All posts tagged: Tarot

Chamomile: An Ancient Herb Natural Remedies III

Chamomile, a member of the daisy family It includes many species that are spread all over the world Europe, Asia, North Africa, the United Kingdom, the Mediterranean, and the United States. Chamomile is an ancient herb, hieroglyphic records show that chamomile was used for at least 2,000 years in Egypt, and was affiliated with their sun god Ra. Their early physicians used chamomile tea for fevers, stress and restlessness, and noblewomen used crushed petals on their skin. Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Indians used this herb to treat ailments of the kidneys, liver, and bladder. Chamomile is also one of the ‘Nine Sacred Herbs’ of an ancient Anglo-Saxon manuscript, the Lacnunga. In the Middle Ages, chamomile was an ingredient listed in love potion recipes, and became associated with the devotion of St. Anne, mother of the Virgin Mary. Get a free trial for a PSYCHIC READING to get closer to the TRUTH! The origins The plants’s name derives from the Greek ‘kamai melon’, meaning ground apple, because when walked upon, it released a fragrance that smells like …

Participate in our Special and Healing Rituals

The time has come again when Oranum psychics provide extraordinary healing rituals live online! Do not miss the opportunity to change your life for good! Healing rituals – AAApredict: 3rd and the 10th of March Aura Cleansing & Holy Water ritual. My Aura Cleansing & Holy Water rituals are spiritual procedures known only in a few old monasteries around the world that are very hard to access. These rituals are intended for anybody. You can be Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, spiritual or simply have no religion at all; it is not important as long as you believe in God, at least just a little. In all these cases, the Aura Cleansing & Holy Water Rituals are the right choice for you! Looking for an answer? Look up a psychic today and get the support you need! This ritual is truly recommended when you are tired, down, anxious, depressed or unhappy. When you lost your hope & energy; when you cannot find yourself anymore; when everything goes wrong in your life, love or career. You can collect …

Bring Back Lost Love – Candle ritual series V.

Now that your candles are dressed up, cleaned and you are sure you have the appropriate color and shape chosen for real candle rituals it is time to get familiar with the process of a widely used and very effective ceremony. All you need are the following: 1 Virgin Red 8″ Taper Candle (with appr. 7 hours of burning time) 1 Nail – Virgin Olive Oil or Rose oil Dried, crushed basil or ground ginger 7 red top straight pins or 7 red rose thorns Cleanse the candle with cool water with the intention to get rid it of any impurities it absorbed on its journey to you. The same effect can be accomplished by bathing it in the smoke of sage. A psychic can give you the AUTHENTIC READING you’ve always longed for. Look one up at today! Inscribe your love’s name lengthwise onto the candle with the nail. Make sure the inscription starts about an inch away from the bottom of the candle. Drip oil on the candle inscription from top to bottom, …

How will the Solar Eclipse on the 26th of February affect you?

Solar Eclipse 26 February 2017 Have you been feeling an odd energy surrounding you these past few days? Have you been feeling anxious and uncertain, maybe you have even been having headaches?  Well, all these can be explained with the movements up in the sky.  The great moments of the Solar eclipse ahead of us will be blessings in disguise. The full moon on February 11th was a lunar eclipse which focused on relationships of all kinds.  The Sun reached its peak opposite the Moon during this lunar eclipse.  This allowed us to take an objective and balanced look at our close personal relationships.  It got us in touch with our own needs and intentions, and gave us a chance to candidly look at others in our lives, and allowed us to clearly see the relationship imbalances which were causing us disharmony. If you believe the truth can come to closer and faster to you than you’d ever thought, contact a psychic for FREE! The full moon eclipse reset our emotions, clearing away all the …

Clairvoyant, Empath, Medium?

Choosing the right reader – may it be a clairvoyant, medium or a psychic, is a very important part of getting a reading that provides you with the information and clarity you are seeking. You may read more about that in my previous blog post here. With all the different titles and labels that are used, it can be bewildering to the seeker. By choosing someone who has the gifts you are specifically looking for, you can narrow down and find the right person for you to seek help with. It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! Here are a few of the more common titles used and what they mean. Clairaudient: Derived from the French expression and meaning “clear hearing,” a clairaudient is a person who perceives information by hearing. For example, a clairaudient may hear voices, music or sounds that relate to your situation or question. Clairsentient: Derived from the French expression and meaning “clear knowing,” a clairsentient is someone who perceives information through knowing. As …

Natural remedies II – Herbs for High Blood Pressure

Herbs can indeed lower blood pressure and aid cardiovascular health. Recently, my own blood pressure began running high, likely caused by the current medication I am on because it is a common side effect. I tried one of the common medications, and found out I was highly allergic to that. So I decided I would turn to natural remedies before I tried medication again – which I can do because my condition is between pre-hypertensive and stage one hypertension. So I began exploring quite a few articles, and thought I should pass on the information. Be aware the effects may not take place right away, as supplements may take weeks or months to produce true results. As for myself, the herbs and supplements I began taking started to work in just a few days – turmeric, cinnamon and garlic, even before I added several more to the list. Each herb treats a different aspect of high blood pressure, so pay attention to your symptoms and general health. As always, please consult your physician or naturopath …

Meet our Newly Joined US Psychics!

Let us proudly introduce our Newly Joined, Featured Psychics to our beloved spiritual community. ORANUM Psychics will be on your aid greatly, no matter if you have Love&Relationship, Career, Financial or Family issues. Do not hesitate to ask for spiritual guidance from them if you feel stuck in any situation in your life! Remember that a good advice can always give a boost to be able to move forward!    Featured Psychics – Mariella: Through the last 30 years I have discovered that my life purpose is in the holistic/healing arts. Consequently, I have taken the opportunity to help the good people of the world who are seeking spiritual guidance. My  readings are very intuitive and I use angelic guidance, tarot cards, healing crystals, sacred geometry as well as my personal relationship with the Divine! My abilities allow me to rely the most accurate insights concerning anything a seeker’s heart desires. I was originally born into a family with heightened esoteric abilities but it has only been within the last 30 years I have developed mine …

How to embrace your fears?

Do you have fears? I think I know the answer. Naturally we all have had or will have fears at some points in our own lives. In order to get rid of your fears you must change the way you think, because the way we think is the exact method how we co-create certain things in our lives. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true reading from a Psychic! For example if you are a person who always harbors negative thoughts, you will always be surrounded by negative energy, but if you are a person who thinks positive in general, you will attract positive circumstances and people. Everyone will be more drawn to you. We must learn to embrace our fears, and letting go all the pain from the past. Whatever you have been through in the past you need to let go! When you are over that, your energy won’t be wasted on the past, but will stay in the everlasting NOW. Do not focus on tomorrow or yesterday, simply try …

Happiness is choice!

As Glinda the good witch says to Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, “You’ve always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.” We need to stop trying to be perfect in order to reach happiness! Perfection is a manifestation of  other people’s vision of what we need to be. Let us decide right now that we are just fine as we are, what we are and who we have inside of us that we have not let the world see yet. A psychic can give you the exact insight you need. Chat with an EXPERT on today for FREE! In case you did not manage to make the decision above I suggest you keep reading this article. I am sure that the below listed six points will be a useful guide for you to finally attain happiness in your life. Be yourself, not someone else people expect you to be, in order to reach your happiness.  If you think of all the people you admire or look up to …

Time to play, dress up! – Candle Ritual IV.

Pay attention when you perform candle ritual! Anytime when you perform candle ritual, you should know that it is very important to always use a virgin candle, meaning an unused one. The reasoning behind this is that a previously used candle still carries the vibrations of your old workings, therefore may have the wrong effect on your candle, and most of the time, your Magic will not work out. Sometimes it is okay to use certain candles again, such as altar candles. They are burned all the time with the same intention. But before each usage, I still clip off the burnt wick and cleanse, recharge and redress the candle for the next use. Some might disagree with this method, but it works impeccably for me. If you believe the truth can come to closer and faster to you than you’d ever thought, contact a psychic for FREE! Clean your candles It’s important to cleanse each candle you get before you perform a candle ritual. You can do this simply by putting the candle in …