Special event: Mercury at dichotomy on the 28th
Mercury dichotomy – halfway Mercury reaches the 15° of Sagittarius on the 28th of December . The planet of mental processes, communication, way of perception, travels turned direct on the 22nd of December and now it is halfway through the sign of the Archer. This is an important milestone, so before launching your new projects, dedicating yourself to new visions and ideals, it is time for a reality check. Mercury dichotomy gives you this opportunity. Looking for an answer? Look up a psychic today and get the support you need! This won’t be easy, as the Mercury – Neptune square is still strong enough to alter your perception. While it stimulates imagination, generates vivid dreams, this aspect can temporarily blind you to the truth. (Considering that the sign of the Sagittarius is the sign of truth-seekers, this is quite a strange paradox.) Conspiracy theories, fantasies, wishful thinking may blur the facts, thus you may end up seeing and hearing only what you want. Still, if you make efforts to handle this challenge you will find …