All posts filed under: Astrology


Curious about astrology and what is written in the stars? How they influence your daily life? What it all means? Get an astrology report or a read your Horoscope!

The cosmos holds the answers you need! Chat with one of our stellar astrologists on and find out what the stars have in store for you. Our astrologers are skilled in providing general chart readings, love horoscopes, weekly horoscopes, and sign compatibility readings. Don’t take our word for it, try a psychic reading and experience total clarity today!

If you need of information about what is going to happen to you, check your zodiac sign now!

Mars retrograde

Mars Retrograde in Aquarius

Mars retrograde – Astrological significance Due to the long period of Mars retrograde, this summer is more favorable for introspection, reflection and readjustments than for launching new projects. Mars, the planet of action went retrograde on the 26th of June and it will go direct only on the 27th of August. When a planet is retrograde, it appears to move backwards viewed from the Earth. Certainly there is no physical change of direction, but it has an Astrological significance. Apart of the two luminaries (Sun and Moon) every planet goes retrograde. They have their own cycles; Mars moves backwards every two years. His last retrograde occurred in 2016 while transiting Scorpio and Sagittarius. Obtain hidden information from your psyche with the help of a psychic! While retrograde periods are part of the natural planetary cycles, from human perspective they can be quite a challenge. They are associated with slowdowns, delays, breakdowns and all sorts of impasses. Mars is associated with energy, passion, drive, determination, self-assertivity, aggression, stamina, achievement, ambition, competition, sexuality. It rules wars, weapons, accidents, …

The zodiac Cancer profile

New Moon in Cancer

Cancer new moon & partial solar eclipse The new moon of the 12th of July occurs at 20°of Cancer. Simultaneously it is a partial solar eclipse. Solar eclipses are energetically highly charged new moons, thus their impact is particularly strong. The current Cancer new moon opposes Pluto, the planet of crisis and transformation and conjuncts fixed star Castor, the brightest star of Gemini Constellation. A helpful grand water trine between the new moon, Jupiter in Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces enables a positive outlet of the tension indicated by the challenging aspects. A psychic can give you the exact insight you need. Chat with an expert today! Eclipses are energetically highly charged new moons. New moons are associated with new beginnings, while eclipses are considered wild cards, heralding beginnings through endings or powerful starts of new cycles of life. Sometimes we are aware where we need to make adjustments so that we can take things to the next level, sometimes this is not instantly obvious. Eclipses are associated with events beyond our control, so very often …

Capricorn Full Moon

Full Moon in Capricorn

Capricorn Full Moon – a culmination point The Full Moon of the 28th June occurs at 06°27′ of Capricorn. In Astrology full Moons signify the end of a 28 days’ cycle started at the previous new Moon, respectively that of the 13th of June. They are also  culmination points, where the results of the processes started during the previous lunar cycle are emerging. The current Capricorn full Moon has a heavy tone as it makes a tight conjunction with its ruler, Saturn in Capricorn. Get a trial for a psychic reading to get closer to the truth! Among other things Moon represents in Astrology the unconscious, the emotions (and the way you deal with them), the imagination, intuition, moods, sensitivity, instincts, deepest needs, concepts of security, habits, gut -reactions. It is associated with the past, the mother, family, childhood, home.  Saturn, also known as the Lord of Karma or the Taskmaster is about boundaries, tangible results, discipline, limitations, responsibilities and endings. While Saturn is at home in Capricorn, this stern sign is not the best …

New Moon in Gemini

New Moon in Gemini

New Moon in Gemini – fresh starts The New Moon in Gemini on the 13th of June occurs at the 22°44′ of the zodiac. New Moons mark the beginnings of a 28 day cycle and they are also favorable for fresh starts, setting new goals, launching new projects – especially on the areas of life where they fall on your chart. Looking for an answer? Look up a psychic today and get the support you need! The sign of Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of mental activity, communication, travel, commerce. It is a transmitter and a receiver of information and knowledge. A new Moon in this sign can be great for starting new studies (courses of foreign languages, marketing, tourism, journalism are recommended), re-branding your image, networking, traveling, contacting your acquaintances, making new friends, socializing, launching advertising campaigns, etc. The current new Moon in Gemini conjuncts five beneficial fixed stars ( Bellatrix, Capella, Phact, Mintaka, El Nath). The impact of Capella is the strongest. According to Vivianne Robson, the author of The Fixed …

May Full Moon

Impacts of yesterday’s Full Moon

May Full Moon – all depends on your Zodiac Everyone waits for the Full Moon every month due to their beliefs and guesses. People have high hopes that perhaps their fate will change for their interests and fulfill their wishes. In this article we will talk about the May Full Moon effect on the 29th on Earth, Life and Astrological Signs. Under the Numerology theories, the May Full Moon was controlled by the 6, 10 and 41 charts number, which shows us predicting the impact of the Moon and the quality of energy that will be sent to us and the successive events to this celestial event. This means that the direct impact of the Moon that night was directed to the Taurus , Gemini , Virgo and Libra under the number 41 in the astronomical map and the First, second and third order of Earth and Air constellation. As for each month energies are equivalent to some and harsh on the other, so the zodiac signs that will have a good share of the power of sanctity …

Venus perihelion

VENUS at Perihelion

Venus perihelion – some astrological details Our subject today will be how Venus perihelion – happening today on the 16th of May at 00:00 GMT – will influence our lives. Venus is the ruling planet of Libra and Taurus and is the second planet of the solar system. Venus is far from the Sun but on the other hand the the closest planet to Earth, and it is classified as a terrestrial planet like Mercury, Mars, and Earth. Venus is also called as Earth’s twin, because it has a great resemblance to the Earth. It is enough to take a look at it’s size and composition. The first visit to Venus took place in 1962 by the Mariner 2. It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychics today! Like every planet, Venus also moves around the Sun which is what we call “Venus Orbit”. Venus’s distance from the Sun varies by only about 1.5% between perihelion and aphelion. Perihelion is the closest position of Venus to the Sun and Aphelion is …

Saturn retrograde

Saturn’s retrograde motion

Saturn retrograde – When the past does not go away Sometimes memories can become obsessive, but when the lost time of regret does not abandon us, we must find the key to leave it behind. Saturn retrograde from the 18th of April in its domicile of Capricorn can lead us to all dealing with old memories and issues. When the planet of memory backs into the sky it is time to reconsider old times that no longer exists. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true reading from a psychic! Chances are high to face with our traumatic memories, the ones that left wounds in our lives, those ones of lost opportunities and the memories of the people who left us. Meditate and use this time of period to clean all the negativity rooted in your past eventually. Saturn, the planet of time and memory may remind us that we are our past. Saturn retrograde – memories Mercury represents the time that escapes with the present, that feels imaginary and fleeting and …


The missing 13th constellation; our lost star sign: OPHIUCHUS

Ophiuchus – early ages For thousands of years man looked towards the heavens for inspiration and guidance. Before the invention of the sextant, sailors followed paths in the constellations. Some of the earliest maps contained paintings of constellations. We will see that Ophiuchus was discovered a bit later. You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic right now! Ancient Egyptians portrayed the heavens as a wheel, where all things were contained within this wheel, but also rotated outside in a contrary direction, just like the moon and sun move around the Earth. Celestial observations gave prophecy to major events like flood, famine and drought. The moon’s gentle power moved oceans and tides like the virtual life blood of the planet Earth. The Sun warmed, creating new life with each day, not one person, element or animal escaped the power of the planets. The oldest undisputed evidence of astrology, as a knowledge system integrated into every person’s life, was Babylonian, so the first formed system known to man appeared in the 2nd millennium BC. The …

Sun Uranus conjunction

Uranus at solar conjunction

Sun Uranus Conjunction in Aries The Sun Uranus conjunction exacts on the 18th of April, on the 28°of Aries, two days after the New Moon (16th of April, 01:57 UTC). New Moons are regarded beginnings of 28 day cycles, while Uranus is associated with freedom, revolts, renewal, thinking outside the box, awakenings. The close approach of Uranus to the New Moon in the pioneering sign of Aries emphasizes the importance of breaking new ground and pushing into the unknown, even if this means to step away from the safe side of the road. These new starts are related to the areas of life where it falls on your birth chart. (An astrology chart consult can help to identify the tasks, so don’t hesitate to contact me.) The exact conjunction occurring two days later between the planet of creativity, conscious mind (Sun) and the cosmic “Awakener” (Uranus) puts your individuality in focus. It will help you figure out: which kind of renewals are needed, where do you need more independence and freedom, which paths will help …

Moon cycles

Love By the Light of the Moon

Moon cycles – story of lovers The Moon and the Moon cycles have been a focus of love for millennia. The story of lovers separated by miles, maybe even continents, both looking at the moon and thinking of the other is a common scene in many romances. The Moon’s feminine energy is receptive/feminine and encourages connection with the natural cycles of which you are a part. The Moon is our closest celestial neighbor and its influence on energy cannot be overstated.  Watching the Moon and understanding how your love energy is affected by the different phases can improve your chances to finding the love you are looking for. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic! It is said that timing is everything, and with finding the right love, the same holds true.  Here are some hints on how to use the cycles of the Moon in your search for love. The Moon is easy to consult, even if clouds are in the way just watching your local weather or consulting …