
Tarot – Most popular tool of divination

Tarot – Most popular tool of divination

Tarot cards still up to this day are one of the most popular tools of divination. In the cards is possible to read about future events and ask when a certain event may occur is quite frequent but Tarots can be used also for a more deep and powerful “therapy” in which symbols and imagination play a prominent part.

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I strongly believe that the easiest way to predict the future is to create the future ourselves and this is possible by appling the power and the energy of the symbols and archetypes of which the Tarots cards are made of.


These symbols and archetypes are timeless, limitless, they come from very ancient times when human beings discovered their real potential and magic was not what we think it is today. You may think that I’m talking about the Italian Renaissance, as I am Italian; you may think I am talking about Egyptian or Greek/Roman times, but the answer is we should take a glimpse to more ancient times.

Tarot symbols today are still intact after all these years so can you imagine how much power they gained during this journey through thousands of centuries?

Divination – symbols

We can use this power! We can use our imagination to focus on these symbols, we can learn to decode them, let them inspire us and drive us to open the doors to our deepest, darkest subconscious and spread light and understanding where there is only shadow and darkness.

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Ancient magicians used to say that “Tarot can lead to a path of growth and enlightenment to people who can encode their symbols and imaginery” and this was essentially a compliment that it was Tarot partly paved the way to the great spiritual evolution. The ones they were referring to were the chosen ones, the followers of the Hermetic science, today we are far more lucky because this knowledge is available for everyone.

Everyone looking for self-improvement or for a deeper awareness of themselves can start simply by drawing a card and let the picture inspire their imagination. Here starts our journey, a colorful, joyful and incredible journey during which everybody can learn how to create the future.

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Did you know how picking a tarot card and getting a free tarot card reading can change your views on everything you were adamantly convinced about before? Or just get in touch with a psychic for a free psychic reading on Oranum!

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