
Top Psychic of the week: TXMedium

Texas Psychic Medium

Hello, my name is Shelby & I am known as The Texas Psychic Medium.  I am a teacher by professional trade; however my Psychic, Mediumship & Healing Abilities activated after a 48 day forgiveness process that a psychic had me do involving forgiveness of the mother energy.

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My kundalini energy opened up during a dream time activation done by my higher self & spiritual counsel, two weeks later I began channeling ‘dead’ people & my gifts took flight from there.

My specialty or X Factor is working with energies. What energies you may ask? Specifically; the energy system you carry.  I have the ability to remove my energy system from my body, while I breathe into your energy system.  Then using the information from my energy source, I can see, hear & feel what is ‘off’ in your energy.  Like a surgeon, I make a quick diagnosis of what is off then I quickly begin repairing the system.


Mediumship – How do I do this?

I go into the unconscious mind to decipher what thought or belief system is running the pattern that keeps the energy off task. I then go in & add in more positive information to keep the energy on track towards the outcome you desire. Furthermore, I check to see that what you say you want is also on the timeline of your future self. If not, I add it. Then once I know all the work on the piece is complete, I align all the energies & send them back to you. Depending upon how fast one processes energy it usually takes 24-48 hrs. for movement ‘out here’ to show up.

My super power are the Twin Flame Energies, as I have successfully come full ascension (whatever that means to a person) with my twin & we are married now on the physical plane as of September 2, 2016.

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The tribe who I seek are the ones who are here to open up FULLY into the 5th dimensional frequencies.

To put it SIMPLY; I can help you shift & get that thing you have been chasing, that has always been out of your reach.  I can see & shift that part of you that keeps you from getting what you want.

See you online!

Shelby aka The Texas Psychic Medium

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