All posts tagged: Tarot Cards

Sound Therapy

Clear Out Negative Energy with Sound Therapy

Sound Therapy – get rid of all negativity It is possible for some people, especially the ones who’re spiritually tuned in, to detect negative energy in a room. It’s possible for places and locations to retain the negative energy that may have come from traumatic events. This negative energy can end up affecting those who move into the new location or place. Now, the good news is, there are many ways to get rid of all that pent up, stagnant negative energy. Some use crystals, while others practice smudging. But there’s another method that works just as well – sound therapy. Yup, sound can help cleanse the negative energy inside any environment. You see, sound is nothing but vibration and depending on the kind of vibrations you produce, you can either produce positive energy or negative energy. Let’s look at some of the ways in which sound can be used to drown out negative energy and restore positive energy. Sound Therapy – Singing Bowl Singing bowls are highly effective at getting rid of stagnant negative energy. …

Celestial effects

A Day of Great Intensity: the 18th of January, 2019

Three planetary aspects perfecting on the 18th of January will make it a very intense day. The complicated combination of these very different celestial effects can manifest in either way. Your level of awareness, the choices made by free will will make the difference between the best – and worst case scenarios. Celestial effects – The Sun – Uranus square perfects on the 28°39′ of Capricorn – Aries. This is a volatile transit of an abrupt and rebellious nature and it lasts for 4 – 5 days. At it’s best it feels like a wake – up call, prompting you to think outside of the box, to be yourself instead of getting stuck in compromises/ situations/ relationships hindering the expression of your individuality. A completely different approach of old problems can bring amazing breakthroughs. Brilliant ideas and originality will help you to break free from old forms of self- expression. When there is no way to cope, check your horoscope! Go to! However, don’t forget that this is a wild and impulsive form of …

Perfect partner

Signs That the Universe Is Trying to Set You Up with the Perfect Partner

Trying to find your perfect partner, the one true love? Well, if you are, there is a very good chance that you’ve probably run into them or met them at some point in time. It’s just that you don’t know. You see, we’ve forgotten to tap into the more spiritual aspects of our life and that makes us blind to certain things. This includes not being aware of the fact that the universe is actually trying to push you in the direction of your true soulmate. But, the good news is, you don’t have to stay blind. Just open your eyes and look for the signs. Here are some of the signs: You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic now! Perfect partner – You Find Yourself at Peace When the universe tries to set you up with your soulmate, certain interesting things happen. One of those things is the sudden and overwhelming sense of being at peace with yourself. You have reconciled with the pain of the past. People around you start to …

Love or Lust

Love or Lust: Knowing the Difference

Love or Lust: Knowing the Difference Are you extremely attracted to someone? Well, that’s  really great, but how do you know whether it’s love or lust? You see, the line between lust and love isn’t very clear. In fact, there can be no attraction without lust. Our biology does play an active role in determining how and to whom we are attracted. But, the problem with lust is that it is very temporary. Every good relationship must eventually evolve from the lust phase to the love phase. But, how do you even know when and if it does? Well, here are a few signs to look out for. Love or Lust – Increased Focus on Sex Sex is core part of a healthy relationship. No romantic relationship can survive without sex. However, if the only feeling that you’re able to express his sexual attraction, you’re probably not in love. Love is characterized by a much deeper connection. A connection that transcends physical pleasure. So, unless you and your partner aren’t emotionally invested in each other, …

Tranquility Candle Ritual

Peace and Tranquility Candle Ritual

The modern world is full of detractors and destroyers of our peace and tranquility. Whether it is the stress of three hours of gridlock traffic or just needing a couple minute break from the kids, modern life is full of negative stress that impacts our aura and our sense of well-being. Here is a simple and easy tranquility candle ritual to help you regain your inner peace. tranquility candle ritual – Here is what you will need: 5 seven-day candles – two white, one orange, one blue, and one of your astral color (Aries = red, Taurus = red-orange; Gemini = orange; Cancer = yellow-orange; Leo = yellow; Virgo = yellow green; Libra = green; Scorpio = blue-green; Sagittarius = blue; Capricorn = blue- violet; Aquarius = violet; Pisces = red-violet) A place for you to conduct your ritual:   Make sure the place you choose for your ritual is a safe place to burn candles.  And, I guess now is the best time to remind you that you should never leave a burning candle unattended. …


3 Ways in Which Meditation Makes You a Better Partner

We currently live in a world where relationships are extremely fragile. It is a rare occurrence for people to stay committed. There are multiple factors that influence this fragility in relationships. However, all hope is not lost. There are solutions to help couples deal with the typical problem of marriage and partnership. One such sure solution is meditating regularly! As surprising as it might sound, the art of meditation has been known – and even proven – to help people stay in relationships and even thrive. So, how exactly does meditation help you become a better partner? Well, let’s take a look. Meditating – Improves Intuition It is intuition that guards the bond between couples. It also plays a very significant role in ensuring attraction and the maintenance of trust. Meditation helps strengthen intuition by training your mind to tap into the subtlest signs, expressions and actions. It allows you to decipher the desires of your partner, even when they aren’t shared directly. Meditating – Makes You Compassionate There are some characteristics that a person must …


2019 the Year of Love

Greetings my friends, 2019 is upon us! Prepare yourself for a blissful new year, full of Love; and please first of all receive my blessings that come from my heart to you: “May you experience the birth of your dreams, May you see the realization of your projects quickly and easily, May you have the abundance you so richly deserve for having the courage it takes to follow that quiet guidance within; the tiny voice of your heart and gut feeling” In this year that has passed you had to digest a lot of situations. Some parts of them have become love, while other parts you could not digest and it is still giving you hard times. This is why it is essential to ground yourself for the new year. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true psychic reading!  Love is sharing however most of the time our needs prevent us sharing. Remember that love, genuine love, always gives without asking back anything. If you are in the state of …

Spiritual advice

Why is it important to get spiritual advice?

Spiritual Advice – help you need We all go through tough times in our life. Most of us seek some form of counselling to help us deal with these tough times. Now, the help which we seek usually comes from medical professionals, such as psychiatrists or other trained professionals, such as psychologists. Though these forms of counselling are beneficial, they don’t do much to address the deeper spiritual factors that may be the root cause of your problems.This is exactly why spiritual advice is necessary. Spiritual advice approaches healing in very different ways. Let’s look at some of the benefits of spiritual advice. Mindful Thinking Spiritual advice helps develop traits such as mindful thinking. Negative thoughts are a common problem and sadly, most people tend to indulge in this form of thinking. Spiritual advice and counselling digs deep into the core of such thoughts and helps develop a more positive outlook. Spiritual guides can help you become aware of your conscious thoughts and help you control them. For instance, they can teach you the practice …

Life goal

How to find your life goal?

How to Find Your Life Goal? Finding a life goal is something that most people find intimidating because it entails strong commitment and getting out of the comfort zone. However, it doesn’t have to be difficult if you take it zealously. We all here to fulfill a major life purpose. It’s only a matter of timethat we get to know what it is. If you are trying to find your life goal, here are a few tips to follow: Know what you love doing It doesn’t have to be out of the world always, but having a passion gives a direction to life. Ask yourself what is it that comes naturally to you. What is it that you love doing? For example,  if you enjoy reading books and playing with words, you can go on to become a prolific writer or open a publishing house. Pursuing your passion is one way you get clarity of your life purpose. Expose yourself Everyone who’s successful today has undergone their share of struggles. You should know that just …


Strengthen your self-confidence!

How to Build Self-Confidence? We come across certain people in our lives that just ooze confidence. Seeing them can stir up feelings of admiration and also, envy. “How are they so confident?!”, we ask ourselves. Well, truth be told, self-confidence has very little to do with genetics. Nobody is born with it. Confidence is something that is learned and nurtured. Of course, one’s social environment may have a small role to play here, but it isn’t the be all and end all of confidence building. All it takes is a few basic steps and a sense of commitment. It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! If you’re someone who feels a little lost in the confidence department, here are a few basic tips to help you out. Self-confidence – Visualize a Confident Version of Yourself They say you are what you think you are. What that means is you need to see yourself as the person you want to be. The first step to rebuilding your persona starts …