter Solstice 2018

Winter solstice – shortest day of the year The winter solstice occurs on the 21st of December, 5:23 pm EST; when the Sun enters Capricorn. On the Northern hemisphere this marks the beginning of the winter. Solstices and equinoxes were celebrated in all of the ancient cultures of the world, as they are important turning points of the year. They also have an astrological significance, as they can give an insight in the opportunities, challenges and tasks of the period up to the Spring Equinox. On the northern hemisphere the day of the winter solstice is the shortest day of the year. Winter is about retreat and regeneration. The processes of development and transformation occur behind the scenes. Capricorn is an introverted, practical, goal – oriented sign, famous of making the most even from dropping sources. Capricorn season is the time of the year when we evaluate  the achievements the previous 11 months and we are setting new goals for the next year. We also consider, how we can make the most out of the …

handle karma

How to handle karma?

How to Handle Karma? We all know Newton’s third law of motion, which says, “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.” Think of karma as something similar to this law. It’s a cycle of actions and consequences and a clear cause-and-effect theory. The key is to handle karma like a mature soul. By actions, we not only imply to what we do; it also includes words and thoughts. Every word or every thought that we act upon has consequences, which can be both instant and delayed. This is the law of karma, which is also identified as the law of the universe. Everything we experience is an effect of preceding actions. You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic now! Here are a few ways you can do so to handle karma better: Acknowledging karma It may be difficult initially for you to grasp the exact nature of karma. But identifying the areas of life where you feel stagnant is the first step that you need to take to break free from the cycle. …

Emotional detachment

What is emotional detachment?

Emotional detachment – Does it help us to be freer? This concept is not understood and is not understood because it is not easy. However, there is more and more talk of emotional detachment because it is fundamental to our mental health and our happiness. So we will go in steps, first define it and then give the points to be able to implement it. To define detachment, one must first understand what attachment is: “Attachment is an emotional state of dependence on a thing, a situation or a person.” You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic now! The behavior of attachment has two basic functions: a biological function, that is to obtain protection to assure the survival, and the other one of more psychological character, the one to acquire security. What I do want to emphasize is that for Buddhists attachment is an attitude that overestimates the qualities of an object or person and then clings to it. I cling to people, situations or things until I make them necessary for me and …


Spiritual Poem Contest on Oranum!

The end of the year is fast approaching, and as such, we wanted to finish the year with another unique promotion. We would like to reward the creativity and dedication of our beloved Members like you! In case you would like earn to free credits this what you need to do: DETAILS OF THE PROMOTION: • Write short spiritual poems in one of the following topics and use all the given, related keywords: – Psychics – keywords: karma, sunlight, future – Oranum – keywords: faith, answer, solution – Spiritual happiness – keywords: harmony, enjoy, dreaming – Love readings – keywords: eternal flame, feeling, desire • Send your poems in email to between 10th – 16th of December 2018. The best ones in each topic will be shared on our official Facebook page on the 17th of December, 2018 where they will be competing to reach the highest number of likes. • On the 21st of December we will check the final ranking. • Every participant who meets the eligibility criteria will receive 10 free credits and …

Twin Flame

How Long Should You Wait For Your Twin Flame?

Twin flame – that special person… As someone living a life of single-hood, you would want to know when does the forlorn wait for your soul mate or twin flame end. In reality, there’s no answer to this question because nobody can tell for sure. Some people even wait a lifetime to come across their twin flame, that special person. If you believe the truth can come to closer and faster to you than you’d ever thought, contact a psychic right now! There’s one thing you should be clear about: twin flames were once part of the same master soul; they only split at some point and went in different ways. Both souls spend time apart and gain experience over the course of many reincarnations. It’s not necessary that you meet your twin flame or soul mate in one specific lifetime. So when do these souls meet? Well, there’s no set time. The cosmic game of the universe is difficult to grasp; it’s always conjuring up experiences that take you in a particular direction, sometimes …

Mercury turns direct

Mercury Turns Direct Stationary

Mercury turns direct – no more confusion Mercury turns direct stationary on the 6th of December, at the 27°of Scorpio. This is really good news, as it marks the end of the retrograde cycles of this year, characterized by delays, confusion, lack of details, etc. It is significant that the retrograde cycles of 2018 were opened by Mercury ( the 6th of Marc – 3rd of May ) then in Aries, a sign ruled by Mars, and they are also closed by Mercury, transiting an other sign ruled by Mars. However, there is a significant energy shift. While Aries is extroverted, enthusiastic, self-assertive, fast, hot-headed and spontaneous, full of spirit of initiative, ready to jump to instant conclusions, Scorpio is a maturer manifestation of Martian energy. It is slower, more cautious, more investigative, more tactful. While Aries is a sprinter, Scorpio is a long distance runner. It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! Mercury is the planet of thinking processes, communication, travels, learning. In Aries it didn’t hesitate …

Death Tarot Card

Scorpio and the Death Card connection

Death Tarot Card – the connection with Scorpio Death is ruled by Scorpio. Scorpio is the natural ruler of the Eighth House of the Zodiac, commonly referred to as the “House of Death and Inheritance.” Let’s see the Death Tarot card: Upright: Endings, beginnings, change, transformation, transition.  The banner that Death carries has a black background, indicating an absence of light. The white rose, on the other hand, indicates beauty, purification and immortality. In the background of the card, there is a rising sun, a sign of immortality. The sun appears to ‘die’ each night but is reborn fresh and new every morning. The two pillars on the Death Tarot card are guarding the gateway to the sun, symbolizing the knowledge needed to gain immortality. The boat on the water in the background is the ferry that transports the souls across the River Styx. The background is a neutral grey, again showing Death’s impartiality. Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto. The esoteric and Greek mythological meaning of Pluto is the agent of death. This could mean …

dreams and nightmares

Dreams and nightmares

Dreams and nightmares – remember We are fascinated by our own dreams and nightmares but most of the time we have no idea what they are. Many of us do not even remember what we dreamed overnight. I can say, however, that we should pay more attention to what we dream, especially as we can improve our lives. Most of the time people ask themselves why I cannot remember what I dreamed? I can say if you wake up immediately after dreaming of more dreams then you may remember at least one of them. But if you move between two dreams, then you will certainly not remember anything. Stop overthinking – give your subconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic! If you dream in the morning, chances to remember what you dreamed are greater than when you dream at midnight. Dreams can help you solve life problems therefore I advise that you always have a pencil and a paper close to you and as soon as you wake up, write on the sheet everything you …

harmonic numbers

Candle Burning and Harmonic Numbers

Harmonic numbers – increase the energy Numbers have meaning – and more than just counting money. The knowledge and insight carried in numbers goes back to the mystery schools of the ancients. Harmonic Numbers shows you what energy is favorable for you and certain activities on any given day. These Harmonic Numbers are associated with specific candle colors and can help you increase the energy of your candle ritual experience. You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic now! To compute your personal harmonic numbers, complete the following steps: Take the number of your month of birth (May = 5) Add the day of birth (22) The number of the present calendar month (November = 11) The present calendar day (23) Add the present year (2018) Brings you the equation:  5 + 22 + 11 + 23 + 2018 = 2079 And, as usual with numerology, continue adding individual numbers until you get to a single digit: 2 + 0 + 7 + 9 = 9 This gives you the personal harmonic number of …