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Weekly horoscopes

Spring Fling with the Future: Jupiter and Uranus Align for Prosperity and Progress

Spring brings not only warmer weather but also a powerful astrological event: the meeting of Jupiter, the planet of expansion and fortune, and Uranus, the awakener of change and innovation. The long-awaited conjunction will occur on April 21 at 21°24′ Taurus, opening the next 14-year cycle of prosperity, expansion, and innovation. Jupiter and Uranus are some of the best cosmic pals around. Both are brimming with optimism, a thirst for adventure, and a restless urge to push boundaries to pursue life’s greater possibilities. They crave freedom, new ideas, and exploration, but patience and practicality aren’t exactly their strong suits. There are also some differences in the way they manifest. Because Jupiter’s orbit is within Saturn, it is rooted in tradition. While it loves change, it prefers growth within established structures. On the other hand, Uranus, a trans-Saturnian planet, is the ultimate rule breaker, a maverick who thrives on shaking things up. This can be a double-edged sword. It’s fantastic for dismantling outdated systems, but sometimes that rebellious streak can lead us to throw out the …

Weekly Horoscopes

Dive Deep, Dream Big: A Guide to Mars in Pisces

On March 22, fiery Mars takes a deep dive into the mystical waters of Pisces, where it will remain until April 30. While the next six weeks can be a propitious time to channel your inner visionary or artist, harnessing the full potential of this transit will require mindfulness. We’ll explore the incredible upsides and potential pitfalls.

7 Spiritual Gains when staying True to Yourself

Gather around and allow the breakthrough to unchain you. Watch as heaven’s doors open for you and your mind abides by your spiritual discipline. Are you ready to finally take the reins of your own life and maintain and develop your unique spiritual Truth? A double edge sword as you recognize you cannot take your old self with you: a bitter taste as you leave the painful hell, but sweet stepping in through the gates of blissful heaven. As you step into your state of spiritual Truth, you open yourself to new hopes and possibilities for receiving the blessings sent to you by the universe, embracing success. Your light shines brightly, vulnerable yet strong; you know who you are, a beacon for health, love and light. A guiding inspiration, a walking flame of hope, you have walked through your shadows and still found the light. Congratulations, because you have discovered the importance of staying true to yourself. You got through to the other side, listening to that inner voice, following the signs, and stumbling, falling, …

Home Cleansing with LoveDrNikki

Oranum’s LoveDrNikki on How to Cleanse Your Home from Negativity.

Don’t miss the recent article we were featured in: “Smudging Your Home: Experts Reveal How to Achieve Positive Energy”. Oranum Psychic LoveDrNikki shared her knowledge in this piece by US-based real-estate company Redfin, with her top tips on how to cleanse your home from negativity. If you’re feeling uninspired, drained, or downright miserable, your home may be to blame. Smudging, the ancient ceremonial practice of burning herbs to banish negative energies can help purify the environment around you and invite positive energy back into your home. LoveDrNikki recommends using many methods to balance the energies of your home. In particular, one useful practice is using the waning moon to your advantage. You can read more about this below: “You can cleanse your new home in a variety of ways from smudging with sage or incense to using sea salt and crystals as a protective barrier against negative energy. The best time to perform your cleanse is on a morning of a waning (shrinking) moon. If you find a room that feels cold, has a strange …

Summer solstice

Summer Solstice Sun Water: Make the Most Out of Midsummer 2021

Every June, the longest day of the year comes to greet us. Sometimes referred to as Midsummer but more commonly called the Summer Solstice. This event is celebrated globally by different cultures who use their own customs and traditions to praise the sun and welcome summer! It is a bright day for all, and some parts of the world will experience upwards of 17 hours of daylight. This year, we all become sun worshippers on June 21. One of the best ways we like to celebrate the occasion is to make Summer Solstice sun water!   There is good reason to want to harness the spiritual energy of this special day. Many astrologers believe that the sun is strongest during the solstice. Moreover, and its powers and energies will have the greatest effect on us. So, how can we seize this solar magic for ourselves?    While you may have heard of moon water and the wonderful ways it can help with grounding, setting intentions, and manifesting, have you ever heart of sun water?  Few people know about the incredible benefits of sun water. More importantly that the energy from this day can be captured in a jar by making Summer Solstice sun water. We can help if …


What is Oranum?

For over a decade, our trusted network of psychics and advisors have been committed to empowering people from all walks of life. From questions about relationships, gaining closure, finding life’s purpose, and more, our spiritual experts on Oranum have you covered. In addition to our variety of services, you can rest assured knowing that you have access to an incredibly diverse array of specialists. From mediums and Tarot readers to astrologers and healers, we provide you with only the best in the industry. Our members have been returning to see our psychics for years, and we want you to find out why! Oranum’s mission is to help connect the spiritual community to gifted advisors through modern digital technology. How does it work? Just take a look at this informative flowchart below: We have a surprise for you! We will give you FREE Credits to get your first reading! All you need to do is validate your credit card on in order to grab 9.99 free credits which may cover your first minutes with the …

Finding the Perfect Job for Your Astrological Sign

It’s Monday morning, and yet again, you’re dreading the workweek ahead. If it weren’t for the fact that you need to pay bills and keep a roof over your head, you’d be tempted to tell your boss exactly where he can hold his morning meeting so you can spend the morning in bed instead. Since that’s not an option, you’re probably better off finding a better job. Instead of risking another awful office experience, try looking to the stars to help you find the perfect fit. Follow the Signs You might be skeptical that astrology can help you find the perfect job. After all, there’s little chance that your morning horoscope is going to direct you to become an accountant or a teacher. However, by looking at your astrological chart with a trained professional, you’ll embark on a journey of self-discovery that may guide you toward careers and professions that you may not have otherwise considered. You might also discover that the reason you’re so unhappy in your current line of work is simply that …