
Top Spiritual Symbols series – The Yin and Yang symbol

Yin and Yang symbol

Everything in the universe can be divided into yin and yang, or male and female energy. Yin and Yang symbol holds its roots in Taoism/Daoism, and Chinese religion and philosophy. The yin, the black swirl, is associated with shadows, femininity, and the trough of a wave. The yang is for the male energy, represented by the white swirl which stands for light, brightness, passion and growth.

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Both sides contain a little bit of the other which shows the perfect balance. Nothing in the universe can exist without balance. You may discover Yin and Yang in everything, and most things are a mixture of both. An eggshell is Yang, but the egg inside is Yin. Wheat in the field is Yang, but once it is harvested, it becomes Yin. One can turn into the other, and the best things in life lie at the confluence of the two.

Even when it comes to your meals you may see the pattern. Yang foods are those which are spicy or sweet. Like the warmth that Yang imbues, Yang foods are often those in warm colors like red and orange. Yin foods are those which are salty or bitter and sour or creamy. They are cool in color, and are typically grown in water.

Yin and Yang symbol

Regardless of gender, Yin and Yang are both present in the human body as well, and their strength waxes and wanes with the time of the day. Naturally, Yang is stronger during the day when the Sun is out and it is warm. And Yin takes over at night, when its representative, the Moon, comes out to play. We can employ this symbol to help us understand the duality of nature and the duality of ourselves.

Each of us has the capacity to achieve endless greatness. On the flip-side, we all have capacity for extraordinary destruction. Most of us walk that thin line in-between. Use this symbol if you need balance between work and play, leading or following, and most of all seeing how you can bring a peaceful use to male and female energy in your daily life. 

Top Spiritual Symbols series will continue.

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