All posts tagged: Protection

The Manifestation Stone

The Manifestation Stone – Everything You Need to Know About Citrine

What if we told you that there’s a stone that can help you achieve all your wildest dreams? Well, we’re happy to report that there is one! Meet Citrine – or as some people like to call it – the manifestation stone. This light-amber-toned stone is associated with wealth, prosperity, and success. If you need a little push to get you one step closer to your goals, try snagging a piece of this crystal to get you to the finish line! Truth be told, Citrine is quite rare, and chances are the rocks sitting on the shelf in your local crystal shop aren’t the real deal. The unique yellowish shade it has is created when traces of iron merge in quartz during the crystallization process. This same color can be replicated by heating amethyst. Therefore, if you see authentic Citrine know that it is scarce and will probably come with a bigger expense than the amethyst variety. While it’s sometimes referred to as the manifestation stone, it is also called the “Merchant’s Stone.” This is …

The Egyptian Ankh symbol

Top Spiritual Symbols series – The Egyptian Ankh symbol

Also known as the Egyptian cross, the Ankh was held in the hands of the Gods as a symbol of their power to give life or take it away. The name of the symbol meant “life” and was often used as an amulet, a symbolic representation of both physical and eternal life. The Ankh symbolized life, immortality and reincarnation. The Ankh is commonly associated with Isis, who was the wife of Osiris the God of the afterlife, and mother of Horus, the God of the Sun. Isis was the Goddess of life and magic and she protected women and children, and healed the sick. Her great power is very connected to this powerful sign. Visit online Psychics and future tellers for genuine guidance today! Use this symbol to increase the energy and level of your meditation, spells or ritual work. The Ankh could symbolize physical life on Earth, eternal life in heaven or the underworld, immortality, and even reincarnation. Often, the ancient Egyptians would carry ankh ornaments for protection or use them in their cult …

Tree of Life

Top Spiritual Symbols series – Tree of Life

Are you ready for change, personal growth and fruition? The Tree of Life symbol is as old as time and is seen in many cultures around the world. It represented harmony and balance and was an important symbol in the Celtic culture. They believed it had magical powers so when they cleared their lands, they left one single tree standing in the middle. They held their important gatherings under this tree and it was a very serious crime to cut it down. Visit online Psychics and future tellers for genuine guidance today! They were also called a Fairy trees. A Fairy tree is usually apart of any 12 sacred trees in the Celtic zodiac chart but what makes them stand out from any other tree of their kind is their location. A Fairy tree is found standing by itself in the center of a field or on the side of the road and they’re quite easy to spot if you know what you are looking for. Some of these trees have stones surrounding their base for …

The Hamsa

Top Spiritual Symbols series – The Hamsa

The Hamsa Hand is an ancient amulet symbolizing the Hand of God. In all faiths, it is a protective sign. It brings it’s owner happiness, luck, health, and good fortune. “Ask and you shall receive.” “Knock and the door will open.” In general this symbol represents strength, power and protection. However, it can just as easily mean generosity, hospitality and stability. The palm-shaped amulet is popular in the Middle East as well as North Africa and commonly used in jewelry and wall hangings too. Visit online Psychics and future tellers for genuine guidance today! The Hamsa image has been used as a sign of protection in many times throughout history, and it is believed by some, – predominantly Muslims and Jews – to provide defense against the evil eye. The hand is a very famous and striking symbol that has been used in many countries for the past thousand years. You can see it in jewelry and art. Over the years, Hamsa hand symbol spread to different regions and matured into an integral part of …


Crystals for Happiness and Protection

Crystals resonate with their individual energies that can help us. Here are some crystals to use when trying to improve happiness or provide for personal protection. Hematite This reflective shiny crystal is black in appearance and is associated with the Root Chakra. Hematite brings focus and coherence to scattered thoughts and fragmented emotions. The ancient Babylonians believed that Hematite was able to impart justice and bring good results in lawsuits. Using Hematite as a seal of protection was thought to have brought destruction to one’s enemies. Ancient warriors carried the stone into battle because by tradition it granted strength and readiness. Considered one of the most powerful stones for grounding, Hematite can repel negative energy. Wearing hematite is believed to help repel negative energies. You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic now! Clear Quartz From “crystal clear” to a milky white, Clear Quartz is one of the most prolific crystals. As anyone who works with high tech electronics will tell you, quartz is an excellent amplifier of energy. Considered good for healing and …

How to Make Four Thieves Vinegar

*All items in Four Thieves Vinegar not pictured Written By: Psychic AlyciaRose Herbal vinegars have been used as medicine since the time of Hippocrates, the father of Western Medicine. Four Thieves Vinegar comes to us from a time when the plague was rampant in Europe, which is also known as the Black Death. It is also known as  Marseilles Vinegar. It is also an old magickal remedy, a protection against evil and the magick of others. It is still commonly used today by modern practitioners. The story behind it involves a band of thieves in the city of Marseilles in the seventeenth century.  Four of these thieves were caught were robbing the sick and the graves of the dead during a plague outbreak, never falling sick themselves. They are said to have covered their bodies and face masks in this herbal vinegar, which we now know contains antibacterial and antiviral properties. When they were caught, they were to be tried and burned at the stake for their crimes. The judges noted that they had an …