
Top Spiritual Symbols series – Tree of Life

Tree of Life

Are you ready for change, personal growth and fruition? The Tree of Life symbol is as old as time and is seen in many cultures around the world. It represented harmony and balance and was an important symbol in the Celtic culture. They believed it had magical powers so when they cleared their lands, they left one single tree standing in the middle. They held their important gatherings under this tree and it was a very serious crime to cut it down.

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They were also called a Fairy trees. A Fairy tree is usually apart of any 12 sacred trees in the Celtic zodiac chart but what makes them stand out from any other tree of their kind is their location. A Fairy tree is found standing by itself in the center of a field or on the side of the road and they’re quite easy to spot if you know what you are looking for.

Some of these trees have stones surrounding their base for protection. Some believe these trees are the gateway between worlds for mortals and that of the faeries in the other-world. In the Bible the story of the first tree is in the Book of Genesis. The Tree of life is first described in chapter 2, verse 9 as being “in the midst of the Garden of Eden” with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The Tree of life has become the subject of some debate as to whether or not the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is the same tree.

Tree of Life

Using the symbol can be useful if you need change. The tree also means changing with the seasons. God is so orderly that he divided the year into four quarters and we know those times as seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn (Fall). God promised us seasons to indicate the order of nature and time, and the tree is a clock in a symbolic way of telling what time it is in the year.

Top Spiritual Symbols series will continue.

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