All posts tagged: Venus

Major Trends in Astrology for 2021

Major Trends in Astrology for 2021

There is no doubt that 2020 was quite a challenging year, when we had to face some extreme changes to our reality. The profound transformations will continue in 2021, but there are significant differences. Here are some of the major trends in Astrology for 2021. One of the most important is that the heavy and restrictive Capricorn energy is replaced by innovative Aquarian vibes. Aquarius is an air sign, characterized by open-mindedness, revolutionary spirit, altruism, an urge to be free from all limitations and inhibitions. It is independent, original, witty, imaginative, bizarre, and objective; a rational, aloof mind.   The Great Conjunction: Is this the beginning of the Age of Aquarius?  On the day of the winter solstice of 2020 Jupiter joined Saturn on the 0°29′ of Aquarius. According to traditional astrologers, Jupiter – Saturn cycles starting with the conjunction of the two planets are the most important celestial factors shaping the course of history. These two planets are known as the “Great Chronocrators” or rulers of the ages. As Nicholas Campion states in his famous Mundane Astrology textbook “Their cycle can be considered the …

Trine conjunctions

Trine conjunctions – Venus trines Neptune, Mercury trines Jupiter

Here is all you will need to know about the trine conjunctions in the coming days. The Venus–Neptune trine perfects on the 27th of August at 19°57 Cancer – Pisces. This is a pleasant transit, although not optimal for productivity. However, there is no need of rush. After the built up tension from the last few days, you can relax a bit. Looking ahead, the Mercury – Jupiter trine will perfect two days later (Virgo – Capricorn 17°44). This will sharpen your mind and allow you to see the potential in any situation. Use this time to turn any situation to your advantage. However, the Venus–Neptune energy may tempt you to waste your time in fantasy and daydreams. This distraction will try to make you ignore everyday challenges. Moreover, with the Mercury–Jupiter trine, there is a tendency to avoid difficult mental or intellectual problems. You will prefer to take the easy way during this challenging time. This can be bypassed if you do your best to avoid these dead ends. If you succeed, you will …

Venus in Taurus

Venus in Taurus, 2020

Venus transits Taurus, its home sign this year between the 5th of March – 3rd of April. As Taurus is grounded, practical, warmhearted, able to attract the good things of life, Venus in Taurus is considered to be the best for the planet of love, values and relating. During the coming few weeks you will enjoy the beauties of the spring, financial opportunities may emerge and it can be favorable for heart matters, too. However this doesn’t mean that you should expect nice things roll in your way without contributing any effort. Venus is a passive planet, ruling the spontaneous power of attraction, and during its favorable transits it can bring material possessions, pleasant people in your life. From the other hand it prompts to laziness, self – indulgence, overspending, careless attitude. Hopefully it doesn’t need any further explanation why such fallibilities can ruin even the best prospects. Trouble finding out what your next step should be? Astrologers will guide you the right way on Venus in Taurus – maintain a mature attitude Most …

Venus Jupiter conjunction

Venus Conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius

The Venus Jupiter conjunction occurs on the 24th of November, at 28° of Sagittarius. The harmonious aspects of the Lesser and Greater Benefic are considered very fortunate. This is especially so now, as Jupiter is at home in Sagittarius and it is also the ruler of Venus. Astrological „cookbooks” associate financial gains with this aspect, and sometimes this can be true. (Whether it applies or not in your particular case it depends on the position of Venus and Jupiter in your natal chart as well as the areas of life influenced by this transit). However, even if you don’t experience sudden windfalls, this combination makes you more open -minded, optimistic, sociable, creative – and thus you can attract luck. You are a pleasant companionship during these days, doing your best to avoid arguments and hostility. Your good mood is infectious, so your friends and acquaintances enjoy your companionship. On the social events you are invited by them you can meet supportive people, so you can reach easier your goals. This transit is also favorable for …

Sun Venus Jupiter trine

Sun and Venus trine Jupiter

The days between the 5th – 14th of August are between the luckiest ones of 2019. They are hallmarked by Sun Venus Jupiter trine. The Great Benefic will turn stationary direct on the 11th of August, so you can move forward with your plans of growth and expansion very soon. However, you need to be grounded and willing to work and take action to make the best of these lucky alignments. Leo is about creativity, passion, confidence, playfulness, risk-taking, individuality, showing off our talents. So when there are more planets in this sign it is the best time for stepping into spotlight, starting new projects, following your bliss. During this summer we not only have a stellium in Leo (Mars, Sun, Venus and from the 11th of August Mercury) but these planets make some harmonious aspects, trines with Jupiter, the Greater Benefic. We already experienced the blessings of the Mars – Jupiter trine (perfected on the 26th of July), but the lucky series is not over yet. When there is no way to cope, go …

Winter solstice

Winter Solstice 2018

Winter solstice – shortest day of the year The winter solstice occurs on the 21st of December, 5:23 pm EST; when the Sun enters Capricorn. On the Northern hemisphere this marks the beginning of the winter. Solstices and equinoxes were celebrated in all of the ancient cultures of the world, as they are important turning points of the year. They also have an astrological significance, as they can give an insight in the opportunities, challenges and tasks of the period up to the Spring Equinox. On the northern hemisphere the day of the winter solstice is the shortest day of the year. Winter is about retreat and regeneration. The processes of development and transformation occur behind the scenes. Capricorn is an introverted, practical, goal – oriented sign, famous of making the most even from dropping sources. Capricorn season is the time of the year when we evaluate  the achievements the previous 11 months and we are setting new goals for the next year. We also consider, how we can make the most out of the …

Venus Mars trine

Venus – Mars Trine: balance and reconciliation

Venus Mars trine – a positive outlet The Venus Mars trine perfects on the 9th of November (Aquarius – Libra 26°), indicating the possibility of a positive outlet for all the tensions bottled up during of the 6 weeks of Venus retrograde. Since the 31st of October, when Venus re-entered Libra we experience a significant energy shift.  The atmosphere eased up, especially if the biggest part of the lessons of the retrograde period were learnt. After recognizing our deepest needs we are now in a better position to assert them. Hopefully by now the Scorpionic intuition, thoroughness, commitment and emotional intensity is combined with a healthy dose of detachment and objectivity specific to Librans. We are able to identify the situations and interactions which are not good for us, and we can easier move forward instead of getting stuck in them. When there is no way to cope, check your horoscope! Go to for a full analysis! Thus the Mars – Venus trine perfected on the 9th of November shows considerable improvements in our relationship …

Sun Venus conjunction

Sun – Venus Conjunction 2018 October

Sun Venus conjunction – tasks The Sun Venus conjunction perfects on the 26th of October, at Scorpio 3°06′. Sun is the principle of consciousness, vitality, creativity and – besides Saturn – one of the indicators of our main tasks. Any conjunction between the Sun and other planets will highlight the tasks related to that particular cosmic principle. Consequently the current Sun – Venus meeting will put in focus the themes related to the retrograde journey of Venus through Scorpio. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic today! The conjunction between the two celestial bodies perfects on 10: 05 am (New York), 3:05 pm London. Five hours before and after it Venus will be „Cazimi”. This is a term to describe a planet in „the heart of the Sun”. According to the ancient Astrologers, it is a very beneficial position, manifesting the best qualities of the planet involved. Under Cazimi a true alignment can be established between the inner self and the principle of the planet. (Some key words for Venus: …

Venus retrograde

Venus Retrograde in Scorpio 2018

Rich in karmic lessons and challenges, retrograde cycles of the planets should be regarded as Cosmic callings for slowing down and taking a look behind, making some adjustments in the matters and areas of life related to the respective planet. Instead of launching new projects and getting involved in new commitments, this is the time of re -accessing, re-thinking, redoing. It is the time of Venus retrograde now. Venus Retrograde – The retrograde cycles of Venus In Astrology Venus represents our intimate and other types of relationships, the way we are connected with others and the way we draw people: lovers, friends, associates – in our lives. Also, it is associated with beauty, art, balance, harmony, love, pleasure, desire, fairness, diplomacy, finances, possessions, values, security. During this autumn Venus moves retrograde on the 5th of October and turns direct on the 16 th of November. At the beginning of the current cycle Venus transits Scorpio, then on the 31st of October revisits Libra. It will turn direct on the 16th of November at 25° of Libra. …

Venus perihelion

VENUS at Perihelion

Venus perihelion – some astrological details Our subject today will be how Venus perihelion – happening today on the 16th of May at 00:00 GMT – will influence our lives. Venus is the ruling planet of Libra and Taurus and is the second planet of the solar system. Venus is far from the Sun but on the other hand the the closest planet to Earth, and it is classified as a terrestrial planet like Mercury, Mars, and Earth. Venus is also called as Earth’s twin, because it has a great resemblance to the Earth. It is enough to take a look at it’s size and composition. The first visit to Venus took place in 1962 by the Mariner 2. It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychics today! Like every planet, Venus also moves around the Sun which is what we call “Venus Orbit”. Venus’s distance from the Sun varies by only about 1.5% between perihelion and aphelion. Perihelion is the closest position of Venus to the Sun and Aphelion is …