All posts tagged: horoscope

Mars - Jupiter trine

Mars – Jupiter trine 2019

The trine between Mars and Jupiter Rx perfects on the 25th of July on the 14°57 of Leo/Sagittarius. It is a very beneficial transit, which blows away the storm clouds of the previous weeks. You can take advantage of this energy for cca. 8 – 9 days. Mars is our vital energy, drive, stamina and self-assertivity. It is also the planet of aggression and war. Martian qualities are in tune with the passionate nature of Leo. Jupiter is the principle of growth, generosity, luck, faith, expansion, higher perspective. It is at home in Sagittarius, the sign of idealism, faith, opportunity, journeys. Trouble finding out what your next step should be? Astrologers will guide you the right way on  Mars – Jupiter trine – your efforts attract the luck The harmonious aspects of Mars and Jupiter are associated with self confidence, good luck, competitive spirit, big achievements, successful actions. However, especially if they occur in fire signs, there can be a lot of hot air. Excesses, impulsivity, restlessness, foolish risk-taking, careless spending are their downsides. …

Partial lunar eclipse

Partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn

The Full Moon of the 16th of July occurs at 24°04′ of Capricorn. It is also a potent partial lunar eclipse. Eclipses are wild cards, bringing profound changes and transformations. We are in the eclipse season, started on the 2nd of July with a new moon and a total solar eclipse in Cancer. The current full moon is the corresponding partial lunar eclipse. Actually the eclipses highlighting the signs of Cancer and Capricorn begun in July 2018 and they will last until the summer of 2020. Looking for an answer? Look up a psychic today and get the support you need! Partial lunar eclipse – endings and beginnings The sign of Cancer is associated with our roots, families, homes, family dynamics, security needs, mother – child relationships, memories. The sign of Capricorn is about vocation, status, social roles, control, reputation, worldly achievements, orientation. Certainly these are only a few of the general themes of the signs. Apart of  them, the eclipses will bring changes, endings and beginnings on the areas of life (houses) where they …

Love Tarot Reading

Tarot Card Love Compatibility

So you’re on the brink of a relationship and want to know whether you should go ahead with this person you are interested in? Summon the wisdom of the Tarot and find out whether the relationship you are about to begin with is worth your time and effort. A love Tarot Reading can help… Getting yourself a love Tarot reading will provide you with the insights needed to avert a crushing heartbreak. Why leave this to chance anyway? Tarot cards are more than mere symbols. Get to know your future today on! How can Tarot help you predict if you and your partner are compatible? Tarot Cards, unlike other prophecy mediums, put stock by the situation that life is governed by. While zodiac signs and numerology can tell you whether a person born under a certain sign or number is fit for partnership or not, Tarot takes into account the present mindset and circumstances of an individual. It does not make any sweeping predictions. In order to find out whether you and your partner …

Dating advice

Can you rely on a psychic for dating advice?

You’ve had a bad run as far as dating is considered and don’t want to take further risks. While you’d usually turn to your friends or family to screen whether your potential love interest is right for you or not, sometimes it pays to enlist professional help. You may or may not believe what the psychic’s predictions turn out to be. Even if for entertainment or trustworthy guidance, you could try seeking out a psych to help with your dating endeavors. Go for dating advice today! When there is no way to cope you need to ask a trustworthy Psychic for accurate love advice! However, the question often tends to be – just how reliable is a psychic really when it comes to guidance in life regarding relationships or otherwise? Should you rely on a psychic for dating advice? Let’s find out the answer to these intriguing questions. Regarding dating advice, a love psychic could do the following things for you: They could tell you if the person you’re about to date is right for …


Why Do You Need to Practice the Art of Self-Reflection

As life is fast-paced in every sense, you tend to get caught up in everything that is going on around you. While technology is great in making your life straightforward, it makes it harder to spend time with yourself. Today, it is very important to slow things down, so that you can make sense of everything. In other words, it is essential to practice the art of self-reflection so that you can grow both as an individual and a spiritual person simultaneously. Being one with your thoughts will help you come to terms with your life while giving you the solutions to turn your life around completely. Here are three reasons why you need to practice the art of self-reflection on a regular basis: To challenge and understand your negative thoughts Due to speed at which everything moves around you, there will be several times when you tend to dwell on negative thoughts. These ideas make you feel horrible or embarrassed about yourself, which hinders your spiritual growth. With self-reflection, you will learn to look …

Twin flame relationship

Twin Flame Relationship – How to Make it Work?

One of the best feelings in the world is to experience a twin flame relationship. In this type of special connection, you feel at home, even before you know your partner completely. You believe that there was a special reason in the universe which brought both of you together to experience the joys of life. However, due to the intensity of this relationship during the early stages, it tends to be confusing and chaotic. Sometimes, you don’t know what to do with your partner, even though you feel strongly for your significant other. Here are three keys, which will help make the twin flame relationship work: Balance out the relationship To ensure your relationship is successful, you need to balance everything out. In other words, you need to make it healthy, which will allow you and your partner to thrive. As you take love, affection, and positive energies from your significant other, you must return the same. Remember to have deep conversations, so that you can get a better understanding of this relationship and your …

Summer solstice

The summer solstice 2019

The summer solstice occurs on the 21th of June, when the Sun enters Cancer. On the Northern hemisphere this marks the beginning of the summer. Solstices and equinoxes have an Astrological significance; the summer solstice chart gives an insight in the opportunities, challenges and tasks of the period up to the Autumn Equinox. At the summer solstice, we have the longest day and the shortest night of the year. We hit the mid year point so it is time to reflect. Cancer is the sign of family, nurturing, deep emotions. It is the natural ruler of the IVth house, the area of life associated with our roots, our past, our home. As such, Cancer season is a great opportunity for nourishing our inner child, evaluating our relationships, connecting with our loved ones. However a cardinal opposition between Mercury, Mars in Cancer, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn indicates intense challenges on different areas of life ( family, personal relationships, business, career). The tensions related to this aspect pattern culminated between the 11th -20th of June. Although …

Positive attitude

How a positive attitude can help you deal with loss

Loss and hardships are part and parcel of life. There’s no way to avoid that. However, nursing a positive attitude and outlook towards life is a great deal. We’ve all heard of the adage – What you think is what you become. It’s true. How we think affects our worldview in a major way. If we think negatively, we can easily be disheartened by disappointments in life. On the other hand, if we cultivate a positive attitude, we can take things in our stride more easily and be ready to tackle come whatever may. Below, we discuss how a positive attitude can help us deal with loss – Get in tune with your daily reality by knowing your horoscope! Talk to an astrology expert on Oranum! Positive attitude gives you hope – Loss can have us feeling down in the dumps. It can rid us of all our hopes and dreams. We stop looking at the silver lining when we face consecutive losses in our lives. It is important to not give in to this …

Lucky number

Here Is How to Get Your Personal Lucky Number

Lucky number – guidance A person’s lucky number can go a long way in influencing your life positively. But, how do you identify your lucky number? Well, we’ve attempted to offer some guidance via this blog. You see, your lucky numbers are primarily derived from your date of birth. However, your date of birth itself is divided into two categories – the “Birth number” and the “Life Path Number”. The former is a single digit total of your birth date, while the latter is a single digital total of the day, month, and year on which you were born. This might sound very confusing, but we’ll simplify it for you using an example. Let’s say your birth date is 16.09.1995. Here your “Birth Number” can be derived by adding the two digits in your birth date i.e. 16. So, 1+6 = 7. 7 is your Birth Number. Lucky number – Life path number Now, to calculate your “Life Path Number”, we simply add the day, month, and year you were born in. So, that is 1+6+0+9+1+9+9+5 …

spiritual love

Are You Experiencing Spiritual Love?

You will agree that a person in love can do crazy things. While some elope from their homes, there are others who do not come out of their abusive relationship only because they think they are still in love. Some people even quit their jobs for the sake of what they consider as true love. While a majority of people claim of being in love, very few of them, in reality, have a real understanding of the true meaning of spiritual love. Loves me? Loves me not? Don’t hesitate to get a love reading on! Spiritual love is about equality Many people are unaware of the importance of equality in any relationship. When two persons connect and make up their minds to say together, their roles are automatically defined. Each partner can acknowledge the talent of the other and have regards from one another so that there is absolute magic in their relationship. When there is spiritual love between couples, they are both aware of who can handle a specific aspect of their lives …