
Is there such a thing as love at first sight?

Love at first sight

Popular culture is abundant with examples of love at first sight. But does such a thing really exist in reality? Can you actually fall in love with a person on your first meeting? If yes, then what do you think makes this possible? These are all legitimate questions that have divided our society. Half of all people believe that Cupid’s arrow does indeed strike an innocent passersby, while others are certain that love at first sight is nothing but a function of our hormones. Here, we discuss this topic in more detail below.

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So the answer lies in how you define love. It’s safe to say that the love you experience at first sight is probably more attraction and lust than love. Also, men are more prone to falling in love at first sight as they tend to be more visually-inclined than women.

Love at first sight – be open to the possibility

Say you met someone at a party and developed a strong connection with them over a matter of hours – maybe it’s because you have known each other in a past life. Perhaps there is a soul connection here that you are unable to recognize. People who do not live by their ego tend to fall in love at first sight the most. They are open to experimenting with the possibilities of dating a near stranger.

Love at first sight

Infatuation hits hard and fast and can last for a couple of months. Love, on the other hand, results from knowing another person for long enough to be able to understand and trust him/her.

If you’re interested in the science behind falling in love, the Internet has a lot of research that you can browse through that equally validates and negates the existence of such a thing. However, nothing can quite sum up the experience for a person unless and until they experience it for themselves.

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Love at first sight – more love in your life

All of us need more love in our lives. So we shouldn’t be suspicious of where this love is coming from. We should make it a habit to welcome it with open arms. After all, what’s love without the risk of hurt? If you like someone enough, just let them know.

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