
An Introduction to Mysterious Practice of Reading Tea Leaves

Reading tea leaves

Many people have been introduced to the reading of tea leaves through a scene in Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban, where the three main characters Harry, Ron, and Hermione are in a divination class. It is in this course that Harry, soon after arriving in the lecture, receives the prediction that he has “the grim” in his cup. While it made for a great scene in the movie, it begs the question – do modern-day soothsayers practice this craft? The answer is yes, and it goes beyond what you even see in the movie!

Reading tea leaves is most commonly called tasseography and this form of fortune telling has been around for centuries. Its origins can be traced in Asia, Greece, and the Middle East. However, Middle Eastern Countries commonly use coffee grounds instead of tea leaves. A tasseographer often uses a drinker’s cup to read what is happening in their present life and what they need to look out for in their future.

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Today, Tasseography is seen as a perfect introduction to divination as many of the symbols found in tasseography are open to interpretation. It’s a wonderful tool to begin taking action for the future that lies ahead and offers a great sense of empowerment. If this seems like the practice for you then you will need the following before you begin your journey into tea reading:

Step 1: Find the right cup. It is suggested by most master tea readers that you choose a cup that speaks to you and feels right in your hand. It is also recommended that your cup has flared edges and is not strictly circular. Lastly, in order to read the leaves, you will need a teacup that has a lightly colored inside. If yours is colored in black, it may be difficult to read your leaves.

Step 2: Find the right tea. Loose leaf is the best kind of tea to use for a reading (particularly those with a broad leaf). The tea in teabags are so overly processed that they often do not provide accurate or even readable results, so be sure to hop on over to a tea shop and get genuine leaves.  

Reading tea leaves

Step 3: Prepare your tea. Before you prepare your tea, it is important to be in the right mindset. Be sure that you are calm, centered, and ready to reflect before you begin. It will important not to add any additional ingredients such as cream, sugar, honey, or milk. Then, while your tea is brewing, think about what aspects of your life require guidance.

Step 4: Drink your tea as you reflect on current situation and future endeavors. Keep sipping as you desire until only about a teaspoon of water remains.

Step 5: Interpret your leaves. For this part, you do not need to be a master, just begin looking for signs and symbols the you recognize first. Some see shapes, animals, numbers, or faces. Study these symbols and write what you see and interpret the ways that they fit into your life. For a handy guide to meanings, we recommend this handy guide from theSpruceEats.

We hope you enjoyed this quick introduction and let us know what the leaves are telling you!

With love and light, Oranum. xx

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