Lifestyle, Spiritual Healing

How to Practice Ho’oponopono?


Have you ever felt completely trapped by your own feelings of resentment and anger towards someone? If so, you are familiar with how such thoughts can poison every aspect of your life. Should you begin looking for ways to remedy these feelings, perhaps you should try an introduction to the healing and meditative practice of Ho’oponopono. Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian healing ritual of forgiveness. If you are feeling particularly angry or have a desire to let go of unnecessary or negative emotions, then this is a habit that you should undertake.

The Hawaiian people have long understood how the pain of resentment and negativity can impact every aspect of our life. When the world is full of these burning emotions, it is hard to live fully. If you have a tendency to cut off meaningful relationships in your life due to these damaging feelings, then perhaps a ritual in forgiveness is just what you need.


So, what does Ho’oponopono mean exactly? Well if you look at a Hawaiian dictionary, Pono could take up almost a full page – it has many meanings, such as: morality, well-being, prosperity, welfare, benefit, duty, moral, just, virtuous, fair, beneficial. By adding the Ho’o to the pono, you give it action. Modern Indigenous Hawaiian healers use Hoʻoponopono and have broken it down into four steps:

1. I’m sorry

2. I forgive me

3. I love you

4. I am grateful

When you repeat these words, you remove negative blockages in your mind and allow yourself to heal. This practice is particularly powerful in that it not only promotes self-forgiveness but also external forgiveness for people who you may feel have wronged you. You might be thinking how you can incorporate such a ritual in your busy and chaotic life? Well, that is part of the magic of Ho’oponopono, it is something that you can use frequently and in a short period of time. A quick morning or mid-day mediation will do just fine. For someone looking for something more substantive however, you can extend the repeating of the words for as long as you need. We also recommend giving this pre-sleep Ho’oponopono meditation on Youtube a try and letting us know how it works for you.

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