
Palmistry 101

Palm reading

Palmistry (also referred to as chiromancy) is a form of fortunetelling that is completed through reading and interpreting the lines, folds, and wrinkles of the palm. Today, you can find a skilled palm reader in almost every city, but this wasn’t always the case. The exact birthplace of palmistry is unknown but the earliest accounts of reading one’s palms to give predictions are found in India and then later spreading to Persia, Tibet, Egypt, China, and Greece.

During the medieval period, palm reading was almost eradicated as it was associated with devil worship by the Catholic church. During this time, its use was strictly prohibited, and practitioners were classified as sorcerers. Those who were caught using palmistry methods were severely punished and often killed. However, the tradition still carries strongly into the present day despite such suppression.

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Palm reading prevailed and even ended up thriving during the Renaissance. In the 20th century, it even saw renewed attention through interpretations by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung. Today, modern medicine (while not officially recognizing chiromancy) also takes hands into consideration when looking at indicators of a person’s occupation, health, and tendencies towards anxiety.

Palm reading – the three most well-known lines

Today Palm readers look at a wide array of criteria when conducting a reading. For example, the size, shape, and length of fingers all come into consideration. However, the most basic reading will include an investigation of the three most well-known lines:

The Life Line: Just by its name, I am sure you can tell that the Life Line is pretty important! This line shows your lifepath as well as your current health status. When looking at this line, look for upward or downward slopes, which can indicate either a recovery or a negative change ahead.

The Head Line: This line is connected to all things mental such as your curiosity, wisdom, and will power. There are many indications for this line. For example, a deep line indicates an exceptional memory. Whereas a broken line denotes someone who tends to be deeply nervous or inconsistent in their thinking.

The Heart Line: As the line dedicated to love, the length, curvature, and absence of this line can tell a reader many things. For example, those with a broken love line often signals a person who has suffered with difficult relationships.

Palm reading

Palm reading – Looking for more?

Here a few other fun facts about palm reading that might strike your interest:

  • You can’t just read one hand to get the information you seek as the right and left palms are completely different. Some believe that the left hand presents potential or what could be, while the right hand shows you the potential of what will be. Others prefer to read the dominant hand of a person for the conscious and the less dominant for the subconscious.
  • Some readers may request that you cleanse your palm with some or cleansing scents like lavender and sage. This allows for the reading to take place with a clean slate and to purge any outside energies from entering the reading.

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