
How a positive attitude can help you deal with loss

Positive attitude

Loss and hardships are part and parcel of life. There’s no way to avoid that. However, nursing a positive attitude and outlook towards life is a great deal. We’ve all heard of the adage – What you think is what you become. It’s true. How we think affects our worldview in a major way. If we think negatively, we can easily be disheartened by disappointments in life. On the other hand, if we cultivate a positive attitude, we can take things in our stride more easily and be ready to tackle come whatever may. Below, we discuss how a positive attitude can help us deal with loss –

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  • Positive attitude gives you hope – Loss can have us feeling down in the dumps. It can rid us of all our hopes and dreams. We stop looking at the silver lining when we face consecutive losses in our lives. It is important to not give in to this toxic pattern of thought and keep a positive outlook. Looking at things positively will help us get out of bed and function even when we don’t want to.
Positive attitude
  • Positive attitude makes you recognize your privilege – Sometimes, when we are sad and unhappy, we begin to feel pity for ourselves and think of our problems as the worst. When you try to curate a positive mindset, you look at the world around you and acknowledge how despite your worst worries, you are still well fed, safe and healthy. Being able to recognize this gives you the strength and perseverance to weather adversities in life. You know no matter how bad things are, you still have the skill-set in you to improve your condition.
  • Positive attitude allows you to enjoy the little things – Often the little things get overlooked in the scheme of the bigger picture in life. These little things though are what make many of us happy. Say, you’ve lost a pet and are grieving. Instead of focusing on its absence, think of all the great times that you shared. Don’t let the fact that it’s gone now take away from the fact that it was your companion and source of joy for years.

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